Chapter 383 Mechanical God Sect!!

[The increasing number of psychics and mutant humans is not satisfied with the existing human federal social system.] 】

[In almost all of the colonies, there have been large-scale mutant rebellions.] 】

[Even in some less controlled humans colonize planets.] 】

[The surge in the number of psychics and mutants has completely controlled all the local humans.] 】

In the picture,

Strange shapes of various mutants,

Wave after wave of attacks were launched towards the newly rebuilt human settlements!

Rebels with powerful psionic powers, as well as mutants with special enhancements to the skills of some part of their body.

Soon the rebellion was victorious in some colonies that had already suffered heavy losses.

In turn, all the rights of the local human society are in control.

Mutants and psychics who were originally despised by ordinary humans quickly changed roles,


Instead, he intensified his efforts to enslave ordinary humans.

First suffered the Iron Man Rebellion,

Then another attack of aliens and mutants raged.

The original prosperous colonization planets in the galaxy, in these hundreds of years of war,

The surface of the earth has become dilapidated.

Everywhere there are ruins and broken walls, and the sky is full of sand and stones.

The planets in the picture,

Desolate, desolate, dilapidated.

There is no longer the glory of the golden age of mankind.

Seeing this scene, all the live broadcast rooms sounded a sigh at the same time: “It’s a pity to lie in the gutter…”

“Isn’t this the future wasteland world?!”

“How could so many spiritual energies and genetic mutations suddenly appear?”

“It is estimated that it is the pot of what a subspace storm!”

“Su Chen can’t make a game here?”

“I’ve thought of the name of the game, it’s called Warhammer 40K: Wasteland!”

In the picture, time continues to pass quickly.

This civil war that lasted for hundreds of years,

The human federation that once dominated the galaxy is almost extinct in name.

long-distance interstellar voyages, because of the cause of subspace storms,

Has been completely stagnant.

The star map of the Milky Way, which shows the highlights of one civilization after another, has dimmed and shattered.

Disappear into the endless darkness.

The deep voiceover continued:

Hundreds of years later, some colonies have even regressed to the dark medieval society of superstition and ignorance. 】

Some remotely located resource-poor planets have even regressed to the Stone Age. 】

In just a few words, the vicissitudes are exhausted! Players in front of the Platinum Studio pavilion, each taking a big breath of cool air!

Previously, the colonies under the second-level civilization of the universe were also in the same place, and within a few hundred years,

Just because of the war, killing each other, destroying, and some even going back to the Stone Age!

[Even the home planet of the Human Federation, Terra.] 】

[It is also difficult to escape the bad luck.] 】

[Divided into a wasteland world.] 】

[Technological barbarians, warlords, psychics, and mutants are harming each other and fighting each other.] The screen moves to Terra, the mother star of mankind,

This former capital of the human federation,

Now it has become a cyberwasteland world full of madness, killing, and chaos.

Scene after scene of chaos, the scalp of everyone watching was tingling.

In a few minutes, Su Chen’s promotional video,

Let everyone experience a human federation close to the level of third-level civilization sliding rapidly into poverty, war and destruction………

All the audience, are in a trance!

“It’s too tragic, too tragic.”

“Is this still a place where people can stay?”

“How does this thing make a game?”

“Whoever crosses is unlucky!!”

“In this kind of world, dogs don’t wear well!”

Of course, not all colonized planets are mired in chaos and destruction.

In the midst of this chaotic civil war,

A large number of different beliefs and powers were born.

[On Mars closest to Terra.] 】

Human immigrants and technicians have formed a fanatical religion that worships mechanical technology to the extreme. 】

[Mechanical Cult.] 】

They believe that scientific knowledge is the manifestation of the sacred, that all objects that possess knowledge are therefore sacred. 】

They also believe that in all machines, there is a machine soul. 】

Because of the existence of machine souls, humans can use machines. 】

[The headquarters of the Mechanical Cult is located on Mars.] 】

[And the influence of the spread of mechanical gods far exceeds that of the solar system.] 】

[On many planets, societies operated by machinery were also born.] 】

The voice drops,

The figure of the Mechanical God Sect on Mars appears in the picture.

Everywhere are buildings full of steampunk.

Swinging heavy hammers, tightly sewn gears, soaring steam and black smoke.

There is also a precisely functioning human society.

The picture and narration come out,

It instantly resonated with a large audience and players!

“Mechanical Cult Ecstasy!”

“Flesh and blood are bitter! Mechanical soaring! ”

“How do I feel that the technology tree of Mars is crooked?”

“You know a hammer, this is the romance of the Mechanical God Sect!”

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