Chapter 209 Nam no Gatling Bodhisattva, 3,600 turns in one breath!!

【Collect emotion value: 740,000】

[Collect emotional values: 748,000…]

Su Chen, who was lying on Tifa’s white soft thighs, looked at the seafood live broadcast platform with satisfaction, and all the audience almost boiled like boiling water!

As more and more players and streamers progress to the scene where BT sacrifices and then regains its life, the emotional value collected by its own system is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few minutes, Su Chen had not yet fully enjoyed the warmth and softness of Tifa!

The emotional value has risen by almost 100,000!

“It’s almost as fast as a rocket!”

This extremely depressing, revenge release, and finally the story of the sacrifice of BT returning from the new life, completely put all the Titan Fall players and the audience of the Blue Star, take the dead of the pinch!

The player’s emotions at this time are like a spring that has been pressed to the extreme, and then with the help of a wave of wisdom pistols, it has been completely released!

Thinking of this, Su Chen’s heart still couldn’t help but have a sense of respect for the rebirth production team that produced the Titan Fall in the world before the crossing.

From the beginning of BT’s “sacrifice” to the rebirth of BT, it can be called the highest light moment of the plot so far!

Even if Su Chen himself does not know, how many times he has repeatedly played this plot, until now to see these blue star anchor players play again, or see the ups and downs, the waves in his heart are turbulent!

The brightest thing in this plot is to let the player’s emotions, Cooper’s emotions, and the automatic aiming wisdom pistol in his hand, perfectly matched, can be called seamless!

The whole process, Cooper didn’t say a word.

In the face of the commander or the shouts of his teammates, there is no reply, and all I think about is to use the fastest speed and the most accurate shooting to bring out the core left by BT!

And everything else in the world seems so small that it doesn’t matter at all!

This mentality is the same as the real mentality of the anchors who are completely immersed in the little sister, Yinzi, and Eggplant.

Of course, this also includes all other Blue Star players who have hit this progress.

This can be seen from the emotional value received by Su Chen’s system.

And when the final moment, when a brand new Titan descends from the sky, the player plays Cooper, in the true sense, once again completes the ceremony of “becoming an iron driver”!

The first time he became an Iron Rider, it was because of the sudden death of the captain, and Cooper was in danger.

And this time save BT, board a Titan of your own, and become a real Iron Rider!

At this point, it is also the highest point of light of the plot so far!

“At this rate of increase in sentiment points, coupled with the subsequent opening of the Apex Arena, it seems that two million sentiment values will soon be reached!”

“Then redeem…”

Tifa looked puzzled: “What is the master laughing badly?” ”

At this time, in the live broadcast screen of Dumb Little Sister, when Dumb Little Sister links the BT operating system, the Iron Helmet display interface immediately beeps out all the information of this BT new weapon.

“The Hunter Cannon.”

“Powerful mini cannon with a long start time!”

“Exclusive Mode Switching: Switch between close-range burst fire mode and long-range precision mode.”

The audience in the live broadcast room followed the little sister and read the description of this new Titan’s exclusive weapon word by word.

“God mini cannon!”

“Whose mini cannon is so violent?”

“It’s clearly an enlarged version of Titan’s dedicated Gatlin!”

“You can also switch between remote precision mode and close-range burst mode at will, and it feels like BT is now complete!”

“BT-7274 Final Battle Ver!”

“Nam no Gatling Bodhisattva! Three thousand six hundred revolutions in one breath! ”

“Great Mercy and Great Compassion Transcend IMC!”

In the live broadcast room audience a warm boiling expectation, the little sister grasped the pole of BT, nervously swallowed a mouthful of water, after all, this is still BT’s new body, can it really cooperate with herself as before?

Squeak… Squeak…

BT’s two brand-new robotic arms are raised smoothly, and a standard Gatling posture is carried by the standard!

Sure enough, it is still a familiar sense of operation!

Even more silky than before! It’s really a brand new upgrade BT!

