Chapter 147 Pain, too much pain! One second 100 meters directly on the wall!!

Huge rows of turbofans, staggered throughout this underground compartment.

In the middle aisle, there are also many glass partition walls.

Airplanes… Airplanes…

The terrifying turbo pumping force has pumped the underground air into a turbulent wind tunnel~, even if the little girl is not facing the turbo fan, she can feel the terrible wind force next to her!

Even the audience in front of the screen can feel the hurricane whistling by!

I feel so windy in the gutter!

“It’s spectacular, this fan is like a spaceship engine!” Industrial wonders! ”

“With a series of partitions, it feels like a puzzle game?”

“IMC made these things specifically to get in the way, right?”

“Doesn’t this roll become a meat sauce?”

“Sister A’s small body, directly for you to roll fly!”

Dumb little sister did not come up with a way to pass for a while, if she was not careful, she was either swept into the turbo turbine fan, or blown into the abyss underground, and the best situation was also a huge wind pressure, directly hitting the glass wall.



Still confused, the little sister suddenly found that there was a bright green light in the center of each turbofan.

It is inexplicably similar to the bottom of the ventilation well that goes vertically deep into the ground!

“Mo Fei…”

“BT, these turbofan centers, can also be used with arc guns?”

[Yes, Iron Drive, but be careful]

The little girl nodded, lifted the arc gun, and easily found an edge path, just to avoid the strong wind flow of the turbofan, and then rushed towards the edge of the turbofan.

After a few moments,… Multiply…!

A beam of blue arc light from the muzzle of the arc gun Zilara flashed and hit the center of the turbofan directly, concentrating a trillion energy beams and instantly breaking through the turbofan core circuit!

With a crisp clanging sound, the indicator quickly turned from green to red, and even a trace of scorch could be smelled in the air.

[Scan to the turbofan circuit breakdown, temporarily stop running]

“It really works!”

Dumb little sister subconsciously pulled the trigger of the arc gun again, the same scene, the muzzle blue to the whitish arc light, once again cracked through the turbofan core,

【Reload circuit complete, iron drive, be careful】

Immediately the fan blade accelerated violently, humming loudly, and the huge wind current blew violently, and the little girl who was caught off guard was almost blown into the fan blade.

[Iron Drive, if the turbine fan is activated repeatedly with the arc device many times, it is easy to cause complete overload damage to the circuit]

Dumb little sister listened, quickly stopped the turbo fan again.

Quickly pedal up the fan blade, the arc gun in your hand accurately hits the next turbofan core, and the wind flow stops.

Immediately a jump is attached to the fan blade and goes straight.

A minute later,


Although the wind whistled along the way, the little sister still ran out of sweat!

It took a while to pass through the dense ventilation and heat dissipation device underground.

“BT, what is in front of this?”

On the left side of the front of the little sister, there is a shadowy, completely invisible wall passage, that is, the “passage” that can only be passed by the iron driver sliding through the wall.

On the right, there are two huge turbo fans, each of which can cram almost the entire BT!

[Iron Drive, scan shows your left front channel leading to the console at the end]

“We went around the inside of this signal station power network and drew a circle?”

【Yes, Iron Drive】

The little sister stared at this winding and bottomless passage, and her eyes were confused.

How is this going to go?

I can’t jump over it!

It’s too far away from the platform where you are standing!


The little sister turned her head to look at the two huge turbo fans on the right wall, and the whistling wind blew out from inside the fans, and the wind direction was exactly pointing at the entrance of the mezzanine wall passage.

As the eyes of the little sister turned to the turbo fan, the screen shot of the live broadcast room was also focused on the fan, and the next second, the audience water friends immediately guessed the intention of the little sister, and the shocked bullet screen immediately brushed the public screen: “This is what people can do?!” No wonder the previous rebel troops came and went! ”

“Sister A, you wouldn’t be trying to take advantage of this wind…”

“I’m too bold to rely on old women!”

“Ghost design ah this is! If Nyima is not careful, she will not be directly snapped into the wall! ”

“The key is that there is no landing place under that passage!” It just slips all the way through! ”

“If you are not careful, the chicken can’t do it!”

“Sister A’s heartbeat went straight to heaven!” Nervous and tense! ”

Although the little girl did not say anything on her mouth, the heartbeat rate was already about to rush to 160, and the adrenaline was even more soaring!

In the midst of a scream in the live broadcast room, the little sister did not have any unnecessary movements, and in the direction of the turbofan blowing, clean and neat is to jump!

In the first-person picture of the live broadcast room, it immediately shook quickly to a complete blur!

Cooper’s figure was almost a smash, and within a second, it was blown by the wind for hundreds of meters!

Little Sister Du only felt that her internal organs were all tightly attached to her chest!

I wanted to shout loudly, but the words were blocked in my throat and I couldn’t shout them!

The things in front of him flew by quickly, retreated backwards at a very fast speed, and the wind whistled madly in his ears.

In the live broadcast room, the public screen is full of “Oh ah”.

The two vertically opposing walls had already appeared in front of the little sister’s eyes.

And the little sister, whether mentally or physically, is not ready for such a fast speed on the wall.

In the live broadcast screen, there was a loud bang, and the picture instantly turned black.

A line of fine font appears at the top of the screen: “Reload”

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned at first, and then they all reacted after a second: “Sister A directly hit the wall, did not react directly and fell down?” ”

“Hahaha I just said that the old woman reacted too slowly!”

“Totally unprepared for it! It’s so handsome when I jump.”

“It’s still quite difficult to say!” You don’t have to let me play keyboard and mouse yet! ”

“VR is estimated to be more stressful, so fast flesh paste up, ejection off overweight sense of full!”

“Sister A is all right?” Heartbeat just now I saw all run 200 go! ”

“When the time comes, Teacher Park, they must go to see it when they get to this pass!” It is estimated to be prepared with more antihypertensive drugs! ”

After a few moments, the screen in the live broadcast room gradually returned to clarity.

The little sister stood on the platform again, and on the left was the mezzanine wall passage, and on the right was a huge turbo fan that kept whistling.

“Whew… Call… Sizzle…”

In addition to the violent wheezing that can’t catch her breath, there is one more thing for the little sister now, and the whole body is like a scattered shelf!

The acceleration of a few hundred meters a second, directly popping onto the wall, the VR equipment on the body, gives the safety degree of the closest to the limit of the pain response large!

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