Chapter 216 Sadness, Hope and Sequel!!

“Cooper, let’s go home.”

“The spacecraft sets the goal: the Hamoni Star.”

Subsequently, the spacecraft began to turn.

What remains behind is the wreckage of a destroyed Typhon, countless fragments of debris, the nuclear collapse from the star, without gravity, maintaining the appearance of the last moment of the explosion impact, walking like a celestial goddess scattering flowers The second super explosion of the energy of the Holy Cabinet, the terrifying shock wave, and even the atmosphere of the Typhon star are completely blown away!

Half of the broken star core remained, and the raging magma that was free from the shackles, sad and spectacular.

“You have saved countless people! Cooper, BT…”

“Thank you Cooper, and that Vanguard Titan!”

“Hats off to that Titan BT-2724!”

The players were still looking at the destroyed Typhons by the porthole, and the communication channel in their ears came one after another, and the excited calls of the rebel comrades came from the communication channel in their ears.

Everyone witnessed what would happen to the target planet once the terrifying Ark Energy was all exploded.

Typhonstar is the most vivid example.

However, not a single anchor, not a single regular player, has any response to these thank-you words.

No one cared.

To be precise, everyone’s mind is blank.

After a period of extreme sadness under the parkour, now every anchor and every player is caught in the pause of thinking.

This feeling may be the same as the brief blankness after hearing that a loved one has left.

In the picture, Cooper is standing by the porthole, not saying a word.

Commander Sarah came over, patted Cooper on the shoulder, sighed slightly, didn’t say anything more, and walked away silently.

Now, finally, the player is left with time, a time that truly belongs to them.

And this is also the time that Su Chen specially left for the players, and there is no such thing as this in the original game.

Su Chen hopes that players can brew well and then digest this emotion.

On the other hand, the player’s emotional value collected by the system will also be more violent!

A line of small hints, just right at the bottom of the picture,

“Any move the player does now will not affect Cooper’s behavior.”

“The transition to the planet Hamoni will take a while.”

As Su Chen expected, the little sister, Mozi, Tuan’er, female flow and even Zhou Shuyi, these female anchors, seeing this line of prompts, the surging sadness in their hearts finally could not be stopped, just like the tears in their eyes, they burst out of the embankment!

A number of female anchors, without even one exception, finally can no longer bear it, a VR helmet on the ground, even the usual expression management are thrown aside, everyone’s eyes are a red, tears in the eyes are hazy, and some of them simply come straight over, turn off the live camera, and some even sit directly on the ground, a handful of tears and a snot and cry!

His shoulders were shaking violently with sobs, and the makeup on his face was all flowered.

No one cares what they’ve just achieved or what kind of apex invitation they’ve got.

And the audience of these anchors, to be placed in peacetime, must be low in the tears of the joke anchors.

But at the moment, not a single audience member of the live broadcast room is making jokes about these female anchors.

Instead, while following the tears, his fingers slammed into the bullet screen: “Sister A, this old woman, don’t cry Ah Cao!” Make labor and capital cry! ”

“Sister Zhou usually likes to open her mouth to ruin the atmosphere!” You open your mouth! Just kidding! Woohoo”

“I didn’t want to cry! You’ve been crying! ”

And anchors like Eggplant and Yinzi, although they tried their best to suppress the sadness in their hearts, none of them succeeded.

Eggplant even ignored the rules of the live broadcast room, squatted on the ground and smoked a cigarette in public, and sighed a long breath every time he took a sip.

The eye sockets are also glowing with tears.

A few seconds later, the live broadcast room was locked up in a small black room for violating the live broadcast regulations.

These old anchors squatted on the ground one by one, holding their heads with their hands.

Try not to let the audience see their own tears.

The PDD is the most reacting one, not knocked down by the VR suit and the simulation cabin, but just took off the VR helmet, actually fainted to the ground.

Frightened, the daughter-in-law who had been next to him quickly fed him a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

PDD, which was hard to wake up, picked up the VR helmet next to him and slapped and screamed, and tears poured out.

The audience in the live broadcast room usually has seen these anchors so out of shape: “I have never seen Teacher Park like this!” ”

“As if this is the legend that I fainted because I was too sad?”

“It seems that yes, I am lost in my heart!”

“I can’t stand it anymore, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it gets!”

“Why is this the end?” I want to kill Su Chen! ”

“How about the brothers buying blades together and sending them to Su Chen’s house?”

Up to now, the seafood station live home page, automatically sorted by the heat system, rows and rows of all live Titan fallen.

And the progress is all to BT sacrifice, Cooper returns to the plot of Harmoni Star.

In a small and half live broadcast room, he was crying violently, and he did not hide his emotions.

In the other half of the live broadcast room, the anchors also do not say a word, allowing themselves to immerse themselves in the pain of losing BT.

Other ordinary players, also lost their souls and threw away the VR suit, lying directly on the ground, staring at the ceiling in a daze, their mouths wide open, desperately twitching their noses to let the tears from the eye sockets flow through the cheeks and to the mouth.

Bitter, sad.

The whole network of Titan Fall players, at this moment, collective tears!

I don’t know how long it took, countless rebel ships began to spew out brilliant flames, turning around and preparing to jump.

The picture shot also shifts from Cooper’s first perspective to Cooper’s lonely back from the third-person perspective, quietly and confidently.

After a moment, Cooper slowly took off the Iron Helmet on his head, then put the helmet aside and turned away.

Just when all the players, anchors and viewers thought that this journey was over, a small line of font reflected on the Cooper helmet mask,

“The data upload is complete.”

Subsequently, the blue light in the center of the helmet lit up slightly, flashing and flashing.

This deliberately magnified detail, instantly, shocked the whole network!

“No matter how often you watch it again, it’s still so sad.”

Su Chen in front of the screen, watching the almost identical reaction in the live broadcast room, also had a faint trace of pantothenic acid in his nose.

Looking at the soulless appearance of these blue star players, Su Chen remembered that when he hit here, his heart was also empty.

“But I now have the ability to continue this story.”

Su Chen clenched his fists slightly.

Crossing the previous world, there is no sequel to the fall of the Titans, which is his regret all the time.

Now, the System Skills Marketplace is refreshed again.

Su Chen, too, has the ability to truly produce a completely own Taita Fall sequel!

【Query system sentiment value…】

[Host sentiment value: 1 million.] 】

【1.05 million. 】

【1.1 million. 】

Still rubbing upwards!

Su Chen immediately reacted, it was the helmet!

The line of small letters on the helmet of the Iron Horse,

“The data transfer is complete.”

Let the Titan Fall players who have cleared the whole network, as well as the audience, burst out with unprecedented emotions!

This emotion is hope.

The whole network exploded, and the major hot searches were instantly dominated by a sentence.

“Thousands of Blood Book Su Chen makes Titan Fall 2 sequel!”

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