Chapter 129 is attacked! Space-time wristband damage?!!

“Don’t move, Iron Drive.”

“Raise your hands.”

A cold and merciless voice sounded behind the little girl.

At the same time, accompanied by a clicking sound, the little sister was shocked!

Cooper, who played himself, has experienced the test of the most real and cruel battlefield in both auditory and sixth sense, but the person behind him who has pointed the muzzle of his gun at himself has not even heard his slightest movement!

Dumb little sister suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, could this guy also travel through time and space like himself?!

Dumb little sister subconsciously like waving out the left wrist band, switching time and space, unexpectedly, the Anderson blue projection around her turned first, and then rolled on the spot, directly rushed out!

Action reaction, almost in less than half a second!

Then there was a crisp gunshot, bang!

Too late to travel through time and space, the little sister out of instinct is also rolling on the spot, the action, or slow Anderson projection half a beat.

It was only for the first time that this little sister realized that this Major Anderson’s strength was likely to be one level higher than his own!

“Huh? Why Anderson also…”

The little sister suddenly woke up and realized that this “motionless” enemy was also a projection!

Sure enough, as soon as the little sister looked up, she saw two blue stereoscopic projections mixed together, sneaking up on Anderson’s mysterious enemy, after a shot was lost, he simply and neatly threw away the gun, and the arrow rushed to Anderson’s body, directly facing Anderson is a lock throat!

“This enemy is not bad in strength!”

Dumb Little Sister sighed in her heart, she is now as an iron driver, in the face of the iron driver, the top combat force selected from the elite warriors, such a close range, as long as the first shot is lost, you should immediately go up to the melee hand-to-hand combat, otherwise the end is the death of countless IMC soldiers who have been killed by themselves before.

While pulling out the Mosanbik pistol, the little sister arched her waist and retreated, although she knew that what was in front of her was just a projection.

“BT, what is this enemy who sneaked up on Major Anderson?”

The two were mixed together, and at present, it was completely impossible to see that Anderson had the upper hand, and the little sister was also secretly surprised in her heart!

Along the way, I don’t seem to have encountered such a powerful IMC soldier opponent?

Can it be…

“Is this man still ambushing me in this neighborhood?”

At the thought of this, the little girl’s cold hair stood up,

[It is not clear, Iron Drive, the database does not have the information of this sneak attacker]

[But rest assured, the scoping system shows that there are no other life signals nearby except you]

The little sister was slightly relieved, and the projection of the two people fighting each other at close range showed no sign of stopping.

Although they were just looking at the projection, Anderson and the mysterious attacker were all fighting each other!

Tricks are fatal, and the moves go straight to the opponent’s weakness!

Dumb little sister looks at it with fear!

The heart fluttered and jumped, and the palms of his hands were sweating for Anderson.


Dumb little sister suddenly blurted out, at the same time, Anderson obviously in this sudden close-range attack, took advantage of the IMC attacker a straight punch, straight to Anderson’s head, bang!

One punch to Anderson’s wrist protecting his head!


The little sister reacted immediately, that position, just the part where Anderson carried the time and space wristband!

In the blink of an eye, the IMC attacker took a step back, pulled out an electronic dagger, arched his whole body, roared, and stabbed straight at Anderson with a sharp blade!

“Wear it!”

Dumb Little Sister saw that she couldn’t help but shout out directly, and Anderson Projection also did one, Dumb Little Sister familiar with the action, the left hand waved forward!

As a result, just like an electric shock, Anderson’s whole body was convulsed by a sudden stream of energy, and the IMC attacker’s dagger was about to stab Anderson, snapping!

The Anderson projection suddenly disappeared into the air out of thin air, and the unsuspecting attacker could not control his all-out blow, and rushed directly to the edge of the railing of the glass partition wall with a muffled sound and planted his whole head down.

Beep beep…

【The record of Operation Iron Drive has been decrypted】

In front of the little sister’s eyes, she returned to a quiet place again.

And the little sister herself, immediately stunned on the spot.

I didn’t expect that Anderson’s last action record actually had so much information!

There are also unexpected developments.

“Major Anderson’s space-time wristband device, is there a problem from this time on?”

[It is indeed possible, Iron Drive]

“It was the fight between Major Anderson and the attackers that probably damaged the entire wristband device!”

Dumb Little Sister stretched out her left hand, looking at the time and space shuttle wristband worn on the wrist, still quietly gushing out blue light, it seems, and the words damaged by the fault are completely unrelated.

Dumb little sister stared at the wrist and brought out the congregation, followed by a string of originally messy information, now in her mind, gradually formed a clear vein.

“Is this the reason why Major Anderson had an accident later?”

Dumb Little Sister remembered that as an iron driver whose strength may even be above herself, her action experience must be extremely rich, but in the end she ended up with a half-body upside down in the middle of the ceiling.

It is likely that the back of the space-time wristband has failed!

[Iron Drive, your speculation is reasonable]

[But Major Anderson’s death is already a definite fact]

[Suggest we move on, ahead is the prototype laboratory of the Holy Ark Project]

The little sister nodded, looked back at the place where Major Anderson had disappeared, climbed over the railing of the glass partition wall, and jumped down.

“Sure enough, the body of the attacker was here.”

At the feet of the little sister, the blood stained the ground.

And the attacker who sneaked up on Anderson was now lying face down, lifeless on the ground.

Originally, the little sister still wanted to open it to see what this guy looked like, and when I thought about it, my heart was still a little scared!

So he moved on and walked towards the Holy Ark Prototype Laboratory.

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