"Let the world hear the voice of China again!"

This evaluation can be said to be very high.

Perhaps no one can understand why a Chinese can say this.

Chinese refers to those whose ancestors are Chinese and who are descendants of Chinese.

Similarly, the music senior who was moved to tears at the organizing committee is the same.

His parents are both Chinese, and he was born abroad. He grew up in the United States and received a Western education.

He speaks Chinese haltingly. He has not even been to China many times.

But just now, he felt the throbbing of his soul.

Su Cheng sang"Young China" with passion.

This is probably something engraved in his genes.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what his father said when he passed away:"Fallen leaves have no roots, they are just duckweed." He understood the true meaning of this sentence.

China is now using its economy and national comprehensive strength to attract the attention of the world.

The dragon enters the sea, and Shenzhou ascends to the sky.

Scientific and technological strength is also increasing day by day.

The world has realized that China is no longer the former���That poor place where people are bullied and poor.

But what about music?

Chinese civilization has a long history, and art can rely on this profound heritage to provide endless nutrients for inspiration.

However, there are few musical works known to the world in all these years.

This is unreasonable.

But today, at the scene of this global music festival, he heard it.

I believe that in the future, the world will also be able to hear it.

Hear more voices from China.

Su Cheng looked at the overseas Chinese with gray hair and nodded heavily.

One of the purposes of participating in the global music storm is to show Chinese culture to the world.

Let the world feel the charm of Chinese civilization!......

Although Su Cheng had finished singing and left the stage, the comments in the live broadcast room were still pouring in, with no sign of decreasing.

"This is the first Chinese song I have ever heard. It is so great! How come I didn't realize before that there is such an exciting song?"

"I didn't expect to hear Chinese songs on WMG. I want to ask my Chinese friends to watch it."

"It's amazing, I never learned Chinese but I can understand the meaning of the song!"

"What a beautiful language! I will choose Chinese as my elective!"

"I'm so envious! Our school doesn't have Chinese courses. I will write to the principal immediately and ask him to add this language into the course next semester!"

"Did anyone record the screen? I entered the live broadcast room a little late and only heard the second half."

"What's the name of this singer? He's so cool. I want to go to China and give birth to his baby!"

The live broadcast room not only has foreign viewers, but also Chinese students and overseas Chinese.

They are also excitedly posting comments, and they are proud that China has a singer like Su Cheng.

"This singer is called Su Cheng! He is a rising star in our country, and he has many excellent songs!"

"I didn’t expect to hear songs from my motherland abroad. Su Cheng’s singing was so powerful and magnificent!"

"How beautiful is the youth of China, which will never grow old! How magnificent is the youth of China, which will never grow old with the country!"

"The lyrics of this song come from"On Young China" by Liang Qichao, a famous thinker and educator in modern Chinese history."

"It's so inspiring that an article can be turned into a song, which expresses the youthful spirit and invincible momentum of the Chinese youth!"

"Hundreds of years ago, Chinese teenagers were full of passion, but now Chinese teenagers are unstoppable and suddenly have a sense of mission!"......

WMG Directors Group

"Hello! Add more ads? No way! That's not the plan!"

Pete is the event planner and director.

At this time, he received a call from the advertiser, who asked for another ad.

This was not against the rules, as the number of ad runs was clearly written in the contract.

How could it be added?

Absolutely not!

Not even for extra money!

Pete said firmly,"We signed the contract before the game, so this is impossible. Besides, the game schedule is tight, and there are already five ads!"

"It can’t be inserted, not even a single advertisement!"

"It's not about money!......"

"What? Twenty million dollars for an ad?"

Pete's eyes widened, and his tone lost its rebellious tone.

"OK! OK! No problem!"

"How many more? How about ten?"

"Only five? That's a bit too few. There's still a lot of free time in the show. How about eight?"

"All right, five is five, no problem!"

Pete hung up the phone, talking to himself in confusion.

"Advertisers are crazy! Add five more, that's 100 million US dollars!"

He said, looking at the backstage data in the live broadcast room.

"Fifteen million viewers is a bit too few!"

Before the game started, the planner estimated the number of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room tonight based on past experience.

It should be more than ten million.

However, the singing quality of the contestants tonight is very high.

For example, the contestant from China just now, his singing was perfect!

It is natural that there will be more viewers than expected.

I just heard the assistant say that the number of people in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed.

Fifteen million is very reasonable.

However, advertisers quoted such a high advertising fee.

This is unreasonable.

This is not the World Cup. You can earn tens of millions of dollars by kicking a billboard.

Music competitions are niche programs after all.

It is not that valuable.

Thinking of this, Pete shook his head again and sighed,"With so few people in the live broadcast room, the advertising fee is not worth it!"

At this time, the assistant shouted excitedly,"Director! It's not fifteen million! It's one hundred and fifty million!"

"One hundred and fifty million!!!"

Pete quickly looked at the backstage data again.

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh, My God!"

"More than 100 million people in the live broadcast room?"

Just now he counted one person, thinking that there were only more than 10 million people in the live broadcast room.

Originally, the sponsor of this event did not have high requirements for the number of viewers.

They had communicated before the broadcast, and the other party's expectation was that 10 million people would be online at the same time in the live broadcast room.

According to past experience, this number of viewers is easy to achieve.

So Pete was very relaxed and never paid attention to the background data.

Even when his assistant said that the number of people in the live broadcast room had skyrocketed, he didn't care.

Who knew it would be so exaggerated!

The sponsor had previously required five advertisements to be inserted in the middle.

The advertising fee was not much, only 10 million in total.

When they called just now to say that they would add more advertisements, each for 20 million.

Pete thought the other party must be crazy!

After all, the contract stated that five advertisements were only 10 million.

Now they asked for an additional advertisement, each for 20 million.

20 million US dollars!

But when he learned that there were so many viewers in the live broadcast room.

Pete felt like he was going crazy.

"One hundred and fifty million viewers, twenty million for an ad is too cheap!"

Pete said as he picked up his phone and called the sponsor.

"No! You have to pay more!"

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