Chapter 270 A New Era of Game History, Beginning from This Moment!!

In the original Su Chen’s plan,

Originally, I wanted Zhou Shuyi, the anchors of the live broadcast of Neil’s mechanical era, to experience this brain-computer device first.

With the shocking plot of the back,

Coupled with the brain-computer device that can perfectly play the role Su Chen expected, it will shake the global game market!

But now,

Su Chen looked at the cries and begging letters sent by Zhou Shuyi, and suddenly a new idea came up!

“Better yet…”

Su Chen casually knocked on a message, “Then you should come to me now.” ”

Su Chen is still a little impressed,

The high-end residence where Zhou Shuyi lived,

Although it is much worse than the Daibeno Dahao on his own island, the distance is not far away.

If Zhou Shuyi came over now to get this brain-computer device, she would pass by the cross-sea bridge.

It should be less than ten minutes by car.


As soon as this message of my own was sent,

Zhou Shuyi’s side, almost at the speed of seconds back to the message!

“Sleeping troughs are faster than mobile phone overdue information sent!”

“Mad turned out to be a head female anchor, when he licked the dog is this feeling, Su Chen turned off the T letter, directly ignored a large number of letters sent by Zhou Shuyi.”


You don’t have to look at it.

It must have been a bunch of words that she herself was moved to the point of crying.

Now I don’t have time to go around with these female anchors.

The second brain-computer device is also about to print and take shape.

Originally, Su Chen’s own plan was,

Let the streamers wait until the next morning to have the streamers on the brain-computer device: but the plan can’t keep up with the change.

The Three Weeks of the Neil Mechanical Age,

The degree of defense breaking for the player is really too great.

And that’s only a short time ago.

The player’s defensive emotion value collected by Su Chen’s system has already rushed to a million.

It is conceivable that such head anchors as Zhou Shuyi originally played less games.

When the time comes, it will definitely break the defense even more!

“Now all you have to do is hit the iron while it’s hot.”

“Let the Oasis platform and inter-brain devices completely out of the circle!”

“In addition, Platinum Studio is also issuing a recruitment notice.”

Before in the game, when the 2B and 9S emergency ejection were out of the warehouse, the game screen was like the opening of the movie blockbuster.

Played out the name of the studio that made Neil’s game.

The first thing that catches the eyes of the audience and the player,

It’s a big platinum studio name.

This is the first studio that Su Chen decided to build under his command.

“In the future, there will be more and more trivial things, after all, Tifa is still a bionic person, and some things still have to recruit some people to do it.”

And as the Oasis platform becomes more and more well-known and the scale is getting larger and larger, if you really work alone,

Without saying all kinds of trivia,

It’s just that nothing on the bank accounts can pass.

A company that has come up with Titan Fall 2 and Neil Mechanical Age in a row, if found out there will be only one person,

Those manufacturers all over the world,

Then you must not pick yourself up and face the genius monster! It will also cause a lot of unnecessary trouble!

Although I have my own system,

But this system is not responsible for providing personal safety for itself!

“When the time comes to recruit some girls into my studio, I will naturally be able to cover up the past.”

“Later, I will attract the capable game design talents on the blue star, and maybe I can make a completely different taste game!”

“You can also dig up all the corners of the goose factory.”


And in fact,

Su Chen’s platinum studio,

It has now made a name for itself on the whole network.

Right now

Employees of each game manufacturer,

After seeing this platinum studio in Neil’s game live broadcast, immediately click on the search engine for a fierce search!

Everybody knows,

What if this Platinum studio is short of people?

If he can be lucky enough to enter Su Chen’s platinum studio, then he can blow his peers for a lifetime!

However, the results of the search disappointed everyone who wanted to squeeze their heads into Platinum Studios.

Whether it’s any recruitment website, or headhunting platform,

Didn’t find a single word about Platinum Studios! This platinum studio that made Neil’s mechanical age,

It’s like an oasis platform that appeared out of thin air overnight! Shadowy!

As a result, the entire network of game production practitioners internally,

And set off a wave of crazy discussions about Su Chen’s platinum studio: goose factory, easy factory, rice factory, and giant hard, muddy mud,

Inside all the big factories, there is an undercurrent! Every employee’s heart is stirring,

As long as Platinum Studio is recruited, it will not jump back immediately!

At this point,

Zhou Shuyi live broadcast room.

Wave after wave of bullet screens on the public screen, almost covered the screen with a full of no bells and whistles,

The whole screen is a simple symbol: “? ”

A question mark that fills the entire public screen.

Because just now,

In the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room,

Zhou Shuyi, who has always been all kinds of calm, suddenly felt like a madman!

Holding a phone and crying and laughing!

I don’t know, I thought that Sister Zhou was completely broken by the rebellious leaf troops in the game!

