Chapter 200 Ask the Master to punish Tifa!!

Tifa has a low maid outfit on the upper body, a tight white apron on the lower body, a combination of white silk and small black high heels, a slight redness on his face, and then in a voice that is so subtle that it is difficult to hear, the tone is shy: “I will cook for you!” ”

Su Chen listened, coughed and coughed, and almost spewed out a nosebleed.

Who can stand this!

A living Tifa, just walked out!

Coming out of the otherwise illusory game, with a spotless breath of purity.

And, so understanding!

Su Chen’s old face was red, and he subconsciously swallowed the spit in his throat, but he didn’t expect it, and suddenly a grunt, and his stomach first grunted without a fight.

Su Chen remembered that he had been busy until now, and even forgot to eat breakfast.

Tifa had a look of surprise on his face, and his gaze moved down Su Chen’s grunting belly.

“The host… You…”

Tifa’s face blushed even more, and he leaned over with his little high heels,

“I see, the host wants to eat first!”

“Uh-huh… Yes…”

Almost at close contact, Su Chen could smell the faint fragrance of Tifa’s long black hair.

I even felt the heat of the air around me rise.

After all, this is a living Tifa!

And in the game, there are various 3D animations to see Tifa, the same dime!

Almost no difference!

Even because of the blessing of the A system, it looks more feminine.

She was also dressed in a not-so-serious maid outfit, which didn’t look like she had to do honest housework.

Resisting the urge to spray nosebleeds, Su Chen immediately placed several special customized clothes on his mobile phone and expedited delivery!

There is only one request, that is, before tonight, you must send it to yourself!

“Master, what are you doing?”

Tifa’s pure voice sounded softly in Su Chen’s ear, and the silky hair stroked on Su Chen’s neck, tickling his own body.

I don’t know when, Tifa actually went around behind him.

Scared Su Chen subconsciously quickly put away the mobile phone,

“I’m shopping for clothes coughing.”

Tifa seemed to understand and nodded, Su Chen looked down, good fellow, this Tifa actually flashed a bad smile in his eyes!

This time, Su Chen’s face became even redder.

“That… Then go cook! I am hungry! ”

How do you feel like you’re still being toyed with by Tifa?

This script is not right!

“Nice host.”

Tifa smiled slightly, and the redness on his face was even more obvious: “The clothes that the master just bought seem to be smaller than the clothes that Tifa can wear.” ”

This time Su Chen was even more embarrassed,

“I changed that and just made the wrong order”

Before he could finish speaking, a warm finger stopped at his mouth,

“Let Tifa try such a small number one dress, it is not impossible”

“If this is what the master commanded, Tifa would not disobey it.”

After Tifa said this, the slender white and tender fingers moved away from Su Chen’s mouth, put his hands behind his back, bent down slightly, looked up at Su Chen with a smile and groaned, and his rosy lips were almost close to Su Chen’s face, exhaling like Lan: “The first criterion of Tifa’s action is not allowed to disobey the master’s orders.” ”

“The second guideline of the Tifa Action, without violating the first guideline, seeks out the master’s thoughts as much as possible and satisfies all the needs of the master.”

Hearing these two codes of action, Su Chen sighed in his heart again, too humane for him to meow!

“That… Tifa, go cook! ”

After all, Tifa bent down and stooped down, hurting Su Chen’s braincase!

“See, master, what do you want to eat?”

When Tifa saw Su Chen’s eyes, he suddenly looked like he was about to swallow himself alive, and immediately stood up straight, his white hands gently crossed in front of his chest, and his face was a crimson red.

After all, if you do not eat on time and damage the health of your owner, you will violate your first code of conduct.

“Uh eat…”

Su Chen swallowed hard, suppressed the sudden surge of hunger in his stomach, thought about it for half a day, and said a little bit: “The kitchen seems to have some ready-made materials, you just follow the materials…”

Tifa smiled and nodded, and his white hand gently pulled the long black and silky hair behind his ears, bowed slightly towards Su Chen, and stepped on the small black high-heeled leather shoes, and walked over from the side.

It also brings a burst of fragrance.

Looking at Tifa’s departed back, Su Chen still felt like a dream, unbelievable!

How many goddesses in people’s hearts are now incomparably real around them!

Su Chen suddenly remembered one more thing, an extremely crucial thing!

“Almost forgot!”

Take out your mobile phone, click on a shopping app, and click on your finger to operate,

“The favorites that I usually hoarded now finally come in handy!”

“I almost forgot, I’m going to help Tifa buy some clothes!”

