Chapter Sixty-Five Oasis Server!!

Game Director of Goose Factory, heart cluck!

The server is down again?!

“What’s going on!?”

“Which dog day is taking the server to mine the next film?!!”

The game development staff at the bottom were trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Who doesn’t know that this director is inextricably linked to the boss Hua Teng. To say that someone is holding the server of the goose factory to mine the next film, it is certainly impossible.

Who eats the leopard’s guts and dares to do such a thing!

“Borrow the title to play this goods……”

“Shhh… Be quiet! ”

The back row employees, taking advantage of the director’s lack of attention, secretly whispered.

“Hurry up and let the maintenance department pass!” Right away! ”

In fact, the game director of the goose factory is not all using the title to play scolding!

Although I was indeed ready to do something with Titan Fall 2’s server, it wasn’t today!

The number of players who buy the game is still rising one by one

As soon as the platform is fried, the goose factory’s own smoking is gone, and it is all white flowers and silver!

Moreover, the goose factory, which originally had a bad reputation, will face the direct fire of the whole network players!

Sure enough, in less than a second, on the huge display screen in the hall, you can see the bullet screen of each live broadcast room instantly explode!

One second ago, all the anchors and players, brush off the line, the next second, tens of millions of water friends viewers, direct firepower, open the spray goose factory!

“The goose factory on Dog Day doesn’t do the right thing!”

“rnm’s play a stand-alone game also requires mandatory network authentication! Batch Platform”

“The sleeping trough turned out to be the goose factory platform collapsed?” I thought it was the special effects after the nuclear explosion! Force drop! ”

“Nima, I think so too! I thought it was the effect of the game producers again! ”

“The goose factory came out and was beaten!”

After the bullet screen began to greet the immediate family of the boss of the goose factory, the game director could no longer hang on his face, snapped, and directly turned off the display screen in the hall.

The face is black and can no longer be black, and it is directly striding towards the server maintenance department! At the same moment, Su Chen’s side also dropped the line.

However, this timing of dropping the line actually made Su Chen happy. I didn’t expect it to unfold so dramatically.

Just after finishing the plot of the chapter “Rust and Blood” of the Titan Fall, the goose factory platform came to a just right collapse and dropped the line, so that Su Chen thought at first that he had accidentally added a special effects code.


“Just rest and rest, no night the goose factory should not be able to repair the server, Su Chen took off the VR helmet, put it aside, the fatigue of the whole body immediately surged up,”

“The nuclear explosion of the sleeping tank is a bit big…”

It’s like feeling after some vigorous exercise, my hands and feet are heavy.

“If you haven’t personally experienced a wave, it’s really difficult to grasp how to adjust the simulation level later.”

As soon as the big characters lay back, Su Chen began to think about his future plans. The first important thing is to move.

The reason is simple, this little rental house is so basic! The beds are full of people, and the windows are leaking.

Not to mention, because Su Chen himself has released some “color” games, many peers in the industry, as well as senior players know that the place where they live is now Su Chen is also a person with billions of cash flow on hand

One Titan Fall sold for 199rmb and has now sold five million copies upwards.

Still living in this kind of little black house, not fitting, very inappropriate! Thinking of this, Su Chen directly opened his mobile phone to dial a call: “Crooked? ”

“Is it the sales office of Moduchen Tang Yipin?”

“Yes, I want a duplex villa backed by the mountain, preferably away from the city.”

“Can I check in tomorrow with my bags?”

“Yes, full amount, give me the payment account.”

Snap and hang up the phone.

“Rory is like seeing a ghost.”

Su Chen is also the first time to buy a house, this thing in his imagination, is not a hand of goods, tomorrow will carry the bag to move in this rhythm? As a result, the opposite side also gave him a variety of suggestions for xx bank low-interest loans, a full payment is not the end, where there are so many twists and turns. In a word, trouble!

“Set this duplex villa first, and then go back and find a better place.”

The matter of living is temporarily solved, and the sales company of the car says that it will send a special car to pick up and drop off these days, but do not have to consider it first.

“Oh yes, look at how many flowers and blades were collected this time… Sleeper! ”


The moment you open the system interface, you are still collecting blades from the player’s anger and sending them like snowflakes!

Of course, there are many flowers, but compared to the blade, it is indeed a little insufficient.

“It seems that the scene of the nuclear explosion is a bit harmful to the players.”

Su Chen smiled, coupled with the collapse of the platform just right for the goose factory, players could not even board the game, and the desire to beat up the IMC big black hand was even more impossible to talk about.

Negative emotions erupted, and finally all of them were converted into blades and sent to Su Chen.

“If Nyima were a real blade, it would be enough for me to build a house!”

【System Mall cooled down, please select the reward you need to redeem】

This system is so good, the only place to pull across is the mall to change something, and actually get a refresh cooldown.

Or Su Chen is sure to buy all the essence!

“National Team Level Music Production”

“NPC Nature Dialogue Improvement”

“VR Simulation Native Adaptation”

Su Chen directly bought all three mall rewards that were brushed out.

Music needless to say, with this skill, you can make your own fusion of many classic game BGM, when the time comes to add to the game, the plot key moment to play, think about it is cool!

NPC dialogue improves this skill, that is, to make the player more immersive, so that each NPC in the eyes of the player, become flesh and blood people.

Depending on the player’s different dialogues, NPCs can respond naturally. There will be no cross-service communication.

The last VR simulation native adaptation is the one that makes Su Chen the most excited of all the rewards this time!

The VR simulation technology on the blue star, although it is already very advanced, is still not detailed enough to reflect in the game.

After all, it is not a native game adaptation, just like in Titan Fall, the player wears VR gloves and simulates the time when pulling the trigger of a firearm. It’s all the same damping and vibration.

Obviously, this is not in line with common sense.

Pull the trigger of a small pistol, and press the big machine gun, that obviously will not be a force!

After joining this VR adaptation function, the player pulls the trigger, or other assassination stabbing, the wall slides the action, and the VR gloves will transmit a completely different sense of damping to the player. Simply put, it’s about making VR simulations more realistic.

“There seems to be another reward……!”

Su Chen had planned to close the system interface and get ready for a good night’s sleep. Unexpectedly, at the end also brushed out a realistic reward!

【Oasis Server】

Su Chen quickly scanned the reward profile, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, this is the platform of his dreams!

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