Chapter 241 Tifa’s Special Action Mod, Hiss Ha Ha!!

The bionic adjustment machine in front of Su Chen’s eyes did not fill the entire room as he imagined.

Quite the opposite,

At first glance, it is also very high-tech, and it is complex and exquisite.

Before I saw this machine,

I thought it was a silly black and thick thing.

As a result, I took a look at the scene and found the ingenuity of this machine! Unlike the simple box that transports the Lycopter,

Above this machine, there are all kinds of precision robotic arms, all kinds of gear joints interlocked,

There is also a fixed steel plate bed,

Su Chen guessed that this was the place where Tifa Fa was put up and then bound to make adjustments.

“Maybe there is not only an adjustment function, but also a manufacturing function.”

“But the goose factory must be all locked.”

Such a sophisticated and complex machine,

In Su Chen’s memory, the earth plane before crossing was estimated to be more complicated than this machine such as the lithography machine.

The fact that the goose factory can send this level of machine to its own ‘test’ can only explain one point.

“The goose factory must still have a backhand. Maybe there are still a few bad back doors, and if there is a problem here, then send some technicians to come over under false pretenses. ”

“On the surface, it says to help me maintain, but in fact it is to explore my reality.”

The urine of the goose factory, Su Chen knows best.

Treat players with a dime of the buckle, let alone their own potential competitors? It’s good not to give the secret to make it bad!

Trojan horse, Su Chen suddenly remembered the word.

This is the reason why Hua Teng is so active in sending himself this machine.

It’s just Hua Teng’s person, even if the organ is exhausted,

How could you possibly think that you were a man with a system? And I have just learned the hand of reverse engineering! Just as Su Chen was brainstorming,

A soft voice next to him said, “What is this?” Was the host helping me adjust my body for something? ”

Tifa asked Su Chen curiously,

His face was full of question marks.

This question directly made Su Chen ask a bad smile.

Tifa looked at it, and his face turned red.

Tifa and Su Chen were together for less than half a day.

The built-in emotional system has allowed Tifa to identify the smile on Su Chen’s face, the exclusive flashy smile of LSP!

Thinking of the various strange movements and postures that Su Chen asked Tifa to do by himself,

Tifa hurriedly looked at the ground in a panic.

“This AI system is really good, much cuter than real people!”

Su Chen silently read a sentence in his heart, but his mouth said, “Wait a minute, you will know.” ”

“Some of your movements are still not natural enough, too blunt.”

Su Chen’s face was fake and serious,

But it startled Tifa, almost leaned down to apologize, Su Chen held on,

Then let go of the hand that had been wrapped around Tifa’s thin waist and walked over to the adjustment machine.

“Looks like this is the drawing?”

Su Chen picked up a U disk placed next to the machine, and conveniently inserted this thing into the computer next to it, ding,

The screen quickly scanned with a whole bunch of encrypted data code and strange drawing structures.

These things that seem like the Book of Heaven to outsiders,

In Su Chen’s eyes, it was as simple as a primary school textbook! The reason is simple,

It is because Su Chen just exchanged the [reverse engineering] ability from the system mall!

These semi-finished data and drawings, in Su Chen’s eyes, are like things that have no secrets.

Boom! Boom!

“Well, not bad.”

“Joint structure, built-in temperature changes, key content parts modification.”

“And this…”

Su Chen quickly flipped through these drawing structures, and sure enough, it was basically the same as he expected!

“Hua Teng, this guy, really didn’t have a good heart.”

The goose factory has a lot of back doors stuffed in these drawings, as well as adjustment parameters

Su Chen’s current reverse engineering ability can make himself recognize which drawing data is necessary.

And which drawing data is the backdoor dark pile bought by the goose factory.

If you modify the bionic man according to these instructions given by Hua Teng,

Will unknowingly, give the bionic person a whole bunch of data to steal and monitor the back door!

It may even be that Tifa will be remotely controlled by them, and then steal and leak various data secrets.

Bao Buqi will also secretly poison his own oasis platform! Su Chen even sighed secretly in his heart;

“It’s dangerous!”

If he hadn’t been able to reverse engineer this ability, I’m afraid he would have fallen into Hua Teng’s Dao. The camouflage of the back door here is also particularly strong.

According to Su Chen’s own estimation,

Even if you call the top bionic robot experts on the blue star,

Without special instructions, I am afraid that I will not be able to find so many dark piles buried by Hua Teng for a while and a half.


Su Chen suddenly flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes,

“These backdoor piles may still be used by me!”

Tifa, who was standing obediently a little farther away, looked at this strange master, Su Chen, and his fingers flew on the keyboard again, crackling and snapping.

The expression on his face actually showed some excitement.

A moment later,

“Adjust the action parameters.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

“Tifa, come here.”

Su Chen smiled and squinted at Tifa, and Tifa’s heart jumped.

“You have to remove unnecessary accessories from your body first.”

Su Chen pointed to his clothes.

“So I’ll adjust it for you.”

Suddenly, Tifa immediately turned red!

“Okay, are you ready?”


Tifa nodded,

Su Chen’s side, seeing that various mechanical arms and fixtures, have firmly fixed Tifa in a large font,

Finger press the start button.

“Adjustment begins.”

“Injecting a free-motion mod.”

“Progress 1……”

“Progress 2…”


Su Chen walked out of the room, the machine behind him was still quietly running silky, “Whew…”

Stretching out a long lazy waist, then just wait for the last few steps on the line is always known, bionic robots have several core points,

Action, AI, and skeletal skin texture appearance.

“Now, as long as you finish the action side, it should be the first perfect bionic person on the blue star, right?”

It’s just that this action mod is much more complicated than Su Chen imagined, unconsciously, it actually took several hours!

Su Chen glanced up at the sky, and the sun was about to set.

“After doing this, we are going to prepare for the release of Neil Mechanical Age.”

Su Chen just wanted to open the phone,

Suddenly, there was a clanging sound from the system in my head: “The special material skill redemption mall has been refreshed.” ”

Su Chen was shocked!

Almost forgot about it! Hurry up and take a look inside,

It didn’t matter if you didn’t look at it, when you looked, Su Chen’s own body began to tremble a little!

“It’s a brain-computer interface material!”

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