Chapter 294 is coming! Hurt each other!!

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

The meeting did not even say hello, A2 and 9S directly on the job!

“I said Tingting!”

“Don’t fight!!”

“The groove is a must knife again!”

“Ask for a HE ending!” My whole family thank you Uncle Su Chen! ”


I didn’t wait for tens of millions of viewers to be shocked by this wave,

And suddenly a crab-like boss composed of two huge spheres flew in from the bottom of the tower!

Rumble! A loud noise,

Smashing into the middle of A2 and 9S,

Smash the two entangled together!

This kind of strange BOSS is the first time that both players and viewers have seen it.

The health bar is bright, and the name of the boss makes players and viewers dare not believe their eyes!

“Lao Tzu? Confucius?! ”

“Isn’t that a ball that the two of you killed before?”

“The two balls have merged into a crab!”

“A boss named Lao Tzu, a boss named Confucius?!”

“I remember!”

“It seems that in Neil, all the bosses are named after philosophers!”

“md Su Chen, you are pretending to be a cultural person again!”

“Don’t say this thing looks like a bra.”

“Upstairs Torture Away!”

Another piece of shock,

This fitting dumbbell-like new boss,

Immediately in front of the A2 and 9S, it showed the power and oppression of terror! Game BGM changes instantly,

The tension of the end times is coming!

The number of terrifying barrages, the high-speed BOSS body, and the terrifying pressure of smashing over like a mountain,

The last boss battle,

Players, water friends viewers in the live broadcast room,

Of course, there are various game manufacturers who have been staring at the executives who have been live broadcasting all day, and no one has thought of it.

It was actually a cooperative battle between A2 and 9S!! One second is also incompatible A2 and 9S, the next second,

has been from two directions,

Drive the strongest functions of the whole body and attack dumbbell bosses in a dazzling way!

The A2 of the full-body contact restriction mode instantly enters the state of explosion that the audience likes to hear!

Red Shadow A2, Black Shadow 9S,

Two rays of light, instantly wrapped around the BOSS! And this is the first time that A2 and 9S have cooperated, and I am afraid that it is also the last time to cooperate!

“The last one in the groove is this!”

“It’s so fast, I can’t see clearly!”

“This boss is so good that there are many bullet screens!”

“It’s too much, such a big man is still moving so fast!”

“Can Jienyima still fly in place?!”

“Newton’s coffin board can’t be pressed!”

“Newton said, here is not my care thank you.”

Two-player cooperative boss battles, even in the barren game history of Blue Star, are not uncommon.

Even the goose factory copied the big factory, and also engaged in many similar boss battle modes.


There is no boss battle like this,

Requires players to switch back and forth at high speed between two combat modes that are completely identical!

This time, the attack methods of the mechanical BOSS are both physical attacks and network attacks that invade the system!

Both the 9S and the A2 are suffering from a double attack.

Last second or in the 3D environment to dodge the boss fatal blow,

The next second, switch to your own body, in the 2D bullet screen, clear the virus attack from the mechanical life!

The frequency of BOSS attacks is getting higher and higher,

The time for players to switch operations is also getting shorter and shorter! Almost every few seconds,

The battle screen will be the same!

The audience in the live broadcast room was addicted!

“Absolutely not!”

“This is called the final boss battle!”

“What a cowhide design!”

“A2 handsome!”

“High heels brake! Handsome sleeper! ”

“Can you ask where you bought these high heels?”

“9S also came to a prostate brake I went.”

“Take the medicine and take the medicine quickly!”

“Nyima is going to send it!”

“What about teammates? What about my teammates?! Teammates to save ah! ”

“A2 said, 9S you still stay aside!”

“Look at the old lady!”

The last roar, full of red light A2, jumped high,

Holding the White Oath with both hands, from the Celestial Spirit Cover position of the boss,

The last sword infused with the strength of the whole body,

Straight in! Sword Qi carried A2’s whole body and plunged all the way to the end!

Sparks with lightning! Nourishing…!

9S raised his wrist: “POD, fried!” ”


A fierce explosion of glare that blinded the eyes,

A2, who has not left the boss, is on the verge of being swallowed up by this wave of explosions!!

“Sleeper 9S This is really want A2 to die!”

“A2 and 9S are really good, it’s a pity!”

“I feel like these two are the strongest combination, right?!”

“A2: Before the old lady left, you blew up?”

“9S this look is a pity that did not kill the A2 hahaha.”

“I seem to have completely blackened by 9S!”

“Blackened 9S plus Matchless A2, Annihilation Combination!”

“Don’t step on the horse and destroy the world, human beings have been extinct for thousands of years, okay?”

“Sleeper… Can’t you sit down and talk after playing the boss! ”

“Fight! Keep playing! ”

The barrage is in a groove,

Smoked by the BOSS explosion, smoked black, ragged A2, and 9S,

Cold and cold to each other.

Depressed, sad background music rang out, “You know A2. ”

Take off the 9S of the eye patch,

In A2, players, and spectators,

Before the final battle comes, tell a truth that shocked everyone!

“We sent the leaf troops to be made for the human Android machinery on the ground.”

“Mankind went extinct thousands of years ago, and what takes back the earth, for the glory of mankind, is all a joke…”

“Android machines on the ground will perform self-destruction if they don’t have enemies.”

“And our leaf troops are things that are made to make them have a survival goal.”

“The presence of the Leaf Troops…… It’s just a joke. ”


9S, who made a terrifying laugh, looked up at A2, his eyes were already full of red light of viral infection, and under the expression of madness,

The words that shocked all the players and the 643 audience were petrified.

“Why do we all get infected with viruses…”

“Because as long as the Leaf Sending Force destroys the leader of the alien mechanical body and launches a general attack, it will trigger the infection of the virus backdoor hahaha…”

“… Then let the ground android mechanically evolve…”

“The virus we are destined to infect is the only meaning of us being made, being ordered to fight, and being ordered to survive!”

“At the end of the day, we are the outcasts who have been completely abandoned!”

“The mouse that is lost when it is used up, this is our leaf sending troops……… Hahahahahaha………”

At this moment,

All players, Pupil Earthquake! All the way down,

It turns out that he is an outcast, and he is a clown?!

What the player has been playing is nothing more than a discarded child that is used up! The audience in the live broadcast room was even more stunned that a bullet screen could not be played.

Just stupidly open his mouth and looking at the screen,

Brain melon buzz!

A2 looked up indifferently and said to 9S, expressionless: “What you said, I already guessed it.” ”

“Next, there’s one thing. Finally I’m going to tell you…”

“Model 2B…… It’s actually 2E. ”

“And this E means execution.”

“For each mission, Airframe E is responsible for executing your Airframe S and erasing all memories of resetting you.”

“You… Has been killed countless times by 2B……… That’s what 2B left me with memories telling me. ”

“A2 You shut up!!!!”

A piercing and sharp mad roar,

9S turned into a crazy black shadow and stabbed straight into A2!

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