Chapter 202 Mutation! BT, dangerous!!

Little Sister did not dream that at a height of 10,000 meters, the difficulty of controlling the Titan to fight was far more than she imagined!

A little careless, fierce and turbulent winds, and even almost threw BT to the side of the spaceship, almost planting a height of 10,000 meters!

Even because the wind suddenly became a thousand times larger, even the aiming of the trajectory had to be recalculated.

However, these difficulties, in the face of the oppressive power of the poisonous snake, are almost nothing!

The Viper itself is a Polaris Titan, and it is a specially modified Polaris Titan, and even in terms of performance, there are hidden more than BT, the fourth generation of pioneer-level Titans!

The specially modified flight guide engine can make extremely effective use of high-speed flowing air, and even do the whole process of fighting in the air, and even make various posture changes in the air.

This innate Titan body advantage makes this 10,000-meter battle completely the home of the poisonous snake.

In this kind of air flow is large, the combat ground is still bumpy on the top of the spacecraft, and the little girl even becomes extremely difficult to manipulate the BT shooting.

BT just got the split gun in his hand, Zizi hit several shots, all human body strokes, mercy marksmanship!

On the contrary, the little girl’s side had not yet adapted to the combat environment on the high-altitude spaceship, and she was beaten several times by the poisonous snake Titan.

BT’s alarm sound immediately:

[Warning, Warning, Shield Drop Detected.] 】

Forced the little sister to hurry to the feet of BT, throwing an electronic smoke to save her life.

The audience in the live broadcast room is also a bit unable to resist the sunset red operation of the little sister: “I don’t see it all at once, how did the old woman pull so much?” ”

“Look at the angry man! Sister, you are the Titan Stroke Master! ”

“What Titan fell popular anchor, I think it is the angry anchor Dumb Little Sister!”

In a wordless barrage, the electronic smoke expired, and the combat environment on the top of the spacecraft, which was basically unobstructed, directly caused BT to be hit by a wave of poisonous snakes with full force, rumbling several loud noises, and BT was directly blown up.

The screen in the live broadcast room instantly went black.

“Congratulations to the Viper Harmless Single Brush Anchor!”

“Come on, big brother who drives flying mechs!”

“A sister this wise operation real nm to show me vomit!”

“But there is one thing to say, this poisonous snake on the other side is really a Tielai skin!”

“Other people’s titans are all the ground, and as a result, this poisonous snake flies in the sky the whole time!”

The Gaozan bullet screen turned into a voice and reached the ears of the little sister, who had just been reloaded, and her face was flushed.

These spectators!

One by one, who knows that the difference between manipulating Titans in VR and playing shooting games with keyboards and mice is as big as heaven and earth!

However, in the past, if she had been killed by all kinds of strange playing styles, the little sister would have given up the game a long time ago.

Then there will be a sentence: “What a hot chicken game, ruin my youth!” Waste of time! ”

But now, the little sister didn’t have the slightest idea of this in her heart.

Even want to stop and marvel at the design of this level!

Every time there is a big battle scene, Titan Fall can give the player a whole new trick, never the same.

The boss design of Viper breaks through the impression that Titans can only fight pure ground warfare before.

So although I have been suffering, but Dumb Little Sister, and other players who have suffered on the spaceship, the anchor, have not thought of giving up.

On the contrary, his mind was full of calculations, how to beat this iron rogue poisonous snake to crash!

Titan Fall This game is like a magical magic, the pace is bright, although Su Chen raised the default difficulty to the highest level, but still can not stop the enthusiasm of these players like fire.

Even if you die, even if you pile up corpses all the way, you will have to fight until you pass the level!

A few minutes later, with a split gun firmly hitting the poisonous snake that was still flying in the air, the little sister finally saw the dawn!

Finally able to hit this iron rogue who moves irregularly in the air!

The live broadcast room also erupted in cheers: “The sleeping trough has finally hit the opposite side!” The old father was in tears! ”

“I declare that the serpent is harmless and brushes Sister A failed!”

“Come on, little sister with a split gun!”

As this high-energy splitting gun hit the poisonous snake straight, the momentum of the poisonous snake Titan’s attack on the side of the little sister became more and more fierce, and both sides slowly used all the housekeeping skills!

A cloud of smoke-filled electronic smoke rises, yellow light and blue light and large-caliber bullet shuttles, the thick smell of gunpowder, the rumbling explosion, the roaring air currents in the sky, and the violently shaking and shaking spacecraft.

A small spaceship top battlefield, watching let the live room audience water friends directly addicted!

“This battle scene is amazing!”

“I see hope! It seems like Cooper has a chance! ”

“Nyima has to say that the North Star flying in the sky is a bit handsome!”

“Coach I also want to have a meeting to fly the North Star!”

“Wake up, that’s the seller show!”

“Sleeper! Sister A fell again! ”

“Good luck seeing hope! Rush duck old woman! ”

Another ten minutes passed.

