Chapter 90 is broken! Multi-person connection, I am a hostage!!

The eyes gradually adapted to the dazzling light, and in front of them were the towering snow-capped mountains, and the dazzling white light was reflected from the snowy mountains.

And the emerald green jungle that kept flowing before was not in the same plane!

The little sister opened her eyes wide and could not speak for half a day!

“I’m coming… Snow? ”

“Wrong…! How can it be! ”

From the beginning, it is clear that this mysterious facility was hollowed out in the ground of a large jungle.

Of course, it is not clear where the specific location is now.

But it is absolutely impossible to be in the cold and bone-chilling snow mountain because the VR simulation temperature device on the little girl will definitely not deceive yourself!

Just how to look at it, I still have this huge platform under my feet, as if it is true, surrounded by continuous snow-capped mountains!

The little sister was now full of confusion: “M and that Ash, where the hell sent me?” ”

In the midst of confusion,

【Iron Drive, do you like the scene test I prepared for you?】 】

Ash’s cold, hollow voice once again resounded throughout the audience.

“Scenario test?!”

Dumb little sister, as well as millions of live broadcast room audience water friends, all stunned!

Dumb little sister’s eyes suddenly widened!

The audience in the live broadcast room also reacted immediately in the next second: “This is fake!” ”

“How can it be fake?! Seeing that snowy mountain across the screen, I feel cold! ”

“You are really not smart to say that you are stupid, the snowy mountains outside here are all holograms!”

And the little girl who is really in the snowy mountains, if she does not feel the cold to the bone, probably can’t realize for a moment that the surrounding weather and scenes are all part of the test, that is, they are all virtual images.

Let me prepare a better stage for you, Rebel Iron Cooper. 】

This time, Aishi’s voice actually carried a rare tease.

Dumb little sister’s heart suddenly tightened!

A dull rumble came from the platform beneath your feet!

Enjoy the stage I’ve set for you, Iron Cooper.] 】

Dumb little sister listened to a body of goosebumps!

It doesn’t feel good in my heart!


A precise gunshot!

The muzzle of the gun flashed yellow, and a bullet roared towards the snowy mountain.

This second, the audience of water friends in the live broadcast room is still confused, what plane is this A sister engaged in?

The result is less than a second in time, bang!

The flying bullet is like hitting a wall!

The air at the edge of the platform rippled in a circle of concentric circles, and the shot fired by the little sister was like a small stone thrown into the big lake.

Just swing the circle ripples.

“It’s an illusion.”

“But what the hell is this Ash going to do?”

Dumb little sister muttered to herself,


【In dynamic curved top】

【Loaded in scenario 127】

A buzzing all-field prompt sounded, followed by Ash’s slightly joking mechanical voice:

[Come on Cooper, let’s see what you really do]

There was a huge tremor from the soles of his feet, and the area that was still flat rumbled a few times, and then various bunkers rose.

Even the snow-capped mountains on the edge of the test platform melted on the spot,…

Fade from top to bottom!

From white to yellow.



Click, click!

The surrounding situation, like a huge puzzle, is shattered!

Within seconds, the snow-capped mountains around them had turned into a yellowish border!

“This is your situational test, Ash.”

Dumb little sister jumped on the commanding heights that had just risen from the ground, the feeling of longing for battle once again surged through the whole body, the heart rate accelerated, and the adrenaline was secreted in large quantities!

No need to guess, it will definitely be one vicious battle after another!

This is what Ash calls testing!

With a click, the gun was loaded.

In just a few seconds, the original platform has completely changed its appearance!

All kinds of bunkers, storage rooms, armament rooms, high platforms!

In the live broadcast room of the little sister, the shock and spit bullet screen brushed the public screen: “Shocked This is a miniature city rising from below!” ”

“I now know what so many plate blocks are doing in the factory just now!” Even the fake vegetation turf was neatly groomed.”

“This technology sense pulls 666!”

“This Ash used to be a civil engineering major.”

“It is a combination of hobbies and interests and work!”

“IMC Chief Architect Ash!”

“Test, that is what a test means, right?” Feel the waves coming, isn’t that full of big men! Can Sister A stand up! ”

Here in the live broadcast room crazy blowing and ridicule, in the game, the little sister is already tense all over, sharp eyes constantly scanning around.

[It seems that you are ready, Rebel Iron Horse]

In Aishi’s voice, there was an increasingly inflated confidence.

[So let’s get started!] 】


A low roar sounded!

A low platform, slowly rising from the ground.

Now for this, the little sister is already strange.

Instead, he immediately turned around, and inside the holographic scope of the parallel rifle, the crosshair was firmly aimed at the platform that was about to ascend to the ground.

The index finger of the right hand firmly holds the trigger.

Subconsciously, Dumb Little Sister has regarded the upcoming platform as the first wave of enemies!


The platform rose to the ground, and four or five figures shook in a trance!

Fingers subconsciously pull the trigger!

The field of view inside the holographic scope suddenly became crystal clear!


A thought flashed through the mind of the little girl!

“This horse is a friendly!!!”

All thoughts, and the pull of the trigger with your fingers, happen almost at the same moment!

Cooper’s whole body action at this time has long been only prepared for a headshot, and the little sister can only bite the tip of her tongue fiercely, and the sharp and brief tingling sensation makes her whole body’s original smooth movements deviate instantly!




A bullet flew out, hitting the foot of the platform “friendly army”!

Raise a puff of dust!

Several rebel soldiers, startled by Cooper’s sudden shot!

There was a pain coming from the tip of her tongue, but at this time, the little sister had no time to take care of it.

“What’s going on with this stepping horse?! How did the Resistance come up?! ”

“And… It seems that the reaction is…”

[Good, Iron Drive, quick response.] 】

This is my gift to you, you captured Resistance soldiers. 】

【Enjoy the test stage I have prepared for you】

Ash’s voice just dropped.

The rebel communication channel in the little sister’s ear immediately heard the scolding of the mother!

“Cooper, you’re crazy! We are friendly forces! We are friendly forces! ”

“NNDND scared me to death!”

“Didn’t you say good to save BT?” How did we become broilers?! ”

Play Cooper’s little sister, stunned on the spot!

Isn’t that eggplant for them?

Not an NPC?!!

Be a real player hostage!

Asking for a review vote, I didn’t move for several days

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