Chapter Ninety-Six Rescue BT!!

A rumble sounded, and on the huge cylindrical structure, a glass rectangular container was stretched out.

The original pitch-black cylindrical column glowed with eerie green light.

There was a strange and eerie smell of blood in the air.

This scene instantly reminds the little sister of the movie, in the movie The Matrix, the protagonist wakes up from the virtual world and finds himself living in a capsule survival capsule.

One by one, the moving glass containers suddenly stretched out, and I didn’t know what ghost things were inside!

“Here is BT?”

The little sister stopped and asked in a low voice in the radio channel.

【Data retrieval】

[The Resistance database shows that your current location seems to be the IMC facility for cultivating the Typhon Star Hunting Beast]

This little sister was relieved.

“I see, besides…”

The voice was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the radio inside the huge cave.

【I am Ash, notify all IMC personnel in the facility】

【Due to security vulnerability error】

[I have blown up facilities 21 to 29]

[Maybe you don’t think it’s necessary]

【… It really is not necessary]

[I recommend that all remaining IMC personnel be evacuated as soon as possible.] 】

At the end of the sentence,

[After five minutes, the facility leads to the ground exit and will all be closed.] 】

Ash’s voice fell, and a low rumbling sound came from behind.

It was like a big explosion in the distance, and there was also a faint tremor under the feet of the little girl.

In the entire cave, there was no movement of destruction, so the place where the explosion was heard could only be the huge assembly line facility before.

The little sister was stunned, and the audience of the water friends in the live broadcast room was also speechless: “What do you want to do when you blow up the facility?” Didn’t understand this Ash’s brain circuitry! ”

“If you figure out the brain circuitry of a robot, you’re not human.”

“Feeling is playing Oh feeling is playing %!”

“Don’t you say that this Ash still has such a human touch, and actually told the IMC researchers to evacuate quickly!”

At this time, the little sister is not as much as the water friends audience in the live broadcast room thinks.

“Five minutes!”

With a clang, the five-minute countdown begins inside the Iron Rider helmet, above the interface!

Too late to think about it, the little sister made a big jump and directly rushed to the glass container on the huge cylinder.

Although the little sister repeatedly warned herself in her heart, don’t look at your feet!

Don’t look under your feet!

Just run all the way through the outstretched moment container!

However, in the end, he still couldn’t suppress his curiosity, and the afterglow of his eyes went to his feet!

Immediately stay little sister is to inhale a cool breath!

I almost slipped under my feet and was about to rub into the abyss with no end in sight!

It turned out that the bloody smell in the air before was emitted by this guy inside the container!

Following the gaze of the little sister, the water friends audience in the live broadcast room also all inhaled a cool breath!

“How did the groove suddenly become a horror movie?”

“Sister A, don’t look down!!!”

“There is no high-energy warning! Nyima scared the labor to death! ”

“Sister A next time to see something, first say hello can’t do it!” Almost scared out of heart disease! ”

“The stuff inside the container… Doesn’t seem to move?! Is this sleep? ”

“Don’t mess with the flag! The next second I felt like this thing was going to come alive! ”

“Sister A run!”

Like the water friends in the audience, the little sister was also shocked!

This huge column, let alone thousands of identical glass containers, all of them were lying identical creatures.

That’s the alien beast Cooper encountered when he landed on Typhon!

However, the alien hunting beasts in this place are different from the native hunting beasts of Typhon’s star in terms of size and appearance.

“BT, this is supposed to be a mutant beast that IMC secretly researched.”

[Received, Iron Rider, I suggest you leave as soon as possible.] 】

【Our distance is very close】


The little sister suppressed the fear in her heart, and her eyes no longer looked down, but just kept stepping on one glass container after another, quickly jumping up along the cylinder.

The communication between the peace is getting clearer and clearer, and the distance is getting closer and closer!

Inside the cavern, there was an eerie silence, only the creaking sound of Cooper constantly stepping on the glass container.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room completely eased up, and immediately entered the mode of watching the hilarity and not being afraid of big things: “Sister A, be careful of a strange shape that suddenly jumps out under your feet!” ”

“Strange! How come a Alien Hunter doesn’t jump out? ”

“I don’t believe it! Just the producer Su Chen’s goods! Will it not bury the pit for the player? ”

“Sleeper! The container has moved over there! The container has moved over there! ”

In the live broadcast screen, there was a creak, and the sound of the container opening sounded behind the little sister,

“Makes a hiss… Sizzle…”



Dumb little sister even heard the sound of saliva dripping!


In his heart, he instantly scolded the producer Su Chen a hundred times!

Sure enough, this unfolded!


Squeak… Squeak…

Behind him came more and more coffin opening!

“Hiss… Siha…”



The sound of the beast’s saliva dripping onto the container was accompanied by a foul smell of blood, and even the wings of the beast were buzzing.

Dumb little sister full of cold hair stood up!

Even the container in front of,… It’s all about to be turned on!

“What thunder did I step on by me?!”

Little Sister Dumb had no idea of fighting alien beasts in such a place!

This is exactly the opposite home field!

The left hand immediately took out a fragment mine from the waist, bit the side of the mouth, pulled off the latch, and placed it directly on the container under the feet, and then the little sister’s feet continued to work upwards, running wildly!

Immediately behind him came a dense gag!

There was also the roar of the alien hunting beast that had already starved its stomach!

“Don’t look back!”


“The grenade is going to explode!!!”

“Look at my feet are soft! Sister A run!!! ”

In the live broadcast screen, three seconds later, a BOOOM fake!

A large number of alien hunting beasts running after Cooper were instantly blown up to the point of blurring flesh and blood!

The stench of green blood splashed everywhere, and forced to resist the feeling of wanting to vomit, and the little sister rushed all the way to the top of the cylinder.

“It’s here!!!”

Dumb little sister’s heart, almost about to jump out of the chest!

A hundred meters ahead, a huge wall is cracked, and inside the hole, BT’s familiar figure is constantly struggling on the mechanical arm!

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