The host walked onto the stage, holding the program and the piece of paper Su Cheng had handed to him.

"Thanks to Wang Moumou for bringing"I Miss You Not Because I'm Lonely". Please rate and vote for him with the mentors and fans."

"The next player to perform is Su Cheng. He will sing......"

The host paused for a moment, picked up the paper Su Cheng had written

"《Hero Song》!"

After saying that, he looked in the direction of the mentor group and slowly walked off the stage. The host was also very confused. The program list had"Sakura Grass".

Su Cheng also sang"Sakura Grass" during the rehearsal. In his opinion, he sang it very well.

I don't know why the song was changed at the last minute, and it was a song he had never heard before.

Did the mentor ask him to change the song on the spot?

He said to himself:

"Did the young man offend his tutor?"

"The name of this song is not good!"

What the host didn't see was that after he left the stage, the mentors were whispering to each other.

Naying turned and asked Yang Kun, who was sitting next to her,"Isn't it written on the program that it's"Sakura Grass"? Did the host make a mistake?"

Yang Kun was Su Cheng's mentor, and he shook his head in confusion.

《"Sakura Grass" was the song he decided on, and he was very satisfied with Su Cheng's singing.

Yang Kun felt that Su Cheng had a very high chance of advancing.

But why did he suddenly change the song without discussing it with him in advance?

The fans were also whispering.

"《Which song is"Hero Song"?"

"Have you heard this song?"

"The name doesn't sound pretty at all and doesn't match Su Cheng's temperament!"

"Isn't Su Su going to sing"Cherry Blossom Grass"?"

Fans who have watched the rehearsal know the song he has confirmed before.

Su Cheng walked to the center of the stage holding an electric guitar.

To be honest, although the electric guitar has many tones, it is not suitable for"Hero Song" at all.

The suona is the soul of this song!

Now there is no accompaniment, so I can only use it as an emergency.

"Su Cheng, are you sure you want to change the song?" Yang Kun picked up the microphone and asked,"If you change the song, your previous efforts may be wasted."

At this time, the live broadcast room also exploded

"It's interesting that they changed the song at the last minute."

"Who is the original singer of this song? Why can’t I find it online?"

"What's going on? Are they going to sing a new song? I've never heard of it!"

"Is this a show? They even changed the song at the last minute!"

"Judging from the reactions of the mentors, it doesn’t seem like they are acting!"

"I'm going to mess up. Can a young boy sing a song named"Hero"?"

Teacher Yang Kun has always been optimistic about Su Cheng."Sakura Grass" is a song he specially selected for the finale based on Su Cheng's style.

He was going to make the final decision in the final.

Without waiting for Su Cheng to answer, Yang Kun continued to ask with a stronger tone:

"This is the last performance of the audition. Whether or not you can get a contract depends on the next song."

"I ask you again, are you sure you want to change the song?"

Su Cheng smiled and nodded gently.

After getting Su Cheng's affirmative response, Yang Kun threw the microphone on the table, folded his hands and lay back, leaning on the chair. With a gloomy face, he raised his head and signaled Su Cheng that he could start.

Yang Kun's dissatisfaction was written directly on his face. He had worked hard to pick a song that suited his temperament from thousands of songs, but he changed the song on the spot before going on stage!

It didn't matter if he changed the song, anyway, he had already