“Fortunately, I’ve been browsing all the time!”

And thanks to the very realistic work, otherwise some clothes are really hard to buy!

“Well lace, rope straps, long tubes, and lace… Cough cough”

“Oh gloves can’t be forgotten!”

“It has to be less difficult to get out…”

“Oh yes, you must also buy a small one!”

“This will make Tifa’s figure even better!!”

Tifa should not be allowed to wear a bucket of clothes all the time, that would be disrespectful to Tifa, the 3D area of Jerusalem!

Thinking of this, Su Chen’s face was full of LSP’s unique kind smile.

A moment later,

“That’s it!”

Su Chen smiled satisfactorily, relieved that in less than a minute, he threw all kinds of strange clothes that he usually put in his favorites into the shopping cart, and then, checkout, and pay the bill.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, just like that, were spent.

As for why it is so expensive, it is because after all, it is Tifa’s wife, and the various clothes ordered by Su Chen are naturally the top Qingfun brands.

Some are even disposable.

It is not because it is deliberately designed to be thrown away at one time, but because when the action becomes fierce, it is difficult to say whether these clothes with less fabric can withstand the toss of two people.

“Expedited air delivery. Well. ”

Now this blue star, that’s it.

As long as you give enough money, then even if it is separated by 108,000 miles, you can urgently deliver to the charter plane!

Therefore, Su Chen spent hundreds of thousands of clothes to buy clothes, and a large part of them were used for aviation to step up distribution.

Some even crossed several oceans to send over.

“Must arrive in the evening! Before nine o’clock! ”

Su Chen looked down at his watch, and it was just past twelve o’clock.

Not far from the kitchen, there are already bursts of cooking sounds, and there is a hint of aroma.

In the original setting of Tifa, Tifa is a woman who is good at cooking and cooking.

“Now you finally don’t have to order takeout!”

“It’s still a bit of a maid!”

Now there is still a period of time before Tifa finishes cooking, Su Chen thinks about going to the basement to see the progress of the Titan Fall player, it is almost time to open the apex competition, and then he will have to double the emotional value returned from the player, and the material exchange mall inside, to spend 2 million customized action mods is waiting for him!

Although Tifa’s every move just now almost made Su Chen almost eat her, it wasn’t enough!

In Su Chen’s mind, there are more tricks to live!

While thinking about the various Tifa fighting postures, Su Chen walked towards the basement oasis server.

“Then go ahead and cancel the attack pack.”

“Look at how many good gifts the goose factory has sent.”

After Su Chen launched an attack on the game platform of the goose factory before, it has not been lifted until now.

So until now, the game platform of the goose factory has not been able to complete the maintenance and launch.

This is also the reason why Hua Teng is anxious to find Su Chen to cooperate.

That is to say, I hope that Su Chen will help in this matter!

It’s just that Hua Teng would have thought that the object of his efforts to call for help was the one who had turned the goose factory server upside down!

“This should be the first guidance gift to the goose factory!”

As for the real technology, Su Chen himself never thought of giving it to the goose factory.

Something like this that goes in and out of his right hand is enough to hang the appetite of the goose factory.

Su Chen’s fingers flew like flying, and he quickly sent a command to the oasis server to stop the attack, of course, he did not forget, and he sent a program to Hua Teng that could not be unpackaged, in fact, it was just a bunch of garbled codes.

[By injecting programs into the server, you can crack the attack on the server]

As for the goose factory platform coming back to grab customers or something, Su Chen is not worried about the next apex competition and Neil Mechanical Age will be sold on the Oasis platform.

Who would be stupid enough to run to the goose factory wegame platform to buy games?

For Su Chen, the most difficult uphill road has climbed to the top, and the next step is smooth sailing!

“What was the master thinking?”

A delicate female voice gently sounded in Su Chen’s ear,

“Ti… Tifa? ”

“How did you suddenly come?!”

Tifa, holding a plate of fragrant baked rice, quietly appeared behind Su Chen.

Su Chen found that not only did the human design inherit the original Tifa, but even the flexible and agile movements also completely inherited the Tifa in Final Fantasy!

Every action is silent!

I really scared myself!

Seeing Su Chen’s frightened look, Tifa quickly took a step back apologetically, with an embarrassed face: “Master sorry to scare you…”

“As the price of doing something wrong, please…”

Speaking of this, Tifa suddenly blushed: “Just ask the master to punish Tifa well!” ”

As soon as Su Chen heard it, it immediately exploded!

This Tifa, too good at things to do men!

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