After deciding on the next song,

Su Cheng lay down on the bed.

He fell asleep in a second.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning.

【Fall asleep immediately] This skill is very useful.

In the morning, Su Cheng finished reading the remaining half of the Oxford Dictionary.

By the way, he also finished reading several books on common conversations that he brought back yesterday.

It was still early, so he opened the Penguin Video TED.

He ate while watching the English speech on it.

Su Cheng felt like a dry sponge.

Suddenly thrown into the sea.

Absorbing water like crazy.

Then gradually filled with knowledge.

At two o'clock in the afternoon.

Fu Han knocked on Su Cheng's door as promised.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Fu, you are on time as usual today."

Su Cheng opened the door and spoke in authentic American English.

Fu Han was stunned.

What's going on?

The pronunciation is so authentic?

It seems that this singer knew to learn a sentence today, and specially looked up information and learned a sentence.

Not bad!

Apart from anything else, at least the attitude is very good!

Thinking of this, he said:

"Don't worry, we can take it slow. We can learn five sentences in two hours this afternoon."

"If you are fast, you can also learn ten, depending on your acceptance."

In Chinese.

Fu Han had tried Su Cheng before, and his English level was only that of a junior high school student.

Su Cheng continued in English:

"Come in first, Dr. Fu."

Fu Han nodded, and gave Su Cheng a thumbs up in his heart.

Not bad, he learned more than one sentence by himself.

It seems that although he didn't come to class yesterday, this singer was not idle.

This is a good attitude to learn!

It's a pity that the time is too short.

There are only five days before he goes abroad.

He can only learn thirty or forty sentences at most!

Thinking of this, Fu Han went into the house and took out the A4 paper that had just been printed.

There were ten dialogues on it.

Su Cheng closed the door and silently complained about the content on the paper.

You are really obedient!

I told you to prepare more sentences, but this is all?

However, think about it, it's right. Fu Han originally wanted to learn five dialogues a day.

This is ten dialogues.

He has prepared twice as much!

No problem!

Su Cheng took a rough look.

They were all the simplest daily expressions such as asking for directions and buying things.

It's still practical.

However, for him, it's no use anymore.

The reason why Dr. Fu came today is because Su Cheng wants to learn some authentic expressions.

Whether it is in the dictionary or the TED speech, the words and sentences are too official.

"I have learned all these. Dr. Fu, do you know any sentences in English that show the big difference between daily communication and written language?"

Su Cheng asked in English.

Fu Han was about to start explaining the meaning of the first example sentence on the A4 paper.

He was stunned when he heard Su Cheng's words.

If it was just a greeting just now, the language used was normal.

At most, the pronunciation was better.

But the sentence just now,"the difference between daily communication and written language".

This is not a sentence that a beginner can say.

Even many college students can't say it!

Fu Han looked at Su Cheng in disbelief and stammered,"You......When did you become so good at English?"

""I just learned it these days." Su Cheng answered as a matter of course,"I learned grammar on the first day, and pronunciation on the second day."

After thinking for a while, he added,"I improved my vocabulary by myself, and then learned some conversation sentences."

Still in English.

Fu Han, a doctoral student in English, couldn't speak so fluently.

More importantly, it was very authentic!

"Just learned it these past two days?" Fu Han repeated unconsciously.

He felt that his cognition was shattered.

English is not difficult to say, put it in an English environment, and you can meet the needs of daily communication in a few months.

It is also not easy to say, after more than ten years of learning in school, you still can't speak it.

But who can speak fluent and authentic American English in two or three days?!

The other party even took the time to sing a song on a music variety show.

It is said that it is a very good song.

Now it is the number one hot search on Weibo. It is also very popular on Douyin. You can see this singer in front of you after watching two videos.

But it’s okay if you are good at singing, after all, that is your major. You can have a fluent conversation in English in three days, what does this mean?!

Fu Han still didn’t believe it, and said in English:

"What is the climate like along the Mediterranean coast? What do you think of the current situation in the Strait of Malacca?"

Su Cheng:"......"

What the hell is going on here!

Are the two questions related? Did the climate change in the Mediterranean cause the Malacca tsunami?

But Su Cheng understood immediately.

This doctor was testing his English skills!

So he continued to answer in English,"Dr. Fu, there is no direct connection between the Mediterranean climate and the Strait of Malacca."

"But I personally think that pasta should be mixed with No. 42 concrete."

Fu Han was stunned after hearing this, with a confused look on his face. Su

Cheng thought to himself, Oh no, I forgot that this is a nerd who doesn't read much online jokes!

So he said in English,"Dr. Fu, there is no need to test my English level. I think it should be enough for daily communication."

Fu Han was still unwilling and said,"Would you like to go and eat something casually?"

This sentence means: Would you like to go and eat something casually?

Su Cheng couldn't help laughing when he heard this standard textbook dialogue, Chinese English.

"Dr. Fu, you wouldn't say that abroad." Seeing that the other party was a little confused, Su Cheng continued:

"In spoken English, this sentence is usually said like this: 'Wanna grab a bite?’"

Fu Han:"......"

Who is the teacher?!

"Dr. Fu, thank you for coming to test my learning level today. Thank you very much."

Su Cheng transferred the tuition fee.

Then, Fu Han mechanically walked out of Su Cheng's room.

He didn't even catch his breath when he walked downstairs.

Is English really that easy to learn?

Just go through the grammar and pronunciation, and then learn vocabulary and dialogue by yourself.

Can you reach this level?

The worldview of this English doctor collapsed.......

After Su Cheng sent away his private English teacher, he sat on a stool and thought about next week's schedule.

The Global Music Storm Competition is held in Vienna.

The organizer requires all contestants to report next Friday.

It takes about sixteen hours by plane.

In other words, he still has five days to prepare for"Young China".

Su Cheng did not want to record an MV.

With [God-level Picture Presentation], who needs to record a background screen!

But the accompaniment is still needed.

There is plenty of time!

From the conversation with Fu Han just now

, I can draw a conclusion. My English level is now enough for daily communication.


In addition to English, the official language in Vienna seems to be German.

How about learning another foreign language?

Thinking of this, I called He Ling.

"Mr. He, do you know any private teachers who teach German?"

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