Chapter 330: The Last Recorded Image Before Death!!

“I get goosebumps all over my body!”

“Intensive phobia called the police thank you.”

“What is this thing?”

“How do you feel like ten thousand termites are flying in the wall?”

“Don’t say there’s a picture in your head!!”

One by one, the audience in the live broadcast room listened to the scalp tingling.

Following the sergeant’s gaze, every spectator stared at the wall.

It’s like the next second, and all of a sudden something horrible will rush out of it! The little sister swallowed hard.

A word was squeezed out of his throat: “Don’t be afraid… Don’t be afraid! ”

“This is the sergeant major!”

“Star Alliance comes to a team to overturn a team…!”

“Come on a ship of elites to overturn a ship of elites!”

“Afraid of a hammer!!”

These few words of the little sister are not only said to the audience, but also to themselves! Be bold!

“The anchor is hard-mouthed!”

“The muzzle of the gun is shaking into a sieve hahaha.”

“Then you should go in quickly!”

“Others are not cruel to people, and old women are talking a lot!”

Early death and early overbirth!

This sentence suddenly flashed in the little sister’s heart.

“It’s just a game after all! How scary can it be! ”

“It’s all old thieves making things up!”

In less than a second,

Dumb little sister has turned countless thoughts in her heart, after a wave of fierce ideological struggle,

Stomp your feet hard, “Open the door!” ”

The little sister turned around and pressed her hand on the door opening button, squeaking

Dumb Little Sister had been ready to shoot the muzzle of the gun dead in front of her, and as a result,

…… Thump! A black shadow,

Suddenly turned over to the sergeant major! Almost!

Dumb little sister is about to pull the trigger!

Through the light of the channel, at the moment of pulling the trigger,

Only then did it turn out that Shadow was actually a UNSC Marine! Softly and weakly leaning on the sergeant major.

“The groove is his own person!”

“Captain don’t shoot!”

“It’s good that the little sister reacts slowly, otherwise it is another TK teammate tragedy!”

“Wrong! Someone’s coming! Something strange is coming! ”

“This is the sound again!!!”

The sound of the sissy soothing rubbing the floor wall once again came from behind the black shadow!

The muzzle of the gun, which had been hanging down by the sergeant chief, was quickly raised.


Now I see clearly,

Now the space where the sergeant commander came in, there was blood spattered everywhere! Inside the empty hall,

There was nothing but the pungent smell of blood and the equipment weapons thrown to the ground.

The sound of Soso’s footsteps,

It seems that because of the movement of the sergeant general, it suddenly stopped again.

“This man seems to be unconscious.”

Dumb Little Sister was just about to put down the Marines who were paralyzed on the non-commissioned officer’s body, bang!

Suddenly there was a noise at the feet of the sergeant major,

There was a dead silence, and in the hall that made people almost breathless, there was a burst of echoes!

Just kicked, kicked a bloody Marines helmet! Not only the little sister, but also the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked!

“Be careful, Sleeper! This almost took me away! ”

“The almost looked at his own head at first sight…”

“I rely on this again… I wasn’t scared to death by the other side, I was scared to death by you! ”

“Don’t always be surprised at first! The heart can’t stand it! ”

The sergeant chief was as calm as ever.

Pick up the helmet at your feet, chu,

The recording chip inside the bloody helmet was pulled out and inserted into the non-commissioned officer’s own helmet.

[Start playing the recorded image……] A line of prompts flashed in the screen.


The rustling noise sounded,

Record the picture, a snowflake dot is constantly flashing.

Rustling……… Rustling………

Dumb little sister immediately understood,

This recorded picture is the incident recorded by the Marines led by Captain Keitz before encountering an unknown accident! Or to put it bluntly and accurately,

The last image of a Marines before they die!

The tense and terrifying atmosphere in the live broadcast room is also instantly full: “Nervous and tense! ”

“Feel the high-energy documentary warning ahead!”

“Wait until I turn on the lights and see…”

“Shhh! Shut up! Check it out! ”

[You see, it’s really weird, isn’t it…]

In the recorded video, it is Captain Keith who speaks. That is, the person that the sergeant chief was looking for on his mission.

Now in the image,

Captain Keith and several other Marines inspect the body of a Star Alliance elite at the entrance to the facility.

Little Sister’s eyebrows immediately wrinkled, because when she first entered the facility, she didn’t see this Star Alliance elite corpse!?

[Look closely. 】

Captain Keith crouched down and turned over the corpse of the Star Alliance elite on the ground.

【…… It’s a mess. 】

Approaching by the recorder screen,

Little Sister also saw the whole picture of this corpse.

Just at the first sight, I almost vomited!

VR is realistic to the simulation of the explosion, showing this bloody and blurred corpse clearly!

The internal organs that were bitten and flowed to the ground,

It was gnawed to the point where there was no intact skin and mutilated limbs.

Blood that has not yet coagulated.

[It seems to be the Star Alliance’s patrol.] Heavily armed elite, all killed. A captain-like man next to Captain Keith said. 】

Little Sister Dumb immediately reacted, isn’t this the same person who just fell on the Ten Chiefs!

The recording screen continues to play.

Rustling……… Rustling………

It seems that because of the signal shielding or interference reasons, the recorded picture has a lot of noise and snowflake sounds.

Captain Keis and the members of the squad came to the door of a passageway.

Captain Gis: “Okay, let’s open this door.] 】

A soldier came forward and fiddled with it, shaking his head:

[Sir, the Star Alliance seems to lock this door very tightly]

Captain Keith nodded, “Crack, you just have to do it.” 】

[We will have troops coming to support later, don’t worry.] 】

See this,

Dumb little sister’s eyelids suddenly jumped!

This passage in the recording screen, as well as this closed passage door, is the passage door that the sergeant chief just opened!

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more nervous: “The sleeping tank is coming!” ”

“What the hell is going on! Wait and see! ”

“Nuclear energy warning ahead!”

“Unrelated personnel, please leave the venue quickly.”

“Hammer! I guess it may be that the Star Alliance’s killer is out of control! Mutant Elite or something, right? ”

“Let’s leave it alone if it’s such a strong door!” Captain Gis! ”

“I can see that nothing can stop the curiosity of human beings to die!”

“The various flags are really full of…… Afraid! ”

In the recording screen, there is a creak. The passage door opens slowly.

The door opens instantly,

Dumb little sister, live room audience,

The eyes of the heart jumped to the edge of the throat almost instantly! Almost jumped out!

The Marines outside the door, with the hands of the men behind them on the shoulders of their teammates in front, were in two well-trained rows.

Just wait for the door to open,

The two teams of Marines rushed in at a fast and quiet pace!

The team members immediately dispersed, firmly carrying assault rifles to search around.

In the empty hall behind the door,

It was still a dead silence.

A moment later,

The scattered Marines reported one after another: “Captain Guise, everything is safe!” 】

Seeing this, the little sister did not have any ease, but her whole body was more tense!

The heart is pounding like thunder! Because

In the recorded video, the next moment, the little sister heard the huge, familiar footsteps.

Dense and loud in the walls around the hall!

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