Chapter 233 Key Clues! Phase shuttle!!

“Contact Hamoni Star”

“Important Clue Intelligence”


In a line of small system tips, thousands of viewers and players watching the apex live broadcast captured these keywords at once!

Cardiopulmonary arrest!

Pupil earthquake!

The bullet screen in Su Chen’s live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

“Su Chen good brother! Sure enough, he didn’t lie to us! ”

“There really is a clue!”

“It seems that some key intelligence has also been found on the side of the Hamoni Star!”

“I want to BT Woohoo”

“Is it only the final victorious Mozi that they can know what this intelligence is?”

“Look at what intelligence is quick to see!” Hurry up and kill me! ”

“Mozi and Tuan’er are going to give everyone Kangkang!” Don’t eat alone! ”

The bullet screen came up with a thick layer,…

The audience’s anxious mood is about to overflow the screen!

After all, the first game of APEX competition that has just been completed is also to see a thrill, who wins to the end, for the audience, in fact, it is almost the same.

The only dramatic result is the first side.

That is, two female anchors of Mozi and Tuan’er, and the two Gou Zhonggou old six won.

As for the other passerby teammate of the two of them, when they landed, they didn’t know where to fly, and finally ended up with a starter who was beaten to death by a fist.

The other three planes are all survived to the end by the ordinary “passerby” player team.

These passers-by players are not anchors.

But in the end, the fight was also wonderful and fierce.

In a word, the rookie pecked at each other, and also pecked out the explosive program effect!

The last moment is also a big move to exchange hands, close to the hard.

Watching the rest of the audience that called a blood vein.

Blue Star players only found out today that the original FPS first-person shooter game can still be played like this!

Everyone has a gun, everyone has a armour!

If you don’t finally become a defender, but also run out of this line of BT small print tips, I am afraid that now the global Internet, will be the whole discussion of apex frenzy.

Now, before the audience and players can relax from the tense chicken eating game, a new piece of information about the whereabouts of BT has appeared in the eyes of everyone.

How can you not let the blue star players and spectators rejoice and boil!

Su Chen’s live broadcast room, as well as Mozi, the live broadcast room of the two Tuan’er, immediately poured into a batch of audiences, instantly climbing to the top three of the popularity of the live broadcast platform.

Only these three live broadcast rooms can see what kind of latest information about BT has been obtained by Mozi and Tuan’er after the final victory.

Among them, the most exciting nature is still the foam and the tuan’er.

The two of them had just had their hearts almost jumping out of their throats, their legs and stomachs were still weak, and they had not yet recovered from the excitement of becoming defenders in apex, and seeing such a message was simply a mixture of feelings!

All kinds of excitement, excitement and tension, came rushing up together.

In front of millions of viewers, the forehead trembled and clicked on the information just obtained.

Even in the live broadcast room at this time, you can hear the heartbeat of the two female anchors!

A moment later, a beep sounded, and a line of prompts flashed in the VR game interface under the gaze of millions of viewers: “This information is obtained from the planet Olympus where the apex is held.” ”

“Among the existing remains of Olympus, a mysterious device structure has been found.”

“The structure is suspected to be highly similar to the space-time warp and was most likely built by the same pioneer race.”

“This race has a level of technology that we can’t understand for the time being.”

“Now, this mysterious space installation is open to APEX champion defenders”

Seeing the foam and the group here, as well as other viewers in the live broadcast room, they also understood it, which is the exclusive reward of the apex champion!

That is to say, in the plot setting Sang, only those who have won the apex championship and become defenders can touch this key device.

This key device is the existence that Brisque does not dare to touch.

The other eliminated “Coopers”, that is, other players,…

In the plot, it is set that Cooper failed to participate in the apex and did not win the final championship.


A humming sound.

In the first face, except for Moko and Tuan’er, the other players immediately felt that they were caught in a whirlpool.

The next second appears in the virtual space, which is the virtual training range at the beginning of the apex.

At this time, starting from the audience in the live broadcast room, it was transmitted to the major hot searches, and then to various social media.

【Mysterious whereabouts of BT】

【Mysterious space device!】 And BT is incredible! 】

【APEX Champion Defenders Unique Clue Reward Revealed! 】 】

[The clues of the star of Hamoni are revealed!] 】

【The tip of the mysterious iceberg of the space-time folding device is lifted!】 】

A variety of headlines appear on a large number of online hot lists.

In an instant, millions of viewers poured into the foam and tuan’er live broadcast room, and everyone’s appetite was hanged!

It seems that the whereabouts of BT really have a play!

It’s not Su Chen drawing the pie!

At the thought of BT’s humming sound that seems to have been gone for a long time, everyone is sour, their eyes are red, and they are desperately roaring in front of the screen, and their fingers are crackling and shooting bullets: “Quick! Go see what that ghost mysterious device really is! ”

“BT my BT Woohoo!”

“Brisque doesn’t dare touch this thing, why don’t I feel right?!”

“If something is wrong, it’s not right! For BT wife knife mountain fire sea also rush! ”

“Agree to agree!”

In the hustle and bustle of the audience in the live broadcast room, Tuan Er and Mozi clicked on the map coordinates where the device was located, beep…

A large bright label appears on the holographic map,

“Phase shuttler over there!”

Mozi and Tuan’er shouted excitedly,

“It’s actually there!”

The audience reacted immediately in the real broadcast room!

Because that area is the most distinctive place in the map of Olympus!

When people take a look, it’s hard to forget!

It was a large fissure site created by the sudden damage of the phase shuttle!

A huge luminous sphere, tens of meters in diameter, surrounded by lightning bolts of various energies.

Many players died here.

If you are not careful, you will be sucked in and then eliminated and kicked out of the game

“Let’s go…”

The group that was so excited that he just wanted to pull on the foam and go together, suddenly!

There was a loud buzz, and a strong squeezing sensation came from all sides!


With a snap, the two disappeared into the virtual Olympus space together.

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