“Now our troops are about five hundred people, but the situation is not very good, if we can’t break through for a few days, most of the ninjas may be hungry and don’t even have the strength to fight, the leader outside is Chiyo, but as far as I know, this is not too far from their base camp, if you come to the rescue, then the reinforcements of the sand ninja will also arrive very quickly.” Although Tsunade was very tired now, he still explained their current situation for Yunfei.

“Then the current situation is that Sha Shinobu is ready to wait until you have no combat effectiveness, and they will take you down at the minimum cost, but where did they get the intelligence to know that your current frontline combat effectiveness cannot defeat them.” Yunfei said with some doubt.

After saying that, Yunfei’s first thought was Konoha Black Cauldron Wang Shimura Tuanzang, because only he blacked his own people is the most professional, otherwise Sha Shinobu should have attacked madly a long time ago instead of now, unless they already had intelligence and knew that there was no one on the Konoha side would dare to be so blatant like this.

Otherwise, as Tsunade, maybe it is possible for Sarutobi Hinata to personally lead the team, and now the frequency of Sha Shinobu’s attack does not seem like a hurry at all, but more like consumption, so Yunfei concluded that someone had betrayed Konoha’s intelligence to Sha Shinobu, and Yunfei’s first suspect was Konoha pot Wang Shimura Danzo.

Although the ape flying sun chop acquiesced in a lot of Tuan Zang in the original work, Yunfei did not think that this matter Ape Flying Sun Chopper would maintain Tuan Zang if he knew, and the current Thousand Hands Chop was still alive, and if he knew by the Thousand Hands Chop, the consequences did not need to be thought about how serious they were.

“I brought some soldier food pills have just been distributed, it should be able to temporarily relieve it, here are some dry food and water, you eat it yourself, let them all rest well tonight, tonight I will discuss countermeasures with Qimu Shuomao and strive to break through as soon as possible.”

Option 1: Successfully rescue Tsunade, completely return to your heart, and reward Mu Dun Blood Succession Limit

Option 2: Failed rescue of Tsunade, Tsunade is captured and captured, and the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan is rewarded

Yun Fei just said that the task of the system has also arrived, this time the reward can be described as very powerful, whether it is Mu Dun or the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is a first-class weapon, but the consequences of the second option are Yun Fei is unwilling to bear, so Yun Fei decisively chose 1, not only can you get Mu Duan’s blood succession limit, but also get the heart of beauty.

After explaining, Yun Fei left a flying thunder god Ku Wu directly back to the camp, and after talking about the situation over there with Qimu Shuomao, the two began to discuss countermeasures, and after a while, the two finally determined the plan, Yunfei led the personnel to break through from the inside, and Qimu Shuomao led the remaining troops to harass and support on the periphery, and then came to the outside to outsource.

Originally, this plan Qimu Shuomao was opposed, although the combat power inside still existed, but it would inevitably not be able to exert its full strength, and if this plan was not successfully implemented, it might be broken by Sha Nin one by one, but Yunfei always insisted that Qimu Shuomao nodded and agreed.

Then Yunfei flew back to Tsunade to inform Tsunade’s actions, although he was very dissatisfied with Yunfei for cutting first and then playing, but there was still some sweetness in his heart, in Yunfei’s urging, Tsunade quickly fell asleep, maybe Yunfei here Tsunade quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at Tsunade’s haggard face, Yunfei knew that she must not have rested in the past few days, medical ninjas at this time were super scarce, and Tsunade was still the head of the medical class, he must have been treating the wounded these days, otherwise Tsunade’s vigilance would not have been able to sleep so deeply.

This sleep lasted until dawn, and it was close to the appointed time before Yunfei woke up Tsunade.

“When the breakthrough is made, you take people to break through to the breakthrough, and the rest of the work will be handed over to me.”

After simply explaining the work, Tsunade went to gather the personnel, while Yunfei took advantage of this time to start entering the immortal mode, and it would inevitably take a strong ninjutsu to break through to break through, and the spiral shuriken is very consistent with this characteristic.

Soon everyone who was trapped gathered together, led by Yunfei to prepare to break through, and soon came to the entrance of the valley, where a large number of sand ninja gathered, but looking at the state of sand ninja is slightly relaxed, it is obvious that they do not think that the Konoha ninja inside can break through, and the lack of movement for several days also makes the sand ninja relaxed.

“Senfa, Fengdun, Spiral Shuriken.”

As the sound sounded, many sand ninja only saw a huge chakra ball-shaped shuriken flying towards them, although many ninjas saw it, it was too late to dodge, and they could only shout when they were dying.

“Enemy attack!”

This spiral shuriken that had just sneaked up on killed at least dozens of ninjas, taking advantage of this opportunity Tsunade with Konoha’s ninja ready to start a breakthrough, and the enemy attack shouted out on the verge of death finally made all the sand ninja nervous, and after a short panic, the sand ninja quickly began to organize a counterattack, and all kinds of wind rushed to the face.

“Water Rush.”

Yunfei directly used a large number of water escapes to alleviate the attack of Feng Duan, the most important task now is to break through the siege, as long as the two soldiers are in one place first, then now the crisis in Konoha will naturally be lifted, Tsunade with a large number of ninja troops have rushed to a small gap that Yunfei just made with a spiral shuriken.

The two sides were in chaos, and Yunfei took out a large number of Flying Thunder God at this time and threw it around the Konoha ninja breakthrough, and quickly used the Flying Thunder God to start killing indiscriminately, which greatly reduced the pressure on Tsunade and the others.

“Vortex Yunfei, Er dare!”

Chiyo was furious when he saw this scene, although the Flying Thunder God could not do a second kill to a shadow-level master, but in the battlefield, if there was no one to restrict, even if it was a second kill, even if it was killing ordinary upper ninja, it was a second kill, just when Chiyo spoke, Yunfei had already killed dozens of sand ninja.

Gradually, because Yunfei has been using the Flying Thunder God Second Kill, Sha Shinobu began to dare not step forward, although the ninja is not afraid of death, but he can’t go up to send it to death, as Sha Shinobu does not dare to step forward, Tsunade led the remaining Konoha ninja to quickly rush out of the encirclement.

The outer Qimu Shuo Shigeru has just arrived, and the Sha Shinobu side has just sent out reinforcement signal flares, unless the third generation of wind shadow can teleport in front of Yunfei with the troops, it is possible to prevent Tsunade from breaking through, but the third generation of wind shadow is obviously impossible to this kind of ninjutsu, so Tsunade broke through so smoothly.


Because the power and network are cut off at home today, the whole process is a mobile phone codeword… It’s a lot slower, excuse me

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