Chapter Ninety-Four The Regiment Annihilates!!

“Go save BT!”

Dumb little sister was awakened by a word!

For a moment and a half, he could not immediately solve the IMC Kappa squadron of nearly 100 people, one of which was the top IMC rifleman, and there were mechanical miscellaneous soldiers who Ash constantly threw into the test field, and the thoughts in his mind changed several times in a second, and the little sister bit her lip lightly: “Understand.” ”

The rest of the words, there is no need to say a word, every extra second, is the eggplant three burned their own to win.

“Keep searching!”

“Iron Rider Cooper is near here! He can’t run! ”

IMC’s Kappa squadron had quickly surrounded it.

Three people in groups of five, covering each other, carefully moving forward.

“It’s possible that he’s using the latest optical camouflage technology!” Wipe the bright spots all over the eyes! There are fluctuations in the air and fire immediately! ”

Groups of IMC riflemen began to quickly compress the search area.

There is no Cooper figure.

“Impossible! Keep compressing! ”

The captain of the Kappa squadron is getting more and more livid!

This is the first time since the founding of Kappa One that they have helped Ash clean up the testing ground!

No one has ever been able to “test” from wave after wave


In the cognition of Captain Kappa, Cooper has become the iron master of the top hunter.

But the Kappa No. 1 Squadron was born to hunt down the rebels!

“No one can escape from us!”

Captain Kappa’s voice began to rise hysterically.

As time passed, the IMC riflemen who copied from all sides still hadn’t found a single cold hair from Cooper!


A subtle but still trailing sound flew over Captain Kappa’s head!

The captain of the first Kappa reflexively pointed the plasma gun in his hand overhead, click…!

Bang bang bang!

A shuttle plasma bullet hits the sky overhead!

Above, sure enough, the air fluctuated!

“Iron Drive! It’s Cooper! Fast!!! He used optical camouflage invisibility! ”

Captain Capa roared as he set up the plasma gun and it was a wave of bursts!

In less than a second, the fire of the IMC riflemen on the ground immediately pressed all into the invisible fluctuations in the air, quickly flashing Cooper’s figure.

Dumb little sister snorted coldly, and her right hand buckled on the left wrist band device, ding!

Homeopathic release stealth camouflage,

“Cooper! Sure enough, it was Cooper! ”

“Free fire!”

A series of bullets exploded behind him!

For Cooper, played by Dumb Little Sister, it is indeed difficult to solve the elite IMC squadron of dozens of people at once.

But when a top iron driver really decided to run, then even if the top hunter came, he might not be able to stop it!

“It’s so exciting! It’s like making a Hollywood blockbuster! ”

“The bullet just exploded behind Cooper’s feet!” Nyima scared me out of my heart attack! ”

“Sister A is completely flying away this time!”

“Cooper’s feet have never been on the ground!” It’s a real cowhide! ”

“Go to the ground chicken to report!” Gangster 666! ”

“Ash and that Capa squadron leader, all of them are anxious!”

“The villain died of a lot of words!”

Now the Iron Rider, Cooper, almost all the way to the ground, sliding and jumping in the air and on the walls the whole time, IMC Kappa No. 1 Squadron, can only watch Cooper escape from under their eyes, and under the suppression of dense firepower!

However, on the other side, Eggplant Mozi and the three big Sima people, the situation is getting worse and worse!

A loud bang!


Cracked grenade fragments, splashing everywhere,

“I knock!!”

Eggplant held the gun in his right hand, scratched it, and was instantly cut by the grenade fragment and bloodied!

Mozi was also gray-headed and dirty-faced, and his face was covered with blood, but it was much worse than the condition of the two people’s skin trauma Sima Dasi!

His face was gray, pale, and bloodless.

On the bandage of his left arm that was hastily bandaged, a drop of blood was constantly oozing.

“Momoko… You’ll have to learn the medical skills. Cough! ”

When Mozi heard Sima Da’s words now, his eyes were red and he almost cried out: “You still have the strength to joke here!” ”

“Lie down!”

The eggplant in front of you roared!

Three lightning bolts down!


A cannon hit the front bunker and exploded a huge crater!