All kinds of death methods have experienced the little sister over and over again, and this time finally seized the opportunity to split the feel of the Titan Split Gun, and the more it was used, the smoother it was.

With a straight piercing beam, it accurately hit the poisonous snake with only the last layer of blood skin left in the air.

The flying engine on the back of the viper was accurately exploded, and the little sister immediately heard the desperate cry for help of the viper:

【Help! Distress! 】

【Viper flight engine damaged, Viper flight engine damaged!】 】

【About to fall!】 】

Seeing this, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room brushed up: “Ness! Let you fly! ”

“Take advantage of his illness and ask for his life!”

“Patch up the knife!”

“Quick, Sister A, do it!”

But before the little sister could act, the poisonous snake Titan who had previously pulled the mighty wind, with a humming sound on its back, suddenly stopped its flying engine, fell straight down from the air, and directly fell into the sky!

“Although it is too late to mend the knife, it should be about the same.”

The little sister slightly comforted herself in her heart.

[Commander Sarah Briggs, here is the BT-7274 Viper has been solved. 】

As soon as the little sister heard BT’s thick voice, she almost fainted!

I complained in my heart: “Good evil let me rest!” ”

“BT this guy! It’s like never getting tired! ”

Sure enough, a second later, the familiar voice of Commander Sarah immediately came from the little sister’s ear: “Here is Sarah, received!” ”

“Cooper, in front of your ship is the detached Ark transport pod, and immediately board to take over the Ark Energy.”

“We don’t have much time! Fast! ”

Dumb little sister briefly muttered, really breathless kung fu is not!

Speaking of which, this is one of the features of the game Titan Fall.

The rhythm is wave after wave, and the unexpected events are one after another, invisibly allowing all players to maintain a nervous mood at all times!

As soon as Commander Sarah’s voice fell, the hatch in front of the little sister clicked.

[Cooper I’m going to throw it.] 】

Now, BT is humiliated, whether it is for the little sister or the audience in the live broadcast room, it is already a habit.

Dumb little sister skillfully jumped out of the cockpit, facing the howling wind, three steps and two steps, immediately keep up with the T who walked in front,

【Ready?】 】

Dumb Little Sister nodded, and BT’s mechanical hand immediately reached out and grabbed Cooper played by Dumb Little Sister

【Measuring wind resistance…】

【Ready to throw…】

Just when the little girl was ready to be accurately thrown to the destination by BT as usual, suddenly there was an extremely harsh alarm sound in her ears!

It’s the voice of the unfamiliar Rebel fighter pilot!

“The enemy is close to 2-4!” Turn right! ”

The little sister who had not yet reacted only saw a huge black shadow suddenly jump out from the bottom of the spaceship!

Dragging the huge tail flame that smoked, it rumbled out!

Then pounce straight at yourself and BT!


A silent shout, shouting in the heart of the little girl!

Now BT and Cooper are completely unprepared for battle!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also scared to fly the mobile phone and fell to the ground!



“This cargo is not dead!”

“I’ll just say! Why not mend the knife! ”

The picture shakes violently!

The serpent Titan, who is not yet dead, uses momentum. Shunshi caught BT and Dui Xiaomei together in the sky!

The audience in the live broadcast room let out a terrifying exclamation!

Dumb Little Sister didn’t have time to think about anything, and directly pulled out the automatic rifle R201 from her waist, and it was a sudden protrusion at the core of the Viper Titan.

However, this weak firepower could not cause substantial damage to the Viper Titan at all.


Because BT also had to protect Cooper with one hand, the other hand was caught in the air, and he could not fight back in the air, and he was beaten several times by the poisonous snake.

Every punch exploded with a blinding fire!

With a loud bang, BT and Cooper and the plane were slammed on top of the ship by a poisonous snake.

The huge shock wave set off by this rub directly overturned the little sister several times before landing on the ground.

The chest is like being hammered by a heavy hammer I don’t know how many times.

If you don’t subconsciously know that this is the pain stimulation of the VR somatosensory suit, you will spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot!

Struggling to get up, look up, stay little sister and millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, and shout out a sentence at the same time: “BT!!! ”

Just now this wave of sudden attacks, plus BT is still in the air to protect Cooper Now BT shield has been completely wiped out, behind the roaring fire, black smoke straight into the sky!

And suddenly the venomous snake that reappeared, rumbled and rushed to BT, BOOOM.

“Help BT Ah old woman!”

“BT was still looking straight at Cooper when he was caught in the air!”

“Nyima will not tear this serpent’s hand off today, I will stand upside down and eat it!”

The little sister gritted her teeth and picked up the anti-Titan armor-piercing sniper gun next to her, and her heart was angry and burned like fire!

Hold your breath, aim, bang!

A steady shot is fired.

The result is a deadly empty gun!

And at this moment, he was held down by the poisonous snake titan at close range, tearing a loud noise!

BT’s left arm was ripped off alive by a poisonous snake!


Dumb little sister, as well as millions of live broadcast room viewers, seeing this scene, the eye sockets are almost about to crack!

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