Chapter 204: Despair, Helplessness, and Anger!!

Before the loud explosion and bright light drowned out Cooper, the last words heard by BT were.

【Preparing for the Shock】

Then there was an explosion, a shock, devouring everything.

Then there was a death-like silence.

A few seconds later, tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, seeing this, finally couldn’t stand it!

Such an ultimate sacrifice plot is not unseen.

So when BT protected Cooper with his own broken body, all the audience guessed that the next thing must be a knife!

I thought it was sugar in one bite, and it turned out to be glass slag!

I just didn’t expect that this knife came so fiercely!

For hours, more than a dozen hours of playing, whether it is the players of the little sister, or the audience, they have long brought themselves completely into Cooper’s role.


“Sleeper Nima! Sleeper Nyima! Don’t, ah, ah.”

“If something happens to BT, I’ll send Su Chen a ton of blades!”

“If BT is dead, I’m going to kill Su Chen!”

“Brother don’t! Calm down! ”

“Please, Su Chen, don’t kill BT!” Please! ”

“Just now BT that sentence I will not lose another iron driver, the real tm showed me crying!”

“! BT listens to this and the eyes go into the sand! ”


“What the hell is going on now?!” What happened to BT and Cooper? ”


Hum-——— a piercing sound in front of the pitch-black picture.

Subsequently, in the explosion of bullet screen in the live broadcast room, the little sister played Cooper, the eyelids slowly opened, and the line of sight gradually became clear from blurred.

“Here it is…”

“It looks like our hero has woken up.”

Before the figure arrives, the sound arrives first.

And this sound!

Not only did the little sister hear it, but even the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately cold when they heard it!

Very familiar!

And now the only enemy voices that can impress players and viewers are the mercenary boss, Brix.


A strong man with dark skin and full of tendon flesh stood not far away, glanced back at Cooper who had fallen to the ground, nodded slightly, and instead of saying more, turned his head to continue listening to a long-range hologram: “Brisque, your problem is none of my business. ”

The little sister was shocked, isn’t this General Mader’s voice!

General Mader continued unhurriedly: “After you deliver the Ark according to our contract, the IMC will transfer the funds to you.” ”

Briske waved his hand impatiently, “Prepare the money I want, and I will bring the precious goods you want.” ”

When he finished, the hologram of General Mader disappeared.

Brisque shook his head,

“Titan… Quickly open the hatch and hand over the holy cabinet. ”

Dumb little sister listened, full of excitement!

Titan… Isn’t that BT!

BT is still alive!

The little sister who was pressed to the ground moved her head with difficulty, and when she looked to the front side, her head suddenly buzzed! Explode on the spot!

The mouth unconsciously began to murmur: “BT… BT!!! ”

And the audience in the live broadcast room followed the line of sight of the little sister, that is, Cooper, and saw the BT for a moment, and the eye sockets were almost angrily opened!

In the line of sight, the degree of damage of BT has almost reached the level of scrapping.

The two mechanical legs were blown off, leaving only the upper body and the slightly complete right hand mechanical arm, and the mutilated half of the body was hung on a suspension and could not move at all.

The head where the core is located is pulled weakly, and the body still bursts out of the electrical spark of the broken fault from time to time.

Like a man who is about to be hanged.



“Sleeper Nima! Nyima!!! ”

“My BT! My BT!! ”

“Labor and management are going to kill all these miscellaneous pieces!”

The most extreme and simple swear words, cathartic is the audience’s most angry emotions at this time!

And the little sister on the scene is even more like a knife!

Now I understand what is called a knife and a knife on the heart, and what is called sprinkling salt on the wound!

“BT… BT…”

The anxious and angry voice of the little sister shouted out, but it was unexpectedly hoarse and weak


A sharp pain suddenly surged into the body, and the little sister couldn’t stop inhaling the cool air, and there was a sizzle between her teeth.

This wave of explosions, even for Cooper’s level of iron driving, is very bad impact damage.

【Voice Commands… Not recognized…]

BT replied intermittently, the little sister did not react for a while, standing on the other side of the mercenary general, Sloane, impatiently took a step, a grumpy face wanted to move at BT: “Let me tear this titan off!” ”

Brisque shook his head, “It’s too risky, the energy of the Holy Ark inside this Titan is still very unstable, and it may explode at any time.” ”

This time, the IMC mercenary leader Brisk, finally walked over to Cooper’s side, crouched down, and said in a tone that was not hurried or slow: “Listen to the big hero, I will just say, let your Titan give me the Holy Ark energy.” ”

“In this way, maybe you still have a way to live…”

As he spoke, Briske also took out a dagger from his waist, and the tip of the dagger reflected a little white light, and pointed at Cooper.

With the blessing of the V picture, the little sister could almost feel the cold glow of the tip of the knife, only a few feet away from her face.

However, at this moment, in the heart of the little sister, it was already full of anger!

Man is this strange creature, there is a word called angry laughter, and now the little sister has reached this state.

Sneering, he squeezed a hissing voice out of his throat: “Open what, open his speech box?” ”

When Cooper said this, Brisk’s face suddenly went black,…

He sighed, “Just want to be a hero so much.” ”

After saying that, he stood up, pulled out a pistol, and pointed it at Cooper condescendingly: “Tell your Titan, he will not hand over the energy of the Holy Ark again.”

The gun in Briske’s hand made a crisp reloaded sound.

“I’ll open your head to the flowers.”

