
The song ended.

There was prolonged applause from the audience.

Under Su Cheng's non-stop singing just now, no one dared to breathe.

It seemed that they were afraid that their breathing would affect the singer's performance.

Now, the radiant young man on the stage has finished singing.

Finally, they can let out a big breath.

They have just felt the pressure of Su Cheng's momentum, which has been accumulated for a long time.

Now, it's like they have found an outlet.

Everyone was clapping hard, and even when Su Cheng returned to the room, the applause showed no signs of stopping.

He Ling walked onto the stage,"Thank you Su Cheng for bringing me"The Difficult Sutra"》"

The audience came to their senses at this time, and the applause gradually stopped.

"This song is just like its name, very 'difficult to pronounce'. I tried to read the lyrics but couldn't keep up with the rhythm, haha"

"Let's ask Su Cheng, I heard a lot of Buddhist terms in this song, what is your inspiration for the creation?"

Although He Ling had asked Su Cheng a long time ago, it was a private communication.

Today, as the host, she asked on behalf of the audience.

The live broadcast room camera turned to the room where Su Cheng was

"The inspiration for this song comes from Mr. Jin's martial arts novel"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils". It does contain some Buddhist terms to express the desires in life and the freedom and open-mindedness after reconciliation."When

Su Cheng said this, the live broadcast room immediately filled with comments like snowflakes.

"I was wondering why it felt like there was a strong sense of martial arts. It turns out that the inspiration for the creation came from Mr. Jin's"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils"》!"

"Who just questioned my impulse to travel the world with a sword? Now you know that my impulse is not a random guess!"

"‘"It is a difficult problem that cannot be solved in one's lifetime." This sentence is a summary of too many characters in Tian Long."

"You said that although the lyrics are tongue-twisting, they come together very harmoniously in a strange way. Can anyone tell me why?"

"Is there any big brother who can post the full lyrics so that I can comprehend the Buddhist principles?"

He Ling continued,"Life requires persistence and reconciliation with oneself, so that inner peace can become stronger."

After saying this, her tone suddenly changed, and she asked with a relaxed smile,"Sister Na, Sister Na? Are you nervous now?"

The live broadcast room turned to Naying's room.

What made everyone laugh was that Naying was drinking water again.

The camera cut to her twice tonight, both times she was drinking water.

Her pink and white cup, now all the audience knew it.

Hearing He Ling asking herself, she quickly said:

"I am not nervous at all today, because everyone is sharing the task of 'guarding the national gate' with me, hahahaha!"

He Ling also said with a smile,"It's a pity that Mr. Lei didn't come, he is the first on the list!"

After the first episode was broadcast, netizens created a list of people who wanted to be on the list, and Mr. Lei, who had just released his first electric car, won the first place on the list.

The song everyone ordered for him was"Are you OK?》

After the joke, He Ling continued to announce,"Since Sister Na is not nervous now, let's enjoy the song she sang,"Escape》!"......

In the Xiangjiang meeting room, the chairman of the Film and Television Group paused the video on his computer.

The video stopped before Nayoung spoke.

He turned around and faced everyone.

"What do you think of Su Cheng's song?"

As the chairman asked, a heated discussion began on the spot.

"This song is good, I think it fits the theme of"Tianlong"》!"

"When the music starts, I feel like I am in the world of martial arts. It’s a wonderful feeling!"

"《The name of"Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" is taken from Buddhism, and Su Cheng's song is also called"The Difficult Sutra to Recite", which is a perfect match!"

"Hurry up and contact Su Cheng. This song can be used as the theme song of"Tian Long". It can save a lot of money for publicity and promotion!"

Everyone's opinion is very consistent, that is, if the theme song of"Tian Long Ba Bu" is not"Hard to Read Sutra", it will be a huge loss.

The chairman knocked on the table and looked at Zuo Fangzhi who was sitting at the back.

"Xiao Zuo, what do you think?"

Zuo Fangzhi hesitated, and then said,"Chairman, regarding the theme song, our planning team and the director team have met. Everyone is very satisfied with Qiu Xueli's"Jiang Hu Yan Yu" and is going to report it at the meeting next week."

He still wanted to struggle, after all, it was 300,000 beautiful gold

"Humph!"The chairman, whose hair was almost completely white, snorted coldly, and a sense of oppression from a superior came over him.

"I know Qiu Xueli. He's not a very good singer and he likes to do some tricks."

"The last movie"Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" had his theme song, which was criticized the most by the audience. After 20 years, they still want to use his song?"

Zuo Fangzhi heard the top leader of the group say the word"small tricks".

Cold sweat immediately broke out, and he stammered:

"The planning team just proposed it, and it has not been finalized. After listening to Su Cheng's new song tonight, I personally think it is more suitable for"Tian Long". I just don't know if Su Cheng can authorize it to be used as our theme song."

Zuo Fangzhi has come this far, and he has his own strengths. In one sentence, he brought everyone's attention to Su Cheng.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the chairman pondered for a while and said,"Contact Su Cheng immediately, and get"The Hard Sutra" at all costs.》"

"《The theme song of"Tian Long" must be this song!"

This matter cannot be solved by just one phone call. The senior executives in the conference room did not continue to watch the show and dispersed on the spot.

The task was left to Zuo Fangzhi, the chief planner of"Tian Long"....... the other side

《All contestants of the second episode of"New Singer" have finished their performances.

Nayoung was indeed very relaxed tonight, and she performed beyond her level in the song"Break Free".

When she walked off the stage, she said happily:"I'm off work!"

Then she did not forget to canvass for herself,"Everyone vote for me, I just want to get third or fourth place!"

Hailai Eminem's performance was also remarkable.

Ershou Yueji's appearance ignited the whole audience and immediately led the atmosphere on the scene.

As long as Aunt Long appears, anywhere can become a Strawberry Music Festival.

However,"Sister-in-law" is one of their few serious songs, which is considered to be quite satisfactory.

"The voting results of the on-site jury and the cloud jury are out!"

He Ling walked onto the stage with a tablet,"Today we won't keep you in suspense, we will directly announce tonight's champion!"

It's totally inconsistent with the style of"New Singer" to directly announce the champion without keeping you in suspense.

In the past, if there were no five rounds of back and forth at this time, it wouldn't be called a show!

"The contestant with the most votes tonight is......"

Su Cheng also sat up straight.

His second main task was to get the first place tonight.

When He Lingnian came to this point, he also walked to the center of the stage.

There were products of the program sponsoring brands.

"Hey, isn’t this real natural mineral water, the noble water of the water, Qiansui Mountain?"

I couldn’t help laughing when I said this line.

"It's that time again!" After saying that, he picked up the cup full of water and drank it all.

As expected, the announcement of the list is incomplete without a sponsor advertisement.

"The first place in this competition is......"

He Ling paused for a moment and shouted loudly:

"Su Cheng!"

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