Chapter 214 Agreement III, Protecting the Iron Horse!!

“What do you say BT?!”

The first to react and be surprised is not the player, the streamer, or the audience.

It’s Commander Sarah.

The sound is shaking in the radio communication channel!

I can blow it up. 】

The BT voice, as calm and calm as ever, is like saying something very ordinary.

I now upload the coordinates of the confluence of the transport ship to you, Commander.] 】

As soon as the BT voice fell, a pile of garbled characters on the cockpit display immediately beeped into a new line of text: “Agreement two, stick to the mission: destroy the space-time weapon.” ”

At this point, the players, the anchors, the audience, finally reacted.

I just didn’t fully react to it.

“What is this BT for?!”

“Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is wrong!”

“I feel like tons of blades are on their way!”

“What is this transport ship that BT is talking about?”

“I guess I left with Cooper after the mission?”

“That’s good, that’s good…”

However, players and various game streamers are obviously not as optimistic as the audience.

From the BT discourse, they heard a very unusual meaning.

A sense of ultimate sacrifice.

Dumb Little Sister was almost trembling, controlling BT to walk towards the space-time weapon launch assembly room, even when jumping on Sloane’s back to carry out a near-suicide attack, her hands and feet were not so shaky!

Yinzi’s voice was even hoarse, and she couldn’t say what she wanted to say.

There are also heavyweight anchors like Teacher Park, whose body is even more trembling, and he can’t hide his Yan Li at all.

The eggplant was constantly moving her lips, and the sound was stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t say it.

“Received the coordinates! We will immediately send a transport ship to rendezvous! ”

“Commander Sarah’s voice has always been calm, even in the most critical moments, but at this time, it is also unstoppable shaking!”

“BT… Cooper! So how did you get past the rendezvous coordinates? ”

By the time Commander Sarah asked this question, BT had quietly disconnected from Cooper’s action system.

On the cockpit screen, a line of small system letters appeared inconspicuously: “The operating system is not reconnected.” ”

“Uploading data…”

At this point, only the audience in the live broadcast room noticed this.

Other players, as well as anchors, have long been suddenly a series of mutations, shocked and completely confused!

Even the female anchors who are usually good at expression management, like Sister Zhou’s little sister Mozi, have long thrown the expression management to the back of their heads, one by one, their faces are shocked, almost petrified!

Didn’t notice the small words in the corners of these screens at all.

And his hands, while firmly grasping the grip of the space-time weapon assembly compartment, still answered in a quiet voice:

[Trust me, Commander Sarah, I’ve already calculated. 】

At this point, Sarah Briggs, the commander of the Resistance’s Ninth Fleet, had actually seen countless similar scenes in his lifetime on the battlefield.

Taking a deep breath, Commander Sarah’s voice paused slightly, then became incredibly determined: “… All right! Hope you guys do well! Cooper, BT! ”

“We’re already on our way to the coordinates of the rendezvous point.”

“Good luck to you!”

“Communication is over!”

[Communication is complete.] 】

At this point, the data is still uploading.

However, no player or anchor noticed these small text prompts, even if the sharp-eyed live broadcast room viewers, seeing the words “uploading”, only think that BT is still uploading the coordinate position to meet.

Just don’t know why, this location coordinate data seems to be a bit big…

After another creak, BT had climbed the entire airframe to the space-time weapon assembly compartment, and the facility broadcast sounded intermittently: “Folding space-time weapon charging progress is 95%.” ”

“The folding space-time weapon is about to start.”

“All units are evacuated immediately, repeatedly, and all units are evacuated immediately.”

“Folding space-time weapon charge progress is 96%.”

Players who arrive here: all at this point, seem to understand what is about to happen, and all strangely fall into a silence.

Just one second, as long as a century!

Dumb little sister wearing a VR helmet, tears can’t stop flowing down” Mozi’s shoulders are constantly shaking because of sobbing.

Even Sister Zhou, who usually destroys the atmosphere with a long mouth, her eyes are also red, her hands are tightly holding the VR handle, and her knuckles are miserable!

Yinzi, who is usually very stable anchors, are also clenching their teeth one by one, not saying a word, but both hands are tightly holding the pole of BT, even if it is impossible to control BT’s action now.

However, the audience in all the live broadcast rooms can’t help it at all!

“The groove is indeed a knife!” Why, the fuck?! ”

Dog thief Su Chen! We’re all waiting for us here!

“Rushing into the core of the Holy Ark like this, there is no way to survive!”

“Like BT said he was going to detonate his own reactor?”

“Is it really the ultimate sacrifice! I don’t want it!!! Crying and wowing”

“The one that was just pulled out was not the Holy Cabinet Energy, so I said it wasn’t that easy!”

