Su Cheng spent the next few days very leisurely.

He asked his agent to cancel all the announcements for the next two months.

WMG lasts for a month, with a competition every two weeks.

There are three competitions in total.

First, the top 8 will be decided from the top 16, and then the top 4 will be decided. The last competition is the ranking.

If you can make it to the top 4, it will be the greatest affirmation for a musician. It is more valuable than the Grammy Awards.

Therefore, almost all young singers hope to participate in this global event.

Some singers will even invite teams to tailor excellent works for them to participate in the competition.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Su Cheng now.

Let's talk about it after entering the top 8.

These days, I also took the time to learn German.

German is one of the official languages in Vienna

"It's even more tongue-twisting than English!"

Su Cheng complained more than once.

His tongue was curled.

If it weren't for the [God-level Pronunciation Skills], it would be hard to speak this foreign language authentically.......

On Wednesday,

Kong Sijin came to Hangzhou with an assistant. He brought

Su Cheng his visa.

As early as when he participated in the National Musicians in Yanjing, he applied for a visa for Su Cheng in the name of the program team.

It has been deposited with CCTV Music.

This competition can be regarded as a competition for the country, and CCTV is the agent, which is reasonable.

"My plan is to go to Shanghai this morning, then take the noon flight and arrive in Vienna in the evening."

After the greetings, Kong Sijin asked directly,"Su Cheng, what do you think of this arrangement?"

It takes about 16 hours to fly from Shanghai to Vienna, minus the time difference between the two places.

It will arrive in the evening.

"Sure, it won't affect the nightlife!"Su Cheng joked.

Although it was a joke, he really wanted to see what kind of nightlife the"art capital" has.

I wonder if there are any original art exhibitions.......

The next day, a group of three people set off on a trip to Europe.

Su Cheng, Kong Sijin, and his assistant, Xiao Wang.

Of course, this Xiao Wang was not the local driver in Yanjing who had received Su Cheng and his friends in Yanjing.

She was a very capable female assistant.

She always showed the demeanor of a strong woman.

The itinerary was well arranged.

"Let Song Jie learn from others when she has time!"

Although Su Cheng's agent is capable at work, he often daydreams and acts stupidly.

He looks not very smart.

Clear and innocent.

After the plane took off, Su Cheng reclined the seat.

Prepare to catch up on sleep.

Fortunately, the first-class cabin is very spacious, and the seats can almost be reclined, and it is quite comfortable to lie on.

Although mobile phones can be turned on on this international flight and there is still signal. But Su Cheng doesn't want to spend the sixteen-hour flight by swiping his phone. If he keeps looking at his phone, his eyes will be ruined. At this time, Kong Sijin has taken out a book"On Philosophy and Chinese History". Uh~ How to say it, it fits his personality. Su Cheng closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was ten hours later when he opened them again. Kong Sijin gave him a thumbs up.

"It has to be a young man who falls asleep right away!"

Su Cheng knew this was a joke.

Kong Sijin never thought that he really had such a skill.

"Didn’t Brother Kong take a break?"

"Oh! I can't sleep. I suffer from insomnia when I change beds, not to mention that this is not even a bed!"

Su Cheng laughed,"Then you will have to suffer from jet lag!"

"That's right! You'll feel uncomfortable for a few days."

Kong Sijin said helplessly.

I can lose five pounds every time I go on a business trip.

I've been on business trips for most of my life, but I just can't adapt.

I suffer from insomnia when I change beds.

I've tried bringing pillows and changing sheets.

None of them worked.

I even changed the mattress at home to the same brand.

Still doesn't work.

So I just let it go.

Su Cheng felt very bored,"Brother Kong, I'll sleep for another night. Call me when you're almost there."

Then he closed his eyes again.

He fell asleep in seconds.

Kong Sijin looked at Su Cheng, who fell asleep as soon as he finished speaking.

He was envious.

Six hours later.

Su Cheng was woken up by Kong Sijin.

He opened his eyes and saw a pair of red eyes and was startled.

""Kong... Brother Kong, you didn't sleep all the way?"

Kong Sijin replied weakly.


It was one o'clock in the afternoon when he got on the plane. Kong Sijin had been up for six hours.

Add to that the sixteen hours on the plane.

He hadn't closed his eyes for twenty-two hours.

For a man in his fifties , his energy was really not enough.

But that's not the point.

The point is that the young man traveling with him slept all the way!

There is no harm without comparison. It

's not that painful when everyone is miserable together.

It's really painful when you are miserable alone.

"I am afraid that my brother will suffer, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover."

Just like when we lived in poverty before, we were not unhappy.

Now that living conditions are better, we don't have to worry about food and drink

, but the Internet has broken the information barrier.

Anyone can use a smart phone to see the lives of the rich.

And then look at what kind of life you live.

Anxiety comes.

Seeing someone eating abalone and lobster every day, but you can only eat a bowl of instant noodles.

What kind of happiness is there?

Su Cheng had just slept enough and couldn't empathize with Kong Sijin.

Looking at the gradually enlarging ground scenery outside the window, he said:

"It will land soon."

Then he stretched himself.


Not noticing Kong Sijin's envious eyes, he continued:

"Brother Kong, do you have any plans for the evening? Let's go out and have fun!"

"You can go out for a walk, but I won't. I'm old and I don't have the energy."

After landing, the assistant made a phone call and said,"Brother Kong, the program team has sent a car to pick you up. It's over there at the exit."

The hotel they stayed in was not far from the airport, a 20-minute drive.

Su Cheng looked at this art capital with interest.

From the way he looked, it seemed a bit unworthy of its name.

Vienna gave Su Cheng the feeling of an ordinary third-tier city.

It was far inferior to Hangzhou's"modern"

"Maybe they pay more attention to classical art!"

This is the only consolation.

However, I saw many people playing accordions on the roadside.

This is very artistic.

And the random graffiti on the wall also show its artistic atmosphere to tourists.

When he arrived at the hotel, Su Cheng took a hot bath first.

Vienna is a strange place. In a foreign country, he only knew two colleagues.

He didn't want to go out alone.

So he knocked on the door of the next room.

Kong Sijin opened the door with two dark circles under his eyes and a tired face.

"Brother Kong, go out and play!"

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