Chapter Sixty-Two Long Hand Tapper Short, Crazy White!!



Two large aluminum-hot grenades, each hitting behind two beast-level titans, tried to kill BT with this.

It’s just that the BT that Cooper drives won’t give Ken a chance to get close at all.

【Iron Drive, weapon of the Blazing Titans, three-shot loading】

Coupled with the previous shot, Ken is now in the output gap period! Eggplant slammed the joystick with both hands, a knife arc polled past, Ken’s Blazing Titan, simply could not dodge, BT’s arc knife, directly split Ken put the heat shield, like a hot knife cutting butter, Zelazra cut Ken Titan face!

【Detection of a decrease in the value of the Flaming Titan Shield】.

This knife arc knife pasted on the face, and the audience in the live broadcast room of the slash screamed and exhaled!

“Another knife BT!”

“Chop him down!” Let this B hand down! ”

“Mader, I think this Blazing Titan is funny!” Such a big aluminium flame, a fool will stand inside and burn it all the time! ”

“If you don’t say anything, what are the five of the four major generals?”

“I think Ken still has strength!” Only this time it was careless, no flash! Didn’t expect BT to cheat, to sneak attack! ”

“The other side must be thinking, BT, you don’t talk about martial arts! How can you switch weapons at will! ”

The shield value of the Ken Titan has been slashed by BT by less than half. Just a stab!

At this point, not only was there no laughter, but even the speech began to go crazy.

“Don’t think you can beat me!”

“I’m Blazing Kenne!”

Bang bang is three rounds of aluminum hot fireworks, but the eggplant and BT, are not stupid enough to be themselves in the fire. Even if it touches a little edge, it quickly dodges away.

Coupled with the impact of the nuclear explosion just now, the current battlefield can be said to be full of ruins.

There is no need to worry about terrain cover to rely on.

The Blazing Titan’s aluminothermic flame range attack became a joke instead. The Flaming Titan, who was already short in hand, was madly glanced at by BT with a cannon! The shield value crept down.

The audience in the live broadcast room, this is a cool batch to watch!

“Isn’t this B jumping just now!” Keep jumping! ”

“Not much more to say?” Still laughing can’t you? ”

“Nyima has long seen that this product is not pleasing to the eye, so she will put this outfit on the scene and let you put it on!”

“Eggplant will be executed later!” Take this Ken straight out and crush it! ”

“This Ken mentality has collapsed! I’ll crash in exchange for me! ”

All kinds of high-praise bullet screens, all clearly sent to the eggplant’s ear. This time, the water friends were not wrong, and the opposite Ken’s mentality really collapsed. The cheerful laughter of being beaten by BT is nothing, watching the Blazing Titan can’t even touch the edge of BT, Ken can only go crazy incompetent rage!

Compared with the arrogance before the war, coercion, and a strong mockery and persuasion, it is simply a heaven and an underground.

Even Ken himself still couldn’t believe it.

A guy who has never heard of a name, a guy who has never heard of a name, can actually beat himself to the teeth of a decades-long battlefield veteran?! Bang!

Another arc wave slashes hard at Ken Titan!

[Detection of enemy Titan shield value reduced to 0]

BT’s voice seems to carry a hint of excitement!

[Iron Drive, Ken is a senior IMC cadre, and should carry important confidential information on his body]

[I suggest…]

“Don’t want that kind of violent execution, right?”

[That’s right, Iron Drive, in addition, I detected that the opposite side was about to use the core burst]

As soon as the BT prompt sounded, Eggplant saw Ken’s Blazing Tank, and his body movements suddenly became stiff.

【Blaze Level Core Burst Skill: Blazing Core】

[Unleash a wave of flames and deal a lot of damage to enemies in the path]

On the display screen in front of Eggplant’s eyes, a string of white words quickly flashed.

It seems that BT’s fierce beating has really forced Ken to be anxious!

Eggplant pulls the lever back and is preparing to drive the BT to dodge this wave of core explosions.

A familiar voice suddenly came from the ear communication channel: “The electromagnetic railgun is ready to aim.”


A coarse electromagnetic railgun, perfectly through one wall after another, right in the heart of the Ken Titan. Rumble!

The Blazing Titan, which had lost its shield, received a powerful electromagnetic railgun in front of it

Immediately the whole body is trapped in a short hard straight! The circuit conduction is directly destroyed.

Eggplant doesn’t need to be confirmed again, this must be the support from the noble squad Polaris Titan!

The opportunity can not be lost, BT directly took out the arc of the back of the long knife, from behind the bunker stride directly up, with a dazzling electromagnetic blue light, straight into the chest of the Flaming Titan! Airplanes……… Airplanes………

BT this knife, precise insertion into the Blazing Titan core engine position. Instantaneously, the full body indicator lights go out.


The huge body slammed to the ground.

Only Ken’s frantic and unwilling howl, “Ken says it’s over!” ”

With a pop, the arc knife inserted into the core was pulled out by BT. Bring up a bunch of broken parts, sparks splash around.

BT’s thick electronic voice once again sounded on the battlefield, and Eggplant, Su Chen, and the audience in front of the live broadcast room all breathed.

“It’s a pity that this cargo cannot be executed directly.”

Eggplant is still a bit sorry, not to do this because BT reminded itself before that this IMC high-level combat force, there will be very useful confidential information.

[Detection of enemy Flaming Titan pilot, signs of life are still there] Eggplant listened, directly two eyes glow!

“BT, open the door!”

Card……… Uh

The cockpit door opens, the eggplant jumps directly out of the compartment, and the Geiger counter built into the helmet immediately rings: “Radiation coefficient in the air detected: medium to high, please do not be exposed to the outside for a long time.” ”

After the explosion of a tactical nuclear bomb, the high-intensity radiation did not exist for a long time, and it was almost attenuated now.

Low-intensity radiation will last longer and be more difficult to attenuate, but for Cooper, whose body has been specially strengthened, it will not cause substantial damage except for some vertigo. And even if it is high radiation, eggplant recognizes!

This Ken is still alive!

I want the pleasure of hand-bladed this beast, and it swells wildly in my chest!

A big jump, jump on the Flaming Titan’s burned pitch-black shell snap!

Cooper, with a pair of ruthless iron hands, pried open the cockpit door directly, “I’m here, Ken. ”

Cooper’s icy words echoed in the cockpit. Blood-stained Ken, looking at Cooper with fear on his face, shuddered!

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