“It seems to be a launch brake facility, but now it seems that the launch program can’t stop at all!”

“What then?!”

“What else can I do! Follow BT to the final task! ”

“Eighteen years later, he is a good man again!”

“That’s right!”

“To die together!”

In each live broadcast room, there is a bullet screen thick to explode, which covers the entire screen.

Every viewer, in front of the screen, choked up and pressed the keyboard, knocked down the screen of the mobile phone, and sent out a bullet screen of farewell.

At this moment, all the players, anchors, and viewers along the way seem to have identified one thing.

Cooper and BT’s journey, that’s it.

Now, it’s time to say goodbye to BT and Cooper.

Among them, the most stable mood right now is these players sitting in the cockpit of BT.

The facility broadcasts a cold voice, ringing like a bell at the final light: “The folding space-time weapon is 98% charged, the target planet Hamoni, about to launch, repeat, about to launch.” ”

All the live broadcast rooms, all the anchors, and other ordinary, all the players who don’t know their names, at this moment, all, made exactly the same move, silently adjusted the seat in the BT cockpit, fixed themselves firmly in the cockpit seat, and the tearful anchors who stayed little sister, foam, and eggplant finally showed a smile of relief on their faces.

Just like a short silence just a second, it has made all the precious memories of the BT along the way flashing back to the minds of all the players.

“Enough is enough.”

All players are silently telling themselves in their hearts.

“If that’s the only option, then.”

Firm thoughts, like the most solid mountains in the world, are completely unshakable.

All players, opening at the same moment, miraculously, are the same sentence, all the anchors, whether it is the seafood station, or what mouse station, Douyin, or Tiger Bud station, the home page row of live broadcast rooms, also all echo the same sentence: “Don’t worry, BT.” ”

Each player’s voice characteristics are different, but in the game screen, it is exactly the same tone, firm, gentle, and unwavering.

At the same moment, it is all a sentence: “I am here, not going anywhere.” ”

All the players, the anchors, have gone through a long journey, and by now, they have completely put it down.

The audience figured it out.

An end that can die with comrades and brothers.

At least, the ending wasn’t bad.

“99% of the recharge progress of the folding space-time weapon.”

Even the female voice on the facility’s radio seemed to be soft.

All players, clutching the seat with both hands, put everything down, and looked at the cockpit screen in front of them calmly.

At this moment, every player who arrives here has fully integrated himself into Cooper’s character.

At the last moment, I am Cooper, and Cooper is me.

Destroying the Space-Time Weapon and destroying the Ark with BT is the last mission.

“Folding time and space weapon charge progress is 100%, the weapon into the launch state broadcast just fell, in front of the BT screen, suddenly appeared a new line of error code.”

[Agreement 1: Connect the Iron Drive.] 】

[Agreement 2: Stick to the task. 550】

Behind the new protocol three, there is a line of garbled characters that have never been seen before.

Garbled characters, violent shaking.

Just like the violent vibration that all players feel.

The moment Protocol Three appeared, the launch compartment sounded a huge roar and began, preparing to shoot the entire body of the BT at high speed to the center of the ring belt device of the space-time weapon, where the energy of the Holy Cabinet was located, a sphere shining with a dazzling white light.

“Come on!”

All players, all viewers in mind, at the same time pop out the word.

In front of the cockpit screen, a long acceleration tunnel.

The yellow lights are all on.

Hum accelerates and sps backwards in front of all players.

It was also at this moment that the three lines of garbled agreement were finally fully restored.

A row of words that will always be remembered in the hearts of all players appeared:

[Protocol 3, protect the Iron Drive.] 】

At the same time, the cockpit door of BT suddenly opened, a solid and gentle mechanical hand reached in, and the fixtures on all the players, automatically opened.

“What are you doing!!!”

All the players, the anchors, shouted such a sentence at the same time, tearing their hearts and lungs!

Almost instantaneously, everyone understood the true meaning of this agreement three.

BT is familiar with the mechanical sound, this time, the voice is the same emotion as humans, reluctance, trust, and consistent firmness and reliability.

Trust me, Cooper! 】

In high-speed flight, the fuselage strives to adjust the most perfect throwing posture.

The left hand, as before, gave the player a thumbs up.

The head with the green light on nodded slightly.

And this is also the last time BT loses people.

With a loud roar, Cooper had been thrown out of the ring belt in an instant, and the body fell rapidly into the center of the white Sacred Cabinet energy core, followed by a white glow, swallowing everything up.

The tears of all the viewers in the live broadcast room instantly wet the keyboard in front of them and the mobile phone in their hands.

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