“Cough cough… Cough! ”

The three people got up, wiped off the thick dust on their faces, the eggplant flashed a small body and pulled out, and the arc thunder flew out in the air. Multiply… The IMC riflemen who had just poured up were immediately overwhelmed by arc lightning and could not move!


Even Sima Da reluctantly raised his right-handed cannon, and the three men occupied the high point, and once again a wave of concentrated firepower output, da-da-da-da- Daaaaaa

IMC riflemen fall in rows!

After the high platform bunker, a moment of tranquility.

Below, the slopes were piled high with the fragments of a dozen IMC riflemen, as well as countless fragments of ghost warriors.

The strong smell of gun smoke drifted along the direction of the wind and drifted to the high platform.

A wisp of black smoke, choking the big Sima who was originally gray and blue, was another violent cough.

Of course, the real player will not cough.

But at this time, no one cares about these details at all.

Because, the god of death who harvested life on the battlefield, the scythe had been driven to the necks of three people.

“Yes, the record adds a stroke to me, just now that person’s head is mine, ten kills!”

Eggplant smiled bitterly, opening his mouth first to break this brief calm and silence: “The last grenade just now.” ”

“Bring more grenades in the next life.”

“Cough cough!”

Sima Lian said with a cough, and the blood that came out of the choking left a corner of his mouth.

The warm blood on his mouth was the warmest thing he could feel right now.

“In the next life…”

Momoko looked at the IMC riflemen who were not far below the high platform, and began to gather around, and the faces of the three people were all frozen!

There was also a little excitement in Eggplant’s eyes!

“It looks like Cooper ran out!”

“BT has been saved!”

Sima nodded weakly, “So the rest… Found our side…”

The three of them looked at each other tacitly, almost, and the final moment was coming.

“Nice job guys! An entire squad across the IMC failed to take it down for us! There was also a corpse lying on the ground! ”

Eggplant laughed and encouraged the other two, of course, also to encourage himself and face death calmly, not everyone has this courage.

“At this time, isn’t it normal to light a cigarette?”

Sima Da’s voice grew weaker and weaker.

“Don’t talk to you, save some effort!”

Momoko’s eyes were red, and she didn’t know whether she was crying or killing her red eyes.

When Eggplant heard Sima Da’s words, he habitually touched his pocket.

As a result, only the last clip was touched.

“Forget it, the foam is not smoked, Sima Da, you don’t also quit, I will smoke a hammer alone.”

As we talked, the IMC riflemen below the high platform were getting closer.

In the distance came the angry voice of Squadron Leader Kapa: “Launch the scattered line!” These few rebels are hard bones! The left and right covers are slowly wrapped up! ”

“No surrender is accepted! Just execution! ”

The three people on the high platform looked at each other and smiled, and said a word in unison: “He is in a hurry.” ”

Naturally, it was because Cooper had fled the testing ground.

Thinking of this, the three people completely let go of the last worry in their hearts.

“See you brothers again in the next life.”

With tears in the corners of his eyes, Mozi nodded vigorously, and after Sima Da refocused his head, he no longer had any reaction and passed away.

Eggplant stepped forward, took off Sima Da’s helmet, and gently covered his eyelids

“This last clip, for you.”

Mozi took it with both hands, trembled slightly, clicked, and pulled the bolt on the upper chamber.

“I didn’t expect that there was a bayonet fighting heaven.”

A three-edged blade clicked on the rifle, and the sharp blade shone with white light.


Bang Bang Bang!

The IMC riflemen under the high platform officially launched the final round of attack.

“Finally pull a few cushioned backs, it’s worth it!”

“It’s all on KDA!”

Mozi also broke into laughter, and the two men raised their guns, and in a surprise attack, they resolutely rushed to the enemy position.

“Just two of you! No bullets out of them! ”

Captain Capa twisted laughter, the face he lost on Cooper, to be recovered on the two remaining Resistance soldiers!

“Don’t shoot!”

“Stab them one by one!”

The false sun in the distance, the false sunlight shines.

Two ordinary rebel soldiers, a black wave surged in front of them,


Only to the picture, leaving two lonely backs.

For a long time, boom!

Two shattered rebel helmets slammed to the ground.

In the game screen, there is silence.

Only two broken helmets remained, glowing in the sunlight.

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