The 350th octopus can also play with self-exploding?!!

Staring at the blue to blackened deep sea, the giant stars hanging in the sky, and the swallowfish flying in the air, flashing yellow light from time to time. Inko completely dismissed the idea of going to the sea on the first night. Even if you have an underwater thruster and a flashlight searchlight.

I don’t have the heart to go down at all!

Especially in the VR game, physiologically instinctively, for the end, Inko still decided to spend the first night of the deep sea trek on the escape pod!

In the live broadcast room, the audience can only watch the scenery with Yinzi.

“The most instigated anchor in the world, Yinzi!”

“Brother really wants to see the night scene?”

“I took it really!”

“Does Boss Yin have such a bad audience as you?”

“Go down like this and watch other anchors!”

“Whisper, none of the other anchors dared to go to the sea on the first night…”


In the Yinzi live broadcast room, more than 100,000 viewers are like this, accompanied by the anchor in a daze!

Fortunately, inside the Deep Trek,

The change of day and night is much faster than everyone thinks.


Inko’s side ushered in the dawn.

The golden morning sun sprinkles on the sea.

Yinzi also breathed a long sigh of relief: “Okay audience grandfathers! ”

“Today we are heading deeper into the seabed!”

“Check the equipment and items first!”

“Large capacity oxygen cylinders! Underwater thrusters! Trachea. ”

“And the newly created fins!”

Inko pulls out two long flippers and ostentatiously dangles in the game.

“What I do is really ugly.”

“Yinzi’s aesthetic is like this haha.”

“Get out to sea and get out to sea!” Still grinding and chirping here! ”

“Speed Speed!”

“If you drag it out any longer, I’m afraid it won’t be dark again!”

As soon as the bullet screen said this, Yinzi immediately panicked!

The audience reminds you the truth!

Immediately without saying much nonsense, a fierce man plunged into the sea again! This time, Yinzi really did what she said,

With the help of underwater thrusters,

Soon we arrived at the location we were going to enter yesterday, an underwater cave about 300 meters from the escape pod!

“There must be something good in it!”

“Yesterday’s equipment is not good, today can be different brothers!”

“Scanner, big oxygen tank!”

“And this!”

Yinzi has just arrived at the mouth of the cave,

Immediately turn on the searchlight on your body and shine a light into the depths of the cave.

As a result, the darkness of the cave was even thicker than he had imagined!

The light emitted by the searchlight is really a stone sinking into the sea, and it is completely missing when it shines in!

At a glance, the past is twisted and turned, and you can’t see the head at all! Look at this bottomless black cave,

The audience in the live broadcast room was also scalp tingling: “Do I really want to go in?” ”

“I was already scared to see this cave entrance!”

“I’m afraid there must be a pile of garbage in an egg to pick up!”

“It’s a big deal to run away when the time comes!” Isn’t the thruster fast anyway? A few clicks and swim back! ”

Yinzi was also crisp and clean, turning on the searchlight, and swam directly into this underwater cave.

Copper ore………

“Titanium…… Sure enough, it didn’t make a difference! ”

In the underwater cave that Yinzi himself discovered yesterday, there were indeed a lot of minerals hidden.

However, copper ore titanium ore is not uncommon near the escape pod on the seabed.

“It looks like the good stuff should be still behind.”

“Just outside here, I’m afraid I can’t pick up anything good!”

Inko checked her oxygen content,

With the support of a large oxygen tank, it should be enough to explore this underwater cave on your own.

After saying this, Inko immediately stuffed the ore she had picked up into her bag and continued to swim deep into the cave with the searchlight on.

As Yinzi went deeper, the light grew darker.

The light of the searchlight is no longer enough to illuminate the cave.

“I don’t seem to have picked up anything good along the way!”

“Just some coral brains and so on, and scattered fragments…”

When Yinzi was hesitating,

In the faint light shooting out in front of the searchlight, a red shadow suddenly crossed!


“What is this?!”

In the blink of an eye, the red shadow in the light had disappeared.

Yinzi was directly scared enough!

You must know that in a thick darkness that cannot be dispelled, a red color suddenly appears,

What a horrible thing!

However, the audience in the live broadcast room is much calmer: “Don’t shout so loudly, Yinzi!” I’m scared by your loud door again! ”

“Presumably with fish, right?” The anchor is still too intimidating. ”

“Isn’t it normal to have fish in a hole?” As for that! ”

And Yinzi’s side is still a batch of panic! In the silent cave,

At this moment, there seems to be a huge danger hidden in the unknown!

The water friends can’t see it, but they can see it clearly just now! That red shadow is coming for you!

It was only when the searchlight flashed that it suddenly changed direction.

Thinking of this, Yinzi immediately turned around.

This is Hardcore Mode! If you die, nothing else,

Archive for a few hours and GG again!

Yinzi made a U-turn, turned around and immediately swam outside the cave.

This scene of sudden transformation,

The audience was confused!

“Nyima ran away?”

Before the audience can start complaining,

This time, it was actually two red shadows, which suddenly appeared on the route after Yinzi turned around!

In the faint beam of the searchlight, the red shadow rushed towards Yinzi! Seeing this, Yinzi was relieved.

“What! It turned out to be a light-catching fish! ”

I almost thought it was an inexplicable creature just now! As soon as Inko reached out, she grabbed the red banded fish.

“Huh? This fish is quite chic in length……”

Oval, one eye, wide mouthpiece, and red light on the body.

“Brothers, let’s take this fish back to the escape pod to make soup!”

Just wanted to throw this fish into the backpack.

Inko suddenly noticed something was wrong!

How does this red light seem to be getting brighter and brighter?! A dangerous thought crossed Yinzi’s mind.

Those who have not yet come and run away,

Red ‘belt fish’, the red light on the body soared! ————

Right next to Yinzi, it exploded! Buffering across the seawater,

Yinzi felt an unprecedented impact! It’s like being knocked on the head!

A blur in front of my eyes!

[Warning: The amount of health is in danger!] 】。

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