Chapter 268 After the Desperate Situation… Or is it a hopeless situation!?!!

Leaf troops………

Mankind……… Last hope?! Are you kidding?!

At this time, the players who entered the three weeks of Neil Mechanic Age, as well as the audience who saw this scene live broadcast,

In the brain, it was like a bolt of lightning streaked through! Boom!

With a loud bang, it exploded inside the head! Fried all the scalps tingling,

Consciousness is blank!

And the 2B and 9S in the screen, like the players who control them, are also frozen,

Standing in place, mouth slightly open,

It seems that I want to say something, but I can’t say it at all.

“Let’s go.”

The commander’s voice was poignant and determined,

“I’m not going to let the alien mechanics get any more base secrets.”

“Nor will they be allowed to escape from this base with even one of their bodies.”

“Space is our last grave.”

Although the eyes of the commander’s sister had all been covered with a crazy red light.

After saying this,

The frantic shouts of death behind him were close at hand.

At the last minute,

The voice has been mixed with the alien mechanical sound of the commander,

And the virus intent on controlling its own appearance, doing a fierce struggle at the last moment when the hangar door closes,

to 2B and 9S,

He held up a standard leaf-sending salute and raised his right hand flat in front of him;

“You guys… It’s the last leaf troops! ”

“The glory of mankind endures!”

With a loud bang, the hangar door slammed shut.

“…… No! ”

The sound of the hangar door falling down is like a giant hammer,

Completely woke up the already completely confused players, as well as the audience.

2B A scream that can almost pierce the eardrum,


Let all the audience, their hearts tremble!

“Let’s go! 2B! ”

Behind the 9S, the teeth almost had to bite and bleed, dragging the 2B to the hangar.

Followed by

It is the tragic space opera BGM sounds,

A low-pitched chorus of vocals, accompanied by a tense rhythm,

The picture perspective quickly pulled away from the 2B and 9S.

Suddenly, it turned into a black screen!

And then a line of white letters came out, just like the opening of a movie movie,

“Game Productions: Platinum Studios.”

When you see this,

Players, as well as the audience, were surprised: “Platinum Studio?! ”

“What is this again?”

“Never heard of it?”

“I’ve only heard of the Tianmei Studio, the Photon Studio, and the Thunder Fire Studio of the Goose Factory Pig Factory, and this platinum has never heard of it?!”

“It could be a studio under Su Chen!”

“The Platinum Studio that made this Neil game?!”

“The grooves are almost over, right?” That’s how I found out! ”

Under the speculation of a large audience,

The game screen in front of each player’s eyes is transformed from a black and white subtitle to an empty and vast space.

“Start the emergency launch procedure.”




A strong sense of vertigo came,

With the combination of the somatosensory set plus the fixed rod and the cardan treadmill, every player feels an extremely strong sense of pushing back.

Just boarded the 2B and 9S of the fighter fuselage,

Driven by the emergency launch procedure,

Like two soccer balls that flew out with a big foot, turning into a ball of fire, glowing with blazing light,

It catapulted out from the Leaf Force space base at great speed.


The next second just ejected out of the base,

The 2B and 9S saw the huge and magnificent space base behind them, and in almost every cabin, there was a huge explosion.

Incessant explosions,

And the explosion of the last hangar,

Completely destroyed the otherwise indestructible space base.

Huge ring-shaped structure, every joint, banging and breaking!

The relentless glare of fire instantly overwhelmed every broken space capsule.

“The commander…… And everyone……”

2B and 9S choked sounds, reaching the ears of every audience,

Many spectators who still had illusions about the survival of the commander could not even close their mouths at all.

It’s like ten thousand Android robots have exploded!


“Is it really all gone?!”

“One doesn’t stay?!”

“Like the commander, they are not real people, they should be able to survive in space, right?”

“Live a fart! Didn’t you see this big bang! ”

“What ashes parts have been raised for you!”

“There’s not a single dust left!”

“Old thief Su Chen! Gan ——! ”

“Give back my commander’s sister!”

“Woohoo my Leaf Troopers! My Commander!! ”

“Our hometown!”

Although for many players and viewers, the commander usually shows his face when he is not right, and the sense of existence in the plot is not too high.

But usually for 2B and 9S, that is, players, are still taken care of, but also gave a lot of special privileges and privileges,

And this space base, like a lonely journey,

Like your true hometown…

Every time the consciousness is transmitted back to the base after the battle, and when it wakes up in 2B’s own room,

Players and spectators can always feel a warmth that belongs to home.

There are funny, there are serious, and there are all kinds of good-looking teammates who dress, and now,

It all dissipated into the nothingness of space.

A whole bunch of players, and an audience,

Just like Zhou Shuyi now,

Lost in thought, he watched as the space base turned into a dazzling firework.

On his face, there were silent lines of tears.

“What a bullshit three-week eye!”

“Labor is no longer playing!”

“Old Thief Su Chen!!!”

“Abandon the pit and abandon the pit!”

A very small number of players, on the spot, broke the defense, smashed the VR equipment, crouched on the ground and cried in the storm.

And the vast majority of players,

Or like Zhou Shuyi, the old goose, silently put your hand under the VR helmet,

Quietly wipe away the tear stains,

Keep trying to steer the fighter jet and rush towards the earth! Because, now the whole world.

The only two bodies that are not infected,

It’s the 2B and 9S controlled by the players!

And the two of them, carrying on their backs are the extinct human beings, and the last hope of the Leaf Sending Force!

game screen,

Zoom again at this time.

The camera moves to the edge of Earth’s atmosphere.

At the junction of the darkness of the universe and the blue of the earth, the warplanes piloted by the 2B and 9S,

Rush into the atmosphere!

The flames produced by the violent friction with the air wrapped around the whole body of the fighter,

Turn into a dazzling ball of fire! The next second,

The sad and painful feelings of the players and the audience have not eased up, and they are discovered!

After 2B and 9S burst into the earth, as far as the eye can see,

Countless fighters of the same shape,

It is speeding 2B and 9S from all directions! Inside the player-controlled aircraft,

A piercing warning sounded: “Warning… Warning…”

“A large number of fighters of the same type were detected and identified as the airframe of the parasitic unit.”

“The target is…”


“Perform emergency evasion procedures!”

The warning tone falls,

All players and spectators have their mouths on their lips,

At the same time, shout a heart-rending sentence!

“I’m going to kill Su Chen’s old thief!!!”

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