Chapter 252 Nanshan Pizza Hut! Goose factory easy factory shot!!

Joining hands with the goose factory is something that the top management of the easy factory has never thought of.

This kind of thing, if you put it in the past,

That’s something I can’t even think of.

Dongshanju, Goose Factory, Yi Factory, several giants, usually are incompatible with water and fire.

But in the eyes of Sanshi now, he has vaguely felt that in just one day,

It feels like the game market of Blue Star is about to change the sky!

This Su Chen has come up with several games, and there are already signs of turning the game market upside down!


It’s really to the point where several major manufacturers are united! However, Mitsuishi just said this idea,

Several high-level executives below obviously did not agree with the look on their faces: “General Manager Ding, do we really want to cooperate with the goose factory again?” ”

“The last time we cooperated, the Huateng guy directly poached several technical elites on our side…”

“Yes Ding Zong, he Su Chen said bluntly that these are not all stand-alone games, and they will not last long!”

“After the player buys the game, pays for it in one lump sum, and then his game will have no other income!”

“A game like Titan Fall 2, in a few years, millions and millions of dollars, I’m afraid it can’t be done!”

The words of the three development directors of the world have attracted a lot of approval,

Even Sanshi is a bit convinced,

Nodding his head, the development director of Tianxia III continued to speak.

“Just now Mr. Ding said, let’s see the two-week game of Neil Mechanical Age, isn’t this a fooling way of playing because of insufficient development funds?”

The director of development of Tianxia Three saw the eyes of Sanshi in approval,

The more I say this, the more confident I become,

Pointing directly at the large screen in the conference room,

One of them is a live broadcast of Neil’s mechanical era.

After a large number of anchors enter the second week, they control 9S to hack in,

The picture immediately turned into black and white,

The player can only control the small arrows he transforms into, dodging various bullet screens back and forth, and then use his own bullets to destroy obstacles in the road and finally reach the terrifying destination.

“Isn’t this the most common barrage game?”

“To put it bluntly, it can be seen from what is in this two-week eye, Su Chen and his oasis platform are completely out of money and out of stock!”

“This is Su Chen’s last trick to attract the attention of the market!”

The manager of the marketing operations department also echoed: “Yes, and I would like to mention one more thing, if there is any three-week vision in the Neil mechanical epoch.” ”

The manager snorted coldly,

“It is estimated that this kind of bullet screen game is also made, which is used to fool the player!” Where there is our world series and the Journey to the West series sincere enough! ”

Hearing this,

The huge worry that was hidden in Sanshi’s heart seemed to let go of some more.

“What you say makes sense.”

Sanshi sat down on the luxurious leather seat, his hands and ten fingers crossed his forehead,

“There is no in-app purchase, no kryptonite draw, or all buyout games, Su Chen’s oasis platform can not last.”

“The scale of development of this level of game……”

“Without tens of millions, I am afraid that the technical reserves will not be able to get them.”

“Not to mention that there is still a time cost, without a few years of accumulation, it is impossible to achieve the sound of the three stones just falling,”

Several high-level executives at the bottom were even more in agreement: “I see that this Su Chen may be a loser and a rich second generation!” ”

“Pulling a bloody investment project, and doing a bullshit buyout game, is to go against the trend of the market!!”

“That’s right! Go against the grain! ”

“Free kryptonite gold like ours is the right way for the market!” The mainstream of the market! ”

“If players want to become stronger, they need kryptonite, and players who do not krypton gold can play games for free, that is, occasionally give kryptonite big guys as grandchildren, and everything always has a price.” 」

“In-player purchase of Kryptonite, which in turn prevents us from improving the game!” This is called the positive cycle of the game industry! ”

“Okay, I get it.”

Sanshi waved his hand, and immediately fell silent below,

“That being said, and I’m not optimistic about the future of this buyout stand-alone game, it’s a package sale.”

“But I have to say that Su Chen and the people behind him have made these games.”

“Whether it’s the picture or the plot, there really is such a hand.”

“Ten days from the Global Game E3 Show, the bottom of the pressure box must be taken out.”

“In this way, if we really want to talk about cooperation with the goose factory at that time, we also have confidence.”

After Sanshi said this,

The top brass nodded their heads and said yes.

“In addition, there are four new works in the world, as well as the games of Journey to the East, which will be launched tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.”

“At best, Su Chen and the Oasis platform are out of the circle this time, and the new player traffic he has absorbed, let us Yichang take over.”

Sanshi once again showed a confident smile: “Our two next-generation free online games are jointly attacking, Su Chen relies on those single-player games, how can he stop it?!” ”

Journey to the East, as well as the four in the world, are all new works launched by Yichang for many years,

The original goal was to point directly to the products of the goose factory,

Now just bring the new players brought by Su Chen’s game out of the circle, and also catch it all!

“Okay, let’s adjourn the meeting and work overtime.”

Sanshi waved confidently: “Ahead of tomorrow at noon, on time to go online for public beta!” ”

“Precision sniper Su Chen and the Oasis platform!”

……… At the same time, inside the headquarters of the goose factory,

Hua Teng stared at the traffic report handed in by his subordinates.

The face is darker than ever.

After the resumption of operation of its own wegame platform, there are actually fewer daily active players than usual!

“If the number of players who are active every day just keeps falling…”

From the afternoon after the wegame platform resumed operation, to now nine o’clock in the evening,

Player traffic didn’t get any better! This is going to be put in the past,

Hua Teng must have thought for the first time that there was a problem with the technical statistics department! But now,

no doubt

The platform strategy that Goose Factory attaches the most importance to is being eroded step by step by Su Chen and his bullshit oasis platform!

“Now it seems that this Su Chen has already torn his face with us.”

Hua Teng stared at the traffic data displayed on the screen,

“Without consulting with us, Su Chen actually directly sold the Neil Mechanical Era?” Or exclusive on his oasis platform! ”

Hua Teng has always thought that in the game world, he is calling the wind and rain, saying one thing or another. Not to mention that for the first time, he also put down his posture and wanted to cooperate with Su Chen.

At least in exchange for Neil’s right to sell on his own goose factory platform, right? As a result, up to now, Su Chen had almost ignored the goose factory.

It also put the high-level people of the goose factory who used to talk about cooperation, play in groups, and one by one they are trapped in the meta-universe project and cannot extricate themselves.

In Hua Teng’s view, this is the humiliation of Chiguoguo! Don’t leave a little face for yourself.

“I see this Su Chen is toasting not to eat and eat penalty wine!”

“It’s time to strike Su Chen hard and hard!”

Several high-level goose factory executives in the conference room are also indignant! When did the industry’s leading goose factory suffer such grievances?

Hua Teng also showed a very rare look of murderous anger: “Even if Su Chen kneels down and begs me now, all his games will be put on our platform for sale in the future.” ”

“He doesn’t have this chance either!”

“Call the lawyers’ group of sticks!”

“Let Su Chen know what is called the South Shirt Pizza Hut!”

The frontal game is really not able to beat Su Chen now,

However, when can Huateng’s goose factory only defeat competitors head-on?

Hua Teng sneered, “Su Chen, don’t forget.” ”

“Your Titan fell, but it was now available on my platform!”

“Want to create your own portal? What a daydream! ”


Su Chen, who was far away in the magic capital, suddenly sneezed.

“Well, who’s always nagging me?”

“Not much more pink eye, not a lot less.”

“Okay, this unlocks the second story lock of the Titan 3 sequel!” Ding-dong,”

The Oasis server interface displays:

【New plot animation, push in the middle】

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