Chapter 379 Incarnate as a Man!!

Will be a great planet,

It burned into a huge glass ball that was almost transparent.

Warhammer 20K era of human terror purification ability,

More than any live player, the audience in the live room can imagine! So that seeing this scene the audience’s reaction,

All that remained was a dumb long mouth, a look of shock,

Incredible! Brain melon seeds buzzing,

It’s like having an Apocalypse-class battleship blast through! The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned,

A twinkling of glassy planets skimmed over the picture.

It is the result of the purification of the human federation.

[After the purification of the planet, there is no grass.] 】

No more life can survive. 】

[The remnants of these ancient interstellar wars still exist alone and cold on the edge of the galaxy.] 】

[It became a witness to this long history of interstellar war.] The voice of the narrator fell,

The sound of war in the picture returns to silence.

Only this scene of 18 strings of lifeless planets that have lost all signs of life remains, and the scalps of the audience watching are numb!

“This is the purification of heresy…”

“Fortunately, I’m not an alien!”

“Burn the whole planet into glass!”

“The Alien Protection Society protested.”

“I actually have the Alien Virgin in the live broadcast room!”

At this time, the picture finally zoomed in from the war-torn galaxy to the planets colonized by human beings again.

habitable or unhabitable planets,

In the face of the unprecedented top technology of mankind, they have been transformed into colonies that can be inhabited and developed.

[After the end of this long war.] 】

The galaxy, controlled by the Federation of Mankind, ushered in peace. 】

[Dozens of alien races have coalition forces that have suffered devastating losses.] 】

[No longer able to launch an invasion of the galaxy.] 】

[The civilization technology of the human federation has also reached its peak after this war]

[Driven by increasingly massive interstellar wars and colonized galaxies.] 】

A strange face that had never been seen before appeared in the picture.

Everyone watching took a breath of cool air!

A ‘person’ covered in machinery and without a piece of flesh and blood slowly walked out of the picture.

[Iron Man, a non-witty device created by the Stone Man.] 】

[Different from the stone man, a semi-mechanical and half-biological bionic human.] 】

[Iron Man has artificial intelligence far beyond the Stone Man, and an inorganic mechanical body that completely removes the shortcomings of flesh and blood.] 】

[Undertook almost all of the heavy and dangerous work of human beings in the Golden Age.] 】

Later, the legion of Iron Men replaced ordinary human soldiers]

[Became the main legion of the human federation and conquered other galaxies.] One after another, hordes of Iron Man footprints,

All over the Milky Way.

Even in the most dangerous corners, you can see the traces of Iron Man.

icy metallic luster,

Far beyond the skeletal strength of ordinary humans, there are special bodies specially designed for different work and task purposes.

When these Iron Men began to slowly dominate their positions, some viewers saw that something was wrong: “Nothing big will happen in the grooves, right?” ”

“And super high artificial intelligence?”

“Panic why humans are so high-tech, they can be higher than the ship’s black hole, and they can’t get a robot?”

“It feels better to be a stone man!” At least looks like a real person. ”

“I can only say that the aesthetic level of human beings has greatly deteriorated!”

“It’s a bit crazy to watch.”

“There must be something going to happen later!”

In the midst of one discussion after another,

The human society in the picture is still developing at a high speed.

With the help of ultra-high artificial intelligence, Iron Man, and STC standard construction technology,

The range of planets colonized by humans has been headed beyond the galaxy.

Before the twenty-third millennium of mankind. 】

Most spaceships have abandoned Psychic Navigators. 】

[Instead of using stone men as navigators, Iron men as pioneers and soldiers]

[Because the stone man is a half-life, the projection of the real world left in the subspace is extremely blurry.] 】

[Therefore, it is basically unaffected by the chaotic energy in subspace.] 】

[Under the command of the Golden Age humans, the Star-Conqueror Army consisted of Stone Men and Iron Men.] 】

[Heading deeper into the outer galaxy.] 】

In the end, Iron Man took over everything about humanity completely. 】

[The real human beings seem to have ushered in the day of real enjoyment] In the picture, the major colonial planets are becoming more and more prosperous,

Extragalaxies near the Milky Way also began to be covered with the footprints of the Iron Man Army.

Everything seems to be going smoothly and beautifully.


None of the spectators and players had a relaxed expression on their faces.

Instead, one by one,

Serious look! In the picture,

Suddenly flashed a face so beautiful that there was no flaw.

The gears that turn in the pupils of the eyes,

It shows that this is a stone man, that is, a bionic person.

A line of bold red letters appears:

【Warhammer 15K: Changing as a Human】

【It will be released in the near future.】 】

[Lead players into the pre-Golden Age.] 】

[Through the perspective of three different bionic people.] 】

Experience the Terra human society that is about to be forced to make a big change. 】。

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