Chapter 296 is difficult to reconcile! It’s hard to be peaceful!!

At the last moment of the C ending, A2 with the help of POD042,

All the mechanical viruses in the 9S body were transferred to their own bodies, and then the POD robot took away the unconscious 9S.

And A2 itself chooses to put the mechanical virus in the body,

Upload together to the inside of the tower.

At the moment when the [tower] is infected with the virus and begins to collapse and destroy,

In A2’s eyes, countless flashes of himself, and the marquee fragment of 2B memory.

“Never found… It turns out that this world…”

“… It’s so beautiful. ”

The last boulder fell completely,

A2 also finally let go of everything it once carried,

Whether it is the will of a teammate who has died, or the name of the traitor that the Ye army has installed for itself,

Or all the memories that 2B left for himself.

“Everybody… I’m coming……”

The boulder fell down,

The weightoftheworld theme song sounded: “Time stands still…”

“Dead silence begins to spread……”

“My cries are so faint”…

“This is my song of redemption…”

“Even if our words are meaningless” Neil Mechanic’s iconic ending credit,

It is also a line of lyrics from the theme song of the entire game, flashing through the picture.

It’s like the end of a movie.

A gentle and sad female voice sings, lingering in the C ending picture.

Penetrate into the hearts of all players and audiences!

The listener burst into tears!

Players who had not yet cried to the point of gaffe all choked up and sent out bullet screens: “What a strong heroine, 555.” ”

“I don’t believe it… I don’t believe it! ”

“Is this the finale…”

“This C ending, is the final ending?”

“Three weeks of sight, that’s the end of it?”

“A2 sister 5555.”

“I’ve been silently taking on everything all the time, and now you can finally go to rest.”

“Goodbye A2.”

“A2 goodbye…”

“Old thief Su Chen, you are not human!!!”


Zhou Shuyi, who has been controlling A2, is extremely rare,

There is hardly a single word,

Just take off your braingear helmet and let your tears flow down your cheeks.

Even if the live broadcast room has been a wave of tips, but Zhou Shuyi is extremely rare,

A little no, a little thanks no! Just sit down on the ground and slump,

The mouth kept saying, “A2… A2…… A2” and in the live broadcast room,

Millions of spectators in front of the screen, along with the chanting of Neil’s ending theme song, are twitching their noses, their shoulders are constantly shaking, and they are silently sobbing.

Unlike the tragic sense of the Titan 2 ending,

The C ending of Neil’s mechanical age brings a completely different sense of sadness to the player.

The Leaf Sending Force was completely wiped out, leaving only 9S with a broken arm, who was taken away by POD and disappeared:

The most uncomfortable thing for the audience is the A2! Follow along the way for three weeks,

Just the inner strength and gentleness of A2 shown in the plot along the way have made many viewers have long replaced their wives with A2.

And now,

A2 is still sacrificing himself at the last moment, destroying the [tower] by himself,

Then use the last chance to let the POD save the 9S.

Almost all viewers can’t accept this ending!


Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room was moving.

The audience who just eased up,

At this moment, he could finally hit the bullet screen with his fingers no longer trembling: “Su Chen dog thief!” ”

“Dog Maker!”

“Come out and die!”

“Give me back A2! My A2 a ”

“The child left peacefully, and before leaving, he said that it was Su Chen’s knife.”

“Why doesn’t Nyima’s Lao Tzu want to watch such a hard game?”

“Dare to make a person’s brain, all the things of the underworld?”

“Su Chen, you dare to knife the player!” How dare you come out and talk! ”

“Is there any other ending?!”

“What if the 9S wins!?”

“Ten thousand people blood book kneeling down to beg Su Chen to change the ending!”

Of course

It’s not just the audience,

The player who is hurt the most must be counted! A2 sacrifices himself,

This scene buried in the collapsed White Tower directly abuses all A2 players!

The phenomenon of angry atavism, the roar of the hammer in the chest, the smashing of VR equipment,

Even kicking the monitor screen!


Still a red face, full of sadness and unwillingness!

Listening to the ending song, I cried bitterly!

… But Zhou Shuyi, surprisingly, did not say a word.

Become the perfect dumb anchor.

The audience in the live broadcast room also thought that Sister Zhou was also stupid, and even wanted to call an ambulance for Zhou Shuyi!

“No more… I’m okay……”

Zhou Shuyi suddenly waved her hand, with a look of defeat on her face!

The audience watching the live broadcast room was shocked! No one expected,

Zhou Shuyi was so out of shape!

“… Just slow down…”

Sister Zhou suddenly let out a dry howl and slumped in her chair.

Broken thoughts kept breaking in his mouth: “Can’t accept it…”

“How can this be?!”

“A2…… A2………”

Players, and spectators,

Obviously cleared another ending,

But no one was a little excited.

An endless sense of loss, and sadness, looms over every A2 room.

There are only three words to describe how all players feel, that is,

It’s hard to be peaceful! And at this very time,

After the ending song is played, the subtitles for the C ending disappear and the POD appears on the screen.

Zhou Shuyi’s originally gray eyes flashed in an instant!

It’s like a person who has no water to die of thirst and sees a bottle of fat house happy water!

A buzzing mechanical voice: “Do you want to re-select the control character?” ”


Zhou Shuyi roared angrily,

The audience in the live broadcast room jumped up from their chairs!

“Old woman, what are you doing yelling so loudly!!”

“The grass scares the laborers to death!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and choose!”

“Save A2 please!”

“Save the A2 Super Fire Gift Brush Up!”

A moment later,

The picture is spinning!

The picture in front of Zhou Shuyi’s eyes once again shifted to the scene before the A2 and 9S showdown.

One left and one right, silent confrontation.

And his own control role has been changed from A2 to 9S.

The audience in the live room saw this, a batch of excitement!

“Sleeper: Here it is again!”

“Does that mean to do it again?”

“Escape with A2?”

“That’s not right! How can it still look like a fight? ”

“No, it won’t! I believe Su Chen! This is sure to be a good ending! ”

“A2! We’re here to save you! ”

“The question is A2 so strong? How? ”

“Mouth cannon!”

A hopeful barrage of bullets, densely brushed.

An unexpected scene,


At the moment of hesitation on the opposite A2, Zhou Shuyi controlled the 9S,

Suddenly shocked into A2’s body!


“This is a dead hand to A2!”


“Or a blade?!”

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