The little sister smiled so hard that the corners of her mouth grinned to the root of her ear.

This is the BT of the complete body!

Just when the little sister was excited, Rustle…

“Cooper! We are firing at IMC with full force! But there is still no way to stop the interception of that folding space-time weapon! ”

At this moment, Commander Sarah’s extremely anxious voice sounded,

“Our hope is only for you and BT!”

“Cooper, enter the control room as soon as possible from the ground on your side and stop the interception of folded space-time weapons!”

This time, Cooper finally responded: “Received, immediately go on a mission with BT.” ”

Commander Sarah’s voice visibly sounded relieved,

“Commander Briggs calls all combat units! Call all combat units! ”

“All units are fully firepower supported by Cooper and BT! Cover them at all costs! ”

As soon as the command voice fell, immediately in the communication channel, the response of a large number of other friendly units sounded, one after another, endlessly!

“102 fighter received!”

“K Special Squad received!”

“The second rifleman squadron has arrived!”

The little sister looked up: in the distance, the main IMC base where the space-time weapons control room was located, and suddenly the alarm sounded in the sky.

Suddenly, countless rebel fighters appeared, against the dense anti-aircraft fire, desperately began to burst into the air above the base!

On the IMC side, the dense anti-aircraft fire was frantically strafing non-stop, and one after another rebel Hornet fighters had just burst into the outskirts of the base and were shot down by anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft automatic machine guns.

Bursts of sparks exploded in the air.

However, none of the fighters turned around, and all the fighters continued to advance without hesitation and without turning their heads.

In order to attract the IMC terror defense firepower as much as possible, and then create the possibility for the breakthrough of Cooper and BT.

Cooper and BT are the only hope for everyone at this time!

If the IMC is allowed to successfully launch the folding space-time weapon, then a rebel mother star with a large number of civilians will be destroyed in an instant!

Therefore, as soon as Commander Sarah’s general attack order arrived, the entire rebel fleet launched a general attack on the IMC main base with no way back!




For a moment, above the battlefield, a deafening explosion echoed with fire.

Dumb Little Sister’s gaze retracted from the sky above the IMC base, and her voice was more determined and calm than ever: “It’s time for us BT!” ”

Understood, Cooper! 】

[A large number of IMC defenders were detected from the front.] 】

“Let them see how powerful our new weapons are!”

BT’s two-handed Hunter Cannon, the Titan version of the 700 Gatlin, buzzed and began to spin!

The audience in the live broadcast room, the blood of watching rushed straight to the head!

Everyone knows that this is the warm-up action before Gatlin’s high-speed intensive launch.

After a few moments, the Gatling barrel in BT’s hand has entered a high-speed rotation state, and the warm-up is complete!

Three thousand six hundred revolutions in one breath! In front of the barrel, it has even begun to redder slightly.

And the combination of several Titan and Death robots dispatched by M also arrived at this time on the way forward for BT.

“Resistance Iron Rider! Surrender now! Surrender now! ”

“We, the IMC anti-Titan forces, have surrounded you with a Titan!”

Dumb little sister sneered, who surrounds whom, may not be sure!

Pressing the launch button violently, BT’s whole body shook violently with the activation of the Gatling Hunter Cannon in his hand!

Daaaaaa Daaaaaa

The wildly spinning barrel of Gatlin’s gun spewed out one fierce fire snake after another!

The terrifying firepower output instantly overwhelmed all the IMC Titans in front!

Strong penetration, coupled with a terrifying rate of fire of several thousand rounds a minute, directly penetrates the shield of the opposite Titan! Even several ordinary Titans were blasted directly into the state of parts!

These other Death God robots were even more shattered under the strafing of BT, and they were smashed without even lifting their heads!

In an instant, the IMC Titan immediately issued a terrifying and desperate cry for help!

“Help! Distress! ”

“An enemy vanguard Titan has surrounded us!”

“The opponent is Cooper Iron Rider! This Titan is BT7274! ”

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