Chapter 392 The Emperor, and the Chaos Evil God in Subspace!!

An immortal who has witnessed the entire history of Terra’s humanity? Whether it’s the anchor or the audience,

It’s like a hundred ships crashing through your head! A look of shock!

The mouth is open wider than at any time today!

“What kind of script is the protagonist of the sooth?”

“I don’t dare to write like this!”

Sometimes an emperor, sometimes a religious leader?

“Can you also become a great scientist?”

“It could even be a small town problematic!”

“That brother who did the questioner in the front, I was just drinking water!” Lose my screen! ”

Since the introduction of this mysterious man just now, Zhou Shuyi, who has been slumped in a chair in shock,

Now it’s even more frowning, wrinkled into a big clump! Several times in a row.

My face was full of disbelief!


“Is this really fake?!”

“Nyima wouldn’t be reality, would it?”

“The background of that clump just now seems to be real history!”

“Do you think those celebrities in history are all played by this man?”

But as soon as Zhou Shuyi’s words came out,

Inside the live broadcast room, a group of hehe monsters immediately appeared: “Oh don’t install Sister Zhou.” ”

“You only knew it after watching the barrage, didn’t you?”

“Sister Zhou, this cultural desert, this cultural papermaking, can you see that just now it is the real scene of history above?”

“Suggest dumb anchors shut up.”

A few words, choking Zhou Shuyi’s face red,

Just drank the water, almost sprayed on the screen! Just want to have a seizure,

As a result, I see the next picture,

I swallowed the conversation back!

The whole person is like swallowing a raw egg into it!

In his long life, he became more and more skilled in manipulating the spiritual energy in his body. 】

[Eventually, his dungeon was for the sake of mankind.] 】

[The most powerful psychic. 】

[The first immortal in human history, the most powerful psychic. 】

[At the moment of the thirtieth millennium in Terra.] 】

All mankind is preaching His name. 】


A dazzling golden light flashed.

The mysterious man, who was called the emperor, finally turned around.

Caused by the live and live broadcast room, wave after wave of exclamations! It’s just that

Beneath the emperor’s face, there was still a shadow.

No one could see the emperor’s face clearly.

“It feels like a perfect person!”

“The kind with no flaws?!”

“How does it feel a little scary?”

“What does the key face look like?” Hurry! ”

“Hurry up and kill me, Su Chen is going to show us the emperor’s face!”

“This golden light flashes blind my titanium alloy dog eyes.”

In the end, the emperor’s face still did not appear in the picture.

[In the long and terrible years, Emperor Qian slowly understood. 】

The Truth of Subspace. 】

[It is different from the simple cognition of human beings before.] 】

Subspace is not simply another plane. 】

[Instead, it is like a mirror that reflects the spiritual projection of the real world.] 】

In the real universe, the thoughts, emotions, and emotions of all intelligent races are ——— refracted by the mirror of subspace. 】

The golden figure of the emperor disappears in the picture.


It is a subspace familiar to audiences and players.

[In the early days of the universe.] 】

The number of intelligent races is still too small, and the level of civilization is very low. 】

The spirit of the intelligent race, for the projection of subspace, is weak and easy to dissipate. 】

[But with the scientific and technological civilization of various intelligent races in the universe, rapid progress]

[All kinds of emotions are also increasing.] 】

[These emotions, refracted and projected into subspace, are constantly accumulating and expanding.] 】

[Eventually, several thought entities with independent personalities were formed in the subspace]

The reddish chaotic subspace suddenly became dark!

In the thick and suffocating darkness, a museful whisper was faintly heard.

Listen to all the audience, creepy!

What is invisible is always more terrible than what can be seen! Even the anchors who usually gag,

At this time, they all tensed their faces one by one, and their fists were white!

These ideological entities eventually became gods in subspace. 】

[The evil god of chaos.] 】

What they pursue is the strongest desire, the most extreme emotion of all the intelligent race spirits. Corpse].

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