"Director Wang, isn't this related to national honor?"

Principal Sun was stunned for a long time after hanging up the phone, and asked the leader next to him:

"What is the relationship between reciting texts and national honor?"

"I don't know either. The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education sent me an urgent verbal notice saying that the leaders of the Ministry of Education asked us to cooperate with Su Cheng."

Sun Lianjin still didn't understand."Su Cheng just said on the phone,......"

""Principal Sun, you don't have to worry about so much!" The young director of the Hangzhou Education Bureau interrupted Sun Lianjin,"In a word, cooperate with us fully!"

Principal Sun nodded and agreed quickly.

This was the first time the director had come to Hangzhou Experimental Middle School since he took office.

Unexpectedly, the first time he came was with a task from the Ministry of Education of China.

He had to cooperate well.

If he did it well, maybe he could move up.......

An hour later,

Su Cheng arrived at Hangzhou Experimental Middle School on time and was warmly welcomed by Director Wang and Principal Sun.

"Teacher Su Cheng, I have heard of your name for a long time. Although we are both in Hangzhou, I can only admire your elegance on the screen."

Director Wang took Su Cheng's hand and said enthusiastically,"Today we can see you in person. You are even more handsome than on the screen!"

Su Cheng agreed awkwardly.

Although he has experienced this kind of occasion many times, he is still not used to it.

Director Wang continued,"Director Sun of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education has a meeting today and will not be able to arrive until later."

Su Cheng was stunned.

It would be fine if the head of the Municipal Education Bureau came.

After all, he was looking for the leader of the Ministry of Education of China.

Why did the leader of the provincial department come too?

Is the person he called"Mr. Wei" in such a high position?

It's just recording an accompaniment, there is no need for such a big fuss.

"Director Wang, Principal Sun."Su Cheng said seriously,"Provincial leaders don't need to come, just recite a few sentences of the text, if everything goes well, it will only take a few minutes."

Sun Lianjin muttered silently in his heart when he heard Su Cheng say this.

A few minutes?

So fast?

But, just for a few minutes, you have to go through so much trouble?!

You even went to the Ministry of Education of China!......

The studio of Hangzhou Experimental Middle School.

One hundred children have taken their places.

Each of them holds a first-year junior high school textbook.

They are reviewing"Young China" enthusiastically.

Seeing the leaders escorting Su Cheng in, the dean of studies pressed his hand and the studio immediately became quiet.

Principal Sun stepped forward and said to the students,"Do you all know the task today?"

He took the book from the child closest to him, pointed to the text and said,"'Young China', this article is required to be memorized in its entirety in the first year of junior high school."

"We don't require recitation today, just read it aloud in unison."

Su Cheng heard the principal say this and added,"You don't need to recite the whole text, just a few sentences." After

Su Cheng finished speaking, the principal turned to the students and said,"Yes! Everyone, listen to Teacher Su's instructions and cooperate well."

Then his tone suddenly changed and he said seriously:

""Whoever is disobedient and mischievous will be called to the parents tomorrow!"

Su Cheng's mouth twitched.

Damn, don't these teachers have any other skills?

They call the parents for every little thing.

Su Cheng remembered a joke from a primary school student:

‘If you have any problem, come to me. What's the point of scaring my parents?

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit cold, Su Cheng took the book from Principal Sun and said,"Don't be nervous, students. We just need to read this paragraph in unison."

Then he read aloud:

"If the youth are wise, the country will be wise; if the youth are rich, the country will be rich; if the youth are strong, the country will be strong; if the youth are free, the country will be free!"

This is the most famous line in"Young China Says" and is also the first part of the accompaniment in the song.

When Su Cheng said these words, he used vocal skills and emotional resonance.

He eliminated the tense atmosphere caused by Sun Lianjin's reprimand.

《The song"Young China Says" shows the youthful vigor of young men.

How can we let children feel fear and terror?

This scene was seen by Director Wang of the Hangzhou Education Bureau.

He couldn't help but admire it in his heart.


An ordinary sentence, after speaking, the students suddenly broke free from their nervous emotions.

Then the text that was read next perfectly interpreted the appeal and appeal of Liang Qichao's"Young China Says".

No wonder the leaders of the Ministry of Education called in person to give instructions.

This young man is not simple!

Director Wang knew that the Ministry of Education publicly solicited popular songs for students' patriotic education.

He didn't understand it at the time.

It's not like he hadn't heard of popular songs before!

They are all about love.

How can they be used for patriotic education?

Until he listened to the top ten songs recommended by netizens.

Each song is so inspiring.

Especially the song of Su Cheng in front of him, which is passionate and inspiring.

After listening to the passion, national pride and patriotic feelings almost burst out.

At this time, Su Cheng saw that the students on the scene were not so nervous.

He said,"Students, follow me!"

"If the youth are wise, the nation will be wise......"

Su Cheng has a [God-level emotional engagement] and personally feels the boldness and passion in the article.

As Su Cheng recited, everyone at the scene began to feel excited.

There was an urge to recite along. A full sense of national pride overflowed.

After Su Cheng finished reading four sentences, he began to repeat it from the beginning for the second time.

At this time, some students began to read along with Su Cheng.

From a few people to all students.

From reading in a low voice to reading aloud.

Then, everyone at the scene recited loudly and passionately together.

Su Cheng had stopped, and everyone was still reading over and over again.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more heated.

Even Principal Song and Director Wang were following the students and reading this first-year junior high school text together.

Su Cheng shook his head helplessly.

This won't work.

This song is to show the youth's lofty ambitions and determination to move forward courageously, and to express the youth's vigor and vigor.

What are you adults doing mixing your voices in it?!

It doesn't sound young enough or sunny enough!

Su Cheng clapped his hands.

The recitation gradually stopped.

Su Cheng saw that everyone was looking at him and said with a smile:

"Everyone read very well, that's the feeling"

"There are just a few small flaws and problems."

Principal Sun interrupted and asked,"Teacher Su Cheng, what's the problem?"

He felt that it was very good just now. He hadn't felt so high-spirited for many years!

Su Cheng walked to the door and opened the door of the studio.

"Sound teacher, please turn on the radio, thank you!"

"In addition to the students,"

"Get out!"

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