Chapter 223 Be Yourself in the Fire! A burning circle of poison that stings the whole body!!

Just when all the players were confused and did not know what is called a shrinking circle, the curtain suddenly began to approach quickly from this place called the outside of Olympus!

Then, wrap up the entire Olympus map!

The whole map was covered by a huge curtain, and it was rounded from the outside.

A very small number of players who land on the high ground at the edge of the map will see the curtain quickly lean over at the first sight and then stop directly at the edge of Olympus!


What is this thing?

All the anchors, players, and viewers have a big question mark above their heads.

However, each player no longer accepts any prompts from the game system.

The shrinking circle, and this seemingly dangerous curtain, all the players are in the dark, completely unaware of what’s going on!

This is of course Su Chen’s design.

Deliberately remove some of the necessary teaching.

Because among more than 10 million Titan 2 players, the players who collect the ticket fragments first are basically considered “high play”.

That is, more advanced players.

At least, compared to the other players of Blue Star, the understanding of the game goes beyond the level of continuous watching and mine sweeping.

Therefore, Su Chen was relieved and bold to teach the specific meaning of what the circle was shrinking, and all of them were removed.

However, there are also some places where Su Chen uses a design that is more considerate of the low game level of the Blue Star, like the parachute design of the opening game.

If the original back jet booster design is used, most players will be completely confused.

This stuff is also rare in real life.

At that time, most players, I am afraid that in VR, they will have to rely on the system to automatically guide the jet to land.

Unlike now, there are still many players who have found the trick of parachute landing.

Overuse the parachute first, then gradually switch to a back jetpack in subsequent game updates.

When the time comes, players who are accustomed to adjusting their posture in the air will make better use of jetpacks.

As long as they are watching the audience in the apex live broadcast room, they are now all confused!

They are all speculating about what this curtain that runs from the ground to the sky is what it is!

“The groove just saw what seems to be a bird flying out, and as soon as it touched the big circle, it was straight away!”

“Nyima is a little scary!”

“How do you see how you stopped this big circle?”

“I see! I know! It’s the air wall! ”

“Ah yes yes yes! Aren’t those manufacturers in Goose Factory like this! Too lazy to let the player explore other places, a wall of air directly blocks the end! ”

“It seems to be true! It turns out that Su Chen is also a lazy pig! How to do the same thing as the goose factory? ”

“The wall of air of all evil!”

“Air wall, that’s all right!” I guess I don’t want the player to run to the edge of the map, I’m afraid there will be some bugs! ”

Su Chen looked at the Blue Star audience’s chaotic speculation about the poison circle and smiled slightly: “These viewers are still too young.” ”

Moreover, Su Chen also saw in the background, and there were players whose curiosity could kill the cat, who had landed on the edge of the map, and actually took the initiative to lean on the edge of the poison circle!

Like, it’s still an anchor squad!

“It turned out to be the Great Sima This.” Team, no wonder! ”

Thinking of waiting for the reaction of the Great Sima who would mistakenly break into the poison circle, the corners of Su Chen’s mouth began to rise slowly!

In the big Sima live broadcast room, more and more viewers began to boo, not because of anything else, but because now the big Sima is the closest to the mysterious curtain on the edge of the map among all the anchors!

“Teacher Jinlun is going to see what’s inside!”

“There’s something to lick at the cliff!”

“The Great Killer! RPG! Or maybe a Titan!! ”

Under the coaxing of wave after wave of bullet screens, Sima Da directly beckoned the other two teammates over: “Brothers! Let’s lean over and see! ”

“Look at what’s outside the circle!”

The other two passers-by teammates were still a little hesitant: “Brother, the curtain outside this is not happy to go!” ”

“Yeah, it’s scary red inside!” Not right at first glance! This is warning color, right? ”

Sima Da’s face was full of indifference: “Afraid of what brother!” I just picked up a bromeliad treatment bag! Not to the Phoenix Healing Pack! ”

Sima Da shook a thick medical kit in his hand,

“I read the instructions above! Whoever steps into the coffin with one foot can pull you back! Cliff is medical black technology! ”

“Besides, we are wearing energy armor and are afraid of an egg!”

The other two looked at each other, hesitated for a second, and nodded to keep up with the pace of the Great Sima.

After all, at that time, Sima Da took them to parachute into this side, there was no competition squad nearby, and there was a happy batch of garbage pickers!

A few minutes ago, the squad of Renren, who was still empty-handed, has now picked up an energy white armor!

Not to mention the collapse of everyone’s hands, instantly feel like a sniper!

Coupled with all kinds of miscellaneous medical kits, batteries, has expanded the no.

I even had the illusion that I was invincible!

What a curtain and a safe zone, not at all!

In apex, the mechanics of the Energy Armor are somewhat similar to Titan Fall 2, but do not automatically regenerate.

Recovery is required using a picked up battery unit.

Moreover, the armor was also graded, and at the beginning, it could only pick up white energy armor like the Great Sima did.

White armor upwards, there are blue armor, purple armor, the top is the red armor!

If you want to upgrade, the most basic and versatile method is to kill!

Or, the higher the damage to the enemy, the more points the armor will accumulate and begin to evolve…

Now some players who are starting to face guns have slowly discovered this armor mechanic.

However, the team of the Great Sima is blind to these mechanisms.

So dare to wear a white armor and have rushed to the edge of the curtain!

“Grandpa of the audience in the live broadcast room, I am now in!” Remember to tip the anchor! ”

After sending this sentence to the live broadcast public screen, Sima Da, with a few teammates, directly rushed into the red curtain!

The barrage in the live broadcast room took off!

Although the big Sima was calm on the surface of a batch of wine, when he just rushed into the red curtain, he was actually a batch of panic inside!

The ghost knows whether he will die immediately or be kicked out of the game.

As a result, after staying for a second, two seconds, the three people who had just broken into the curtain did not feel any discomfort.

Except that the body feels a little hotter than usual, it seems that there is no difference!

“It’s all right brothers!”

“It’s just a little hot on my body!”

“Isn’t this a wall of air outside?” There is nothing to search for a room to add, Mad is a bit of a loss ah brothers! ”

The audience in the big Sima live broadcast room saw this, and naturally was a little disappointed!

“That’s it? That’s it! ”

“Originally, I wanted to pit Teacher Sima Da, but didn’t do anything wrong?”

“There’s nothing good to equip this outside, there are still a few rooms over there, do you want to go over and search for a wave?”

“Wrong! There is a problem! You see that Sima Da’s health indicator and energy armor are all falling! ”

After such a reminder of the barrage, the Great Sima noticed that staying inside the curtain, his own blood and armor had been slowly falling!

No wonder the body is a little unusually hot!

Big Sima Gang wanted to summon the other two teammates into the safe zone, but suddenly there was a jingle, and the game system prompted, and it sounded again!

“The five-minute countdown ended and the safe zone began to shrink.”

The burning sensation in the three people of the Great Sima rose rapidly!

Health and armor, a cut began to fall down!

Even the hand holding the Zibang recharge rifle was burned by the high temperature coming from the grip, and almost threw the gun on the ground!

At the same time, the red curtain began to move rapidly towards the original safe zone!

The three of them reacted immediately!

This Nyima, it turns out to be a circle of poison!

And this circle is still shrinking into the safe zone!

“Sleeper! Run, brothers! ”

As soon as Sima Da pulled his throat, he spread his steps and rushed towards the safety zone that was already shrinking.

In such a short time, only half of the energy armor on the three of them had been consumed!

All over the body, at the same time, there is a tingling burning sensation!

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