Chapter Seventy-Two Crazy? Cooper dismantles Titans with his bare hands?!!

In the midst of the barrage of the live broadcast room, Cooper, played by the little sister, opened the cabin, got off the plane, jumped big, turned over and shot in the air, all in one go.


A magnetic grenade hit the IMC in the midst of the dense influx of soldiers. Immediately break up the IMC soldier offensive formation.

The IMC soldiers obviously did not expect that Iron Cooper would actually take the initiative to jump out of the cockpit!

Under the dense fire of the IMC, this guy Cooper is not going to die?

“Attention units! Attack the highest priority target modified to Cooper! ”

“That SRS Vanguard Titan may be in trouble!”

“Focus your firepower to attack Cooper first!”

“Watch out for the magnetic grenade in his hand!”



All at once, the fire was transferred to Cooper.

Dumb little sister landed steadily, an arrow step directly rushed to a tree, the right hand was directly on the left wrist, similar to the mysterious wristband device of the watch, beep…

From head to toe, quickly enter the fading state. The head-up display inside the Iron Rider helmet shows:

【Duration: 5 seconds】

“What about the Iron Horse of the Resistance?”

In full view of everyone, Cooper’s figure suddenly disappeared! The IMC soldiers were frightened one by one,

“Lieutenant! Request your Titan support! ”

“Coordinates woodland!”

“……… Roger that! ”

“Spread out! Opposite is Cooper who kills a team! ”

The sudden encounter, a chaos, and the audience in the live broadcast room were all relieved: “Little sister, you finally remember the skill of invisibility!” ”

“Mad is a bit handsome, this wave A sister! A smooth horse! ”

“Tearful Rem”

“I just went to see the pig and the eggplant, and I really went all the way.”

“Cut out the optical invisibility the whole time!”

Indeed, as the audience in the live broadcast room said, now the live broadcast room of several head game anchors on the seafood station is all merged on the home page, and can be watched together.

Stay little sister the slowest!

Others either show off their BT marksmanship or release various skills accurately, and they have already made a sudden breakthrough.

On the side of the little sister, the IMC troops were caught off guard by the raid, but the next five seconds of stealth time, the IMC soldiers fired at the location where Cooper had just disappeared, completely unrestricted and wanton!

A shuttle of bullets, rubbing the scalp of the little sister flew past, all kinds of aluminium grenades exploded behind the body, and soon there was almost no place on the ground to stand, and the scalp of the little sister was numb!

“How do you feel that the difficulty of the game has increased so much?”

In his heart, he has sent countless blades to producer Su Chen!

“I knew it would be better to fly a Hornet plane!”

Relying on the five-second optical invisibility, the little sister has circled behind the IMC soldiers

The magnetic grenade launcher in your hand is another wave of output, bang! Bang!

The battle situation is scorching! Intense!

“Lieutenant’s Titan is coming!”

An IMC soldier who shows each other the marksmanship of human strokes with his little sister. Suddenly burst into a burst of cheers!


Cooper played by the little sister was shocked! Without even turning his head to look, there was a familiar Titan banging sound behind him!

“IMC Mercenary Squadron Seventh Squadron Lieutenant Taylor”

“Iron Cooper, lay down your arms!”

A rocket fired straight at you!

The little sister barely avoided it, almost wanting to break out and scold, “Did you persuade you to surrender like this?!” ”

There was an IMC chaser in the front, and a Titan in the back, “BT, how long will you have to go over there!” ”

【Adjustment and adaptation completed】

【Shield restored】

【Long wait, Iron Drive】

The spirit of the little sister was greatly invigorated, and the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was also a cheer!

“BT also likes to come to the hero to save the United States?”

“Save the hammer beauty! It’s to save Brother Cooper! ”

“Handsome at every critical moment! BT really has yours! ”

“Sister A was so anxious that she was crying hahaha.”

“The Sleeper BT is coming! Start the harvest! ”

The barrage had just passed, and the BT on the screen, the body hidden behind the huge rock, rumbled, clicked up, and the XO16 40mm armor-piercing rifle in his hand was raised and swept away. The sound of heavy gunfire rang out, IMC soldiers fell down, and the crisis was lifted in an instant!

This is the first time that the little girl has seen such a handsome side of BT! Completely forget that the BT standby was almost ten seconds ago!


