Chapter 184 AI Will Grow Too!!


The electromagnetic beam blessed by tens of millions of volts of UHV electric energy hits the core part of the Ronin Titan directly.

The rechargeable weapons in this world are this feature, as long as they are full of power, aiming at weak points that are not protected by shields, and then they can be fired.

Even if it’s a Titan on the other side, you have to kneel!

The moment the electromagnetic beam penetrates the IMC Ronin Titan, the picture seems to suddenly freeze.

The Ronin Titan’s arc knife was held high and fell down the moment it was about to pierce into the cockpit of the BT.

The tip of the sword crossed the cockpit door by a millimeter, and it was really a little bit worse, you could stab the BT that had lost the protection of the shield!

The little girl in the cockpit was scared into a cold sweat, and the VR somatosensory suit felt completely soaked.

Then there was a loud bang, and the Ronin Titan crashed to the ground.

The audience of water friends in the live broadcast room also saw a sweat!

“Sister A’s wave is still OK!”

“BT doesn’t seem to have much core health left, right?” This puts the fault tolerance rate really low! ”

“A lot of other anchors have been beaten to death!” Crazy suffering! Closer to the point of defense can not do! ”

“I was so scared that I didn’t dare to gasp for breath when I looked at it!”

“The sword seal is connected to the phase, the phase is connected to the sword seal, the screen is red and black, black is red, what a special excitement!”

The little sister was still in shock, and the voice of Commander Sarah came from the communication channel: “Iron Driver, do a beautiful job, I will report your outstanding performance to the headquarters when I come back.” ”

“The rest of the Titans are left to us, and the BT-7274 needs to be repaired as soon as possible.”

Dumb Little Sister looked back, after losing the firepower output of the Polaris Titans in the back row, these Titans on the IMC front line could no longer support the defense line, and the remaining M few beast-level and powerful titans were finally cleaned up by the rebels.

In front of the protective wall of the IMC Air Base, the sound of fire and explosion slowly subsided, only the smell of metal burning, and the pungent smell of gun smoke, which had been coiled over the battlefield for a long time and did not disperse.

Titan Remains in One Land: The fragments of the IMC Titan and the Rebel Titan are mixed together and simply can’t make each other’s bodies.

Dumb little sister, as well as other anchor players, even with the audience in front of the live broadcast room, saw this scene, and even froze.

Of the twenty Titans that had landed in the air, there were now fewer than ten left.

In the communication channel, there is only rustling noise.

After a brief silence, Commander Sarah’s silent, firm voice rang out in the channel: “The first phase of the combat mission is completed, and the landing field of the IMC Air Force Base is clear.” ”

Dumb little sister and foam eggplant listened, immediately refreshed!

Once the login field is emptied, you can call for more support continuously!

When the follow-up heavy equipment support arrives, IMC will be difficult to fly away even if it is inserted into the wings!

According to the ordinary idea of landing on the beach, this must be the case.

However, this is the world of the Titans Falling.

Commander Sarah’s next words surprised everyone!

“All the Iron Riders and Titans who can still fight are now rushing into the depths of IMC Air Force Base.”

“Carry out the second phase of the battle plan to capture or destroy the Ark Energy!”

After Sarah said this, the players were stunned, and if they crossed this protective wall and entered the base melee, it meant that they could no longer get the fire support they still had.

Because if they were engaged in a complex base, not only because the two sides were relatively close to each other, but also because of various construction facilities and terrain obstacles, it was impossible to carry out large-scale artillery support.

“The IMC is not a fool, they are going to take off with the Holy Ark Energy.”

“We don’t have enough air fire right now to intercept them all.”

As soon as Commander Sarah’s voice fell, from the IMC Air Force Base behind the protective wall, there was a rumbling engine roar!

This sound is like a wake-up alarm clock, which directly scares the little girl!

Pull up the joystick, drive the shield just half repaired BT into the protective wall, and rush to the IMC Air Base!

Foam eggplant, these surviving players, saw the situation and immediately drove their own titans to the depths of the IMC Air Base!

“Why are there so many chicken thieves on the other side?”

Communication in the communication channel was immediately resumed

“We’re going to cooperate this time!”

The little sister shouted, and also sent several coordinate points of the BT mark to the front of the teammate display immediately.

“005 and 002 together, fire suppresses the West hangar!” All the planes that can be dismantled have been dismantled! ”

Eggplant and Yinzi, who were called, answered at the same time: “Received! ”


An armor-piercing shell swept past the BT and smashed into the mud behind him, setting off a violent explosion!

The foam titan that came after BT’s ass just happened to be strong and ate a face of dirt.

“003 come with me!” The Sacred Ark Energy Source has been detected! Let’s go take it down! ”

“The rest of you, go all out to block the air!” Fire freely! ”

The other Titans who followed up with it were very tacit and immediately dispersed their fronts as long-range fire output support.

At the same time, the thick muzzle of the black purchase, at the same time, was aimed at the sky, and a cannon sounded, instantly shooting down a number of IMC transport planes that took off hastily.

This wave of crisp and bright arrangements made the audience in the live broadcast room exclaim: “Sister A is taken away by Cooper? ”

“Broken, this is really Cooper!”

“About Cooper’s rebirth as a beautiful girl!”

“Finally no longer a wave of iron-headed babies reckless to go up!” Sister A seems to have added a little intelligence! ”

“And it seems that Commander Sarah doesn’t speak anymore!”

“It’s strange, just now there are all kinds of orders coming, and now it’s like being invisible!”

At this time, Su Chen next to the server watched the little sister assign combat tasks this time, and actually grew a lot.

Therefore, the AI in the game, that is, Commander Sarah, did not add more instructions and points.

“Also, I’ve been playing for so long, and I can’t say I can’t grow up without a point.”

However, most players still suffer on this big battlefield.

The emotional value returned to Su Chen’s system is also rising in the water.

Su Chen added a setting to the game that cannot adjust the difficulty, and now the default difficulty: it is the highest AI difficulty in the original game!

AI growth settings are also added.

For example, just now, Eggplant drove Titan guns at the opposite head.

All I was thinking about was a headshot.


Behind the eggplant actually found that the IMC Titan would consciously cover his head!

Even at the expense of revealing a big body!

Now, in the live broadcast room, eggplant they are fighting to the death!

Full force to block the transport and fighter jets in the IMC hangar.

“Nima, how come these Titans are getting smarter the more they fight?!”

“BT! We can’t hold on to it on our side! ”

Under the combined fire of the IMC Anti-Titan Squad and the Titans in the base, the two Titans of the Eggplant and the two Titans could not completely block the dead hangar, and the few rebel Titans on the edge had to take care of the IMC Air Force in the sky on the one hand, and on the other hand, they had to deal with the defensive fire in the base.

The scales of the battle situation are tilting more and more like the IMC side!

“Iron Drive, I detected the Sacred Ark Energy and is moving rapidly towards you!”

Commander Sarah’s anxious voice sounded,

【Received! BT, ready for full power combat mode! 】

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