Before Cooper could speak, BT’s buzzing mechanical sound came up, intermittently:

【Iron Drive in crisis, visual system】

【Vision system failure… Unable to use the visual system to identify the iron driver]

As he said this, BT’s head also turned in the direction of Cooper, and the green indicator flashed slightly.

Dumb little sister for a time all kinds of confusion, has not yet reacted to BT what this is doing!

On the contrary, at this time, a large number of viewers in the live broadcast room have already seen it: “BT is pretending to be stupid!” ”

“You listen to BT’s tone, it’s all weird! It’s completely different from talking to Cooper! ”

“There was a problem! There is a problem with the cliff! ”

“This must be a reminder to Cooper!”

“BT must have some tricks waiting for you!”

“Mad look at BT and Cooper how Jedi flipped!”

“I don’t dare to go to the toilet! Labor and management want to see the bottom of the chop IMC this bunch of shit! ”

The audience, who had seen BT destroyed like this, was almost desperate by BT’s words and two words, and directly rekindled hope!

As a result, one by one, I heard that the little sister was about to issue a questioning voice, and the whole public screen in the live broadcast room was brushed up, afraid that as soon as the little sister opened her mouth, it would be a big thing!

“Shut up! Don’t mess around! ”

“Don’t do the next meal!”

“Old woman don’t talk! Listen to BT’s! ”

“Don’t be bad! A sister this stupid BT! ”

As a result, the little sister really suddenly swallowed the conversation back.

Quietly pressed to the ground to see how BT performs.

Sure enough, as the BT voice fell, Briske turned the gun around and waved at Cooper,

“Oh, forget it, let him stand!”

Cooper was immediately lifted from the ground by two IMC mercenaries, and Brisk walked over to BT and impatiently pointed to the kidnapped Cooper.

“See him as a Titan?” Over here! Over here! See? ”

【Visual work… Yes… Severe… Damaged…]

This little sister finally understood it all!

BT this guy is playing dumb!

Waiting for an opportunity!

Wait for an opportunity to turn yourself over the Jedi.

And Briske obviously didn’t think so, or didn’t bother to think at all, and shook his hand.

“Bring this iron with you!” Close to the point! Let the Titans take a look! ”

Cooper was dragged by two people around him and brought to BT.

“I don’t care how much damage you have.”

Briske suddenly sneered, so that the little sister and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly giggled in their hearts.

Qi Qi flashed a thought: “Could it be that BT’s back move was recognized by this guy?!” ”

Briske’s voice suddenly rose and the pistol pointed at BT: “Titan, I know inside your body… There must be something that works. ”

“You can recognize the Iron Horse.”

Dumb little sister listened, the heart fell directly to the bottom of the valley!

“Open the hatch and give me the Ark Energy.”


Briske turned suddenly, the pistol safety snapped shut, and the muzzle of the black gun pointed steadily at the door of Cooper’s head.

“I’ll make your iron harness… The head blossoms. ”

At this point, Brisque no longer seems to intend to wait for any response from BT,

“Do you remember the numbers, Titan?”

“I count to three.”


The countdown sounded, and the little sister was cold!

This time, it seems to have finally come to an end?

It seems that there is no chance of turning over at all.

Because in fact, from beginning to end, the initiative is firmly in the hands of the enemy!

At this moment, inside the helmet interface in front of Cooper’s eyes, there was a sudden beep, and a string of code came!

A glimmer of light flashed in Cooper’s eyes!


Inside Cooper’s Helmet: [Receiving Encrypted Messages]

BT—7274: Cooper, trust me. 】


Uh-huh… Click…!

Brisque had just spoken of the Three 587, when the door of the BT behind him suddenly opened, and the dazzling white light emitted by the energy of the Holy Cabinet almost made everyone who flashed for a while almost unable to open their eyes.

Briske put down his pistol and immediately had a satisfied smile on his face: “Wouldn’t it have been so much trouble earlier, right?” ”

Brisque even stood still, waving his hand to let the IMC mercenaries around him lean over.

“Come all of you! Pack up this holy ark and let’s go! ”

In such a momentary gap, BT suddenly heard a creaking sound, a fairly intact right hand mechanical arm, elbow out of the faint blue light of the thruster, slammed into Brisk!

Almost at the same moment, the rocket rack on BT’s shoulder suddenly rose and opened, and the few remaining rockets roared straight to the floor in front of Cooper!

The IMC mercenaries gathered around him, there is no place to hide!

Rumble! Rumble!

The huge shock wave once again flipped Cooper over and flew out and rolled several times.

And this time BT’s final blow also freed Cooper from being held hostage by IMC mercenaries.


The little sister pressed her abdomen tightly, and a sharp pain violently hit her stomach.

In the blur of vision, the little sister, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, saw something that made them extremely frightened and angry, a dark titan, and knocked to the BT that had finished the last round of ammunition.

“No…! BT!! ”

The helpless crazy cry in the bottom of the little sister’s heart, but because of the severe pain in her body, she couldn’t shout a word!

Can only be on the ground, because of the severe pain curled up, watching this Titan, with a mechanical arm hard through the cockpit of BT, the whole of the Holy Cabinet Energy pulled out!

“That’s a good move, Titan.”


The driver’s contemptuous laughter rang out as the Titan’s exclusive armor-piercing gun was crammed into the BT cockpit.

“No! No! No! ”

The little sister cried helplessly, but no one could hear it, and Sloan would not pay any attention to any sound.


Sloane’s Titan, laughing wildly, fired recklessly into the cockpit of the BT!

In the almost desperate eyes of the little girl, the remaining upper body of the BT was almost completely destroyed by the destruction of the close-range armor-piercing bullet.


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