[I am, Iron Drive, Concentrate on Dealing with the Enemy]


Dumb little sister a hmm, soft and firm!

The boyfriend fans and husband fans in the live broadcast room have broken the defense!

“Sister A voice is so soft! Nyima is usually loaded! ”

“No way! Good thing Cooper wore a helmet! Otherwise, isn’t it a starry eye for BT now?! ”

“Stop saying I yue”

“Dumb little sister wake up! BT is just a robot a ”

These defense-breaking live broadcast barrages, like battlefield noise, have long been automatically blocked in the brain.

Only BT’s thick and slightly humble electronic sound is the most reassuring sound.

“BT! Am I going to get on board now?! ”

[Iron Rider, the opposite side is locking my body, I suggest we fight separately for the time being]

Cooper, played by the little girl, poked his head out from behind the bunker, and as soon as he poked his head out, he whizzed a few locked rockets and flew past the rubble splash!

Crackling on the helmet. And scared the little sister into a cold sweat!

However, just like that probe glance, the little sister also knows that BT is indeed very accurate.

The opposing IMC lieutenant knew that he and BT were now fighting separately, multiple missiles locking the radar, locking the BT for a second.

Just wait for yourself to board BT for a blast! At that moment BT was defenseless.

Maybe even he will be blown to pieces. The audience in the live broadcast room also found out,

“It seems that there is not only Sister A’s side, the eggplant pig and the Yinzi are them, and the enemy’s intelligence seems to have increased!”

“Mader producer Su Chen must have added difficulty to the patch again!”

“I feel that this kind of handicapped party of the little sister is going to be stuck!”

“Can’t you just add some super simple mode?” Cut through all the way! ”

“You’re really going to have to cut the grass all the way through, or don’t let the IMC be called a rebel!” Just rebel against Cooper and BT! ”

【Autonomic Defense Mode Start】

BT humming inside the helmet, which is encrypted communication with Cooper and is only used during combat.

[Iron Drive, I’m here to attract IMC Titan firepower]

“Attract firepower?”

Dumb little sister’s always stupid head, at this time suddenly reacted, “BT you want me?!” ”

[Iron Drive, you go to execute the beheading tactics] Dumb little sister listened, the whole person was shocked! Beheading???

Is it to behead the opposite Titan?

Or let the opposite Titan behead himself?

When the little girl’s head is still in chaos, [Vortex Shield, Open]

IMC Titan a shuttle large-caliber armor-piercing bullet whizzed at the BT, the original waterfall splashed, moisture-filled forest!

Now the little sister could only smell a pungent smell of gun smoke.

【Iron Drive, you need to act as soon as possible】

【Vortex shield, cooling】

The fire of the IMC Titans on the opposite side seemed endless, and the remaining IMC soldiers who followed were also anti-Titan grenades, firing non-stop.

[Warning, warning, shield value drops] Dumb little sister grits her teeth and stomps her feet!

Left wrist strap device invisible camouflage cooled out, beep beep………

In five seconds, sprint to the side of IMC Lieutenant Titan!

[Iron Drive, rest assured, I will cover you]

【Fire mode is fully on】

BT’s cool missile launcher on the left shoulder rises, and one lock missile after another roars out, dragging the bright yellowtail flames and hitting the enemy Titan!

“Don’t do this kind of little trick…”

The IMC lieutenant sneered before he was halfway through laughing when he suddenly noticed a hint of anomaly! It seems like something

Climb to the Powerful Titan Neck Heat Sink!

This IMC Lieutenant Taylor, synchronously felt a chill on the back of his neck! Stay inside the little sister live broadcast room

The barrage explodes together!

“Lying in the grass!”

“So what’s the little girl?” Climbed to the neck of the opposite Titan? ”

“Is the groove really a physical beheading?!”

“Dumb little sister dismantling the Titan with her bare hands?!!!”

“Cooper is going to break the neck of the opposite Titan?!”

At this time, the little sister is completely relying on her own instinct to act! In a trance, several consecutive jumps and sprints, in front of the eyes is already a ventilated furnace mouth with red flames!

The heat wave running inside the Titan engine, a burst of pounces on the face of the little girl, himself this is going to……… Tear down the Titans with your bare hands?!

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