Chapter 115 Time and Space Travel, Bullet Time!!

“Here it is…”

Dumb Little Sister hung the cable, that is, the “permission” created by BT, all the way to the top floor of the building.

With a bang, Cooper’s figure landed steadily.

“BT, this hole is.”

After the little sister landed on the ground, she looked up and saw that the irregular hole in the glass ceiling above her head was obviously formed by the impact of some alien creature.

[Cause of impact: unknown.] 】

[According to the shape of the rupture hole, it should be some kind of wing-like creature, formed by impacting from the inside out]

Dumb little sister stunned, from the inside out?

I thought it was those flying dragons outside!

BT such a sentence, “directly let the horror of the live broadcast room go up several grades!

“BT is scary again!”

“Nyima, I feel a little scared! What’s the thing running out? ”

“This hole is so big, I’m really scared!”

“Isn’t there a whole bunch of unknown aliens in here?”

“It turns out that IMC is engaged in biological experiments!”

“Thank you brothers I’ve been scared to pee”

Gao Zan single curtain reached the ears of the little sister, and the little sister scolded in her heart, and these water friends were scaring her again!

However, the lower floor, it seems, is indeed very gloomy and mysterious!

Everywhere there was an unknown afterglow of the explosion, and the shadow projected onto the wall was still shaking eerily.

Every now and then there is a creaking sound!

Du Xiaomei swallowed hard, and sent a lot of blades to the producer Su Chen in her heart.


Jumping forward, just landed steadily, a wave of heat came to the face, almost choking the little sister to slow down.

The damage to the building was more severe than in previous research facilities.

Everywhere there are ruins and broken walls, broken glass, columns and beams that fall vertically and vertically, exposed steel and iron bones, and hot plasma flames, burning on the ruins of the wreckage.

The previous mysterious gravitational wave explosion caused damage far beyond the original imagination of the little girl!

Dumb little sister just want to contact BT, hum…

The line of sight in front of your eyes is blurred, distorted, and spinning and snapping!

Communication is interrupted!

“Here we go again!”

A second later, in front of the little sister, the building was already in good condition.

But this time, the top floor of the building was empty.

Not even the most common repair robot.

Dead silence.

Only the little sister walked on the floor and made a snorting sound.


“What’s going on?”

“Didn’t BT say this was a security building? Not a single guard? ”

“Wrong… It’s so quiet”

The smooth walls and floors, quiet let the little sister feel weak in her heart.

The little sister was alert, and only the camera in the corner of the wall was flashing red.


The little sister looked panicked, and immediately raised the muzzle of the gun, bang, bang!

The camera flashing red light was shattered in an instant!

However, it was still one step too late!

【Unauthorized personnel have been detected, activate the automatic protection mechanism】

With a bang, like a piece of glass shattered on the ground, the dead silence that could be heard when a needle fell on the ground shattered in an instant!


All the sirens up and down the building are ringing wildly, listening to the cardiopulmonary arrest of the little girl!

Then there were a few clicks, and the doors that were originally closed around them immediately opened.


A group of security robots with red lights flashing on their heads rushed straight towards the little sister from one elevator door to another!

The most terrifying thing is that the current position of the little sister is right in the middle of the elevator doors around the perimeter!


Before the cursive word could be pronounced, the electric energy rifle in the hands of more than a dozen robots brushed a sound, and the muzzle of the gun was all aimed at the little sister!

Bang bang bang!!!

The muzzle of the gun flashes in unison!

Dumb little sister has no place to dodge!

At this moment, the little sister herself seemed to have foreseen the tragic end of being burned into a pile of roast meat by the electric weapon!

A shuttle blue light speed, three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead angle to shoot at the little sister!

Little Sister can even see the drag shadow left by the bullets flying in the air!



“How could there be…”

Dumb little sister reacted this time!

The shadow of the energy bullet, in the pupils of the little girl, became clearer and clearer, closer and closer, and slower and slower!

It’s like you can grab these energy bullets as soon as you reach out!



The moment the four-sided energy bullet was about to hit Cooper, it all disappeared, leaving only the surrounding flames, crackling and burning,

“Linghu… Call…! ”

The little sister was in a cold sweat, and her mind was blank!

It was as if the whole body had been hit by countless bullets into a sieve!

Now I’m back in my dilapidated building room!

The little sister touched her body with some trepidation, to confirm whether it was out of the hole.

“Whew… OK. ”


After confirming that her body was indeed intact, the whole person of the little sister was loose, and it took several seconds before she felt that her soul had returned to herself from the past.

I almost collapsed on the ground.

Not only is the little sister scared silly, the audience in the live broadcast room is also slumped in a chair!

“The groove is almost a little bit worse than a one!!”

“Cooper’s protagonist aura is full!”

“This is the legendary experience of bullet time?!”

“Did Nyima suddenly pass into a bunch of enemies and come back, pure player mentality!!”

“Is this design of the turtle and turtle come up with by people?”

“Producer Su Chen cowhide!!!”

“This screen switches, there is no stutter at all, Nima is a smooth batch!”

“I’m home again, now!” Ann looks gloomy but still a safe horse! ”

“Don’t set up a flag, a slot!”

Before the audience and the little sister could breathe a sigh of relief, ticking, ticking, and a foul smell came from behind the little sister.

Drool, or the sound of rain dripping?

Dumb little sister has no desire to look back to confirm!

The adrenaline that was just scared out by the guard robot was secreted to the maximum!


The head does not return, and the flick of the hand is a shot!

Facing the place where there was a sound moving Joe, a shuttle directly flew out!

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