Just when millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were rarely ready to comfort Sister Zhou

Zhou Shuyi suddenly took off all the VR devices on her body,

A sad smile,

Completely discarding the usual expression management, running to the live camera, trembling and shouting: “Brothers! Wait for me to come back! ”

“I’m going to meet someone!” Half an hour guaranteed to come back! ”

“There is something good to be had!”

Having just said that,

The audience in the live broadcast room was confused!

“What nerves are you sending in Nyima?”

“What’s the good thing?” Keep me healthy! ”

“Go back to labor and save 2B!”

“Don’t get mad here!”

“Sister Zhou’s brain does not need to be donated to people in need!”

“I was so convinced! Did the big brother let you come out late at night to skewer ah? The tip big brother of the first list. ”


“Who did Sister MD go to see that week?” Is my 2B not fragrant or are you too floaty?! ”

“Sister Zhou, who are you going to meet?” Sour sour sour. ”

Zhou Shuyi in front of the camera, but it is rare that the arch fire provoked the bullet screen to break the defense at all.

“Whatever you say!”

“There’s really something important! And guaranteed to come back in half an hour! ”

The voice just dropped,

In the barrage of envy and jealousy, Zhou Shuyi hurriedly only picked up the mobile phone and directly rushed out of the room! The audience was stunned,

When have you ever seen Zhou Shuyi look like a wolf like a tiger?!

Ten minutes later,

Su Chen’s big bie field’s room.

“You are… Brother Su Chen? ”


“The last two words can be removed.”

After seeing Tifa’s warm nephrite jade,

Su Chen was not very interested in this Zhou Shuyi in front of him.

But after all, it is still a girl group,

Real people, barely a 7 point.

“This is brain-computer equipment.”

Su Chen also didn’t bother to say much about other twists and turns,

Taking out a device similar to a VR headset, Zhou Shuyi quickly caught it with both hands.

Two eyes that were already quite large, opened as fast as a brass bell!

“That’s what… Brain-computer connection device?! ”

I thought it would be a very complex set of equipment,

Zhou Shuyi even called a truck that followed behind.


This inter-brain device is almost as light as the glasses worn on the face! I can hardly feel the weight of the body!

“If the interface is connected, VR equipment is needed to help power the power for the time being.”

“It’s an experience product, and the details are not too good.”

“This is the instructions for use, I sent you a letter on it.”

While Su Chen introduced, he admired Zhou Shuyi’s expression like a goose now: “In short, you will use this brain-computer device as a VR helmet, so you can use it.” ”

Zhou Shuyi nodded, and Han Yan couldn’t say a word!

“Well, there’s nothing to do, you just go, right, the old goose seems to live near you?” :”

Zhou Shuyi nodded stupidly,

“That’s okay, you help me bring another interbrain device to him, I remember he controls the 9S.”

Zhou Shuyi nodded again, and suddenly remembered one more thing: “That… Brother Chen……… How much does this device cost? ”

“Well, it’s still the promotion stage……”

Su Chen hadn’t finished speaking,

Here Zhou Shuyi has transferred half a million to her V letter account.

“I should have helped the old goose to pad it first!”

“When it’s our experience fee!”

“Lifetime Fee!”

“There will be such activities in the future, Brother Chen, you still consider me first!”

Before Su Chen could react,

Zhou Shuyi hugged the two inter-brain devices and rushed out! I was afraid that the next second Su Chen would regret it, and took the brain device back!

Su Chen was a little stunned: “Sleeping grooves? So excited? ”

At this time, Zhou Shuyi has already smelled a strong business opportunity!

In your own live broadcast room, the opportunity to become a global hit has finally come! Half a million, what?

And vaguely,

Zhou Shuyi, who was already shrewd,

I also guessed Su Chen’s true identity. Ninety-nine percent, this young, thin and handsome young man.

is the president of the Oasis Platform!

Another ten minutes passed.

“Brothers! I am back! ”

In the live broadcast room, the water friends were scolding,

Zhou Shuyi rushed back to the live camera, because the sudden suspension of the broadcast for almost half an hour, the audience was left with more than 100,000 left.

However, Zhou Shuyi is not worried about the crazy loss of her live broadcast popularity.

Because, next, the really big one, is coming! The audience in the live broadcast room also found something unusual;

“No, Sister Zhou, what is this helmet in your hand?”

“Looks a little weird?”

“Is that what you spent thirty minutes getting?”

Zhou Shuyi nodded solemnly: “Dear audience grandfather, this one in my hand.” ”

“It’s Bluestar’s first truly usable brain device!”

“It can be seamlessly connected with Neil Mechanical Age!”

Didn’t say superfluous nonsense,

Zhou Shuyi in full view of everyone,

Can’t wait to bring Su Chen’s brain and computer device! A clang.

Live screen, instant black screen!

Then a progress bar immediately pops up: “Virtual space is connected in both directions.” ”

“Adapting to the Neil Mechanical Age” At this time,

Everyone, including Zhou Shuyi, did not realize that at this moment,

The history of blue star games has opened a whole new era.

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