Chapter 390 The Origin of the Emperor!!

[At a critical moment for human civilization.] 】

[There are rebellions of psychics and mutants involved.] 】

[Outside there are alien races that are constantly eroding the frontiers of the human galaxy.] 】

[And the greatest threat to humanity.] 】

[Or from the torn entrance of subspace, the unknown demons that have swarmed into the galaxy.] 】

A miserable scene of the destruction of the living on various colonized planets,

That is, in one ‘world’, the cycle is staged.

This time, a few simple illustrations in the promotional film,

The worlds invaded by demons are the human beings of living beings.

Civilization collapses and morality falls.

What’s even more frightening is that

All over these worlds, there is a war that never ends! All the technologies left by the golden age of human civilization,

In these planetary worlds,

Hundreds of years later, it has even become an ancient god-level civilization.

Humanity that is constantly retreating in the endless war,

Even the principles of technology cannot be understood.

It is impossible to use these relics left over from hundreds of years ago.

In the worlds of the Milky Way,

Caught in the swamp of ignorance and poverty, constantly regressing towards primitive civilization! With the exception of a very small number of worlds,

Most of the world, that is, the planet colonized by humans.

He lived an old son who was worse and more terrible than the most terrible hell of the last days.

Even in reality, the most terrible hell has been depicted,

It is not enough to compare with the devastated wars suffered by the human world! That’s why all the players in the stadium,

The reason for the sudden silence.

Most of the world that has suffered havoc,

There is no savior who suddenly appears in the doom, killing demons is the same as playing,

Nor did it evolve like Mars, the Mechanical God Sect.

Only in the midst of endless war,

Through one darkness after another,

And there is never an end in sight.

In these worlds,

The life of ordinary people struggling can only fight for themselves for a wisp of life in the chaotic world.

Tragic scenes flew by.

The players and spectators in the live and live broadcast rooms sounded a low sigh in unison.


“It’s so tragic……”

“Who would have thought that the Golden Age would have only been a few hundred years ago?”

“Is this really a place where people can stay?”

“It’s so depressing!”

“There is no hope in sight!!!”

“Purgatory on Earth!”

“TM will show me Yuyu at once.”

[And the darkest eve means the eve of dawn.] 】

[At the most dangerous moment of human civilization.] 】

A man appeared. 】

No one knows his name. 】

No one knows his past. Earth, that is, on the planet Terra.

This human parent star,

There is a raging war that has not been extinguished for hundreds of years.

Warlords, mutants, psychics, tribes, and oligarchs vy for dwindling habitable land on the planet Terra,

Hundreds of years of dogfights.

Generations of human beings are born, grow up, and then go through war, die.

It is no longer known how many generations will never be able to understand the true meaning of the word peace.

The blood red of war and death stained the original blue Terra.

Even the ocean, which covers 70 percent of the sky, is shrinking and shrinking.

In the midst of war,

The back of a mysterious man appears in the picture.

And in front of this mysterious man,

It’s an ancient city-state! Ancient to almost all audiences,

It is impossible to tell which city in human history this is!

“It looks like the architecture of the Middle East?”

“No, it’s too old!”

“Do you see a priest or something?”

“Shaman, is that it?”

“Why did you suddenly switch to this picture?”

“I don’t understand.”

In the picture,

The mysterious man’s back disappears,

The Middle Eastern-style city-states also disappeared.

In its place,

There were thousands of barefoot tribal shamans in strange clothes! On a huge altar, without any copper and iron decoration,

Only the most modest stones.

“Is this the Stone Age?”

“I’m confused.”

“What is this development?”

“How did you all suddenly go back to the Stone Age?”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The Terra home planet, which was previously a scuffle, although civilization and technology have also regressed significantly.

But did not fall to the Stone Age? It’s when everyone is wondering.

Thousands of shamans at the same time take out a bottle of medicinal tongue from their arms! And then

Drink it all! From the top of each shaman’s head,

Suddenly, a dazzling light bloomed!

[The shaman of mankind who first awakened the spiritual power.] 】

[Collective reincarnation.] 】

Concentrate all their spiritual power on one soul. 】

[Immortal Soul Fire.] 】

[Eventually formed a great soul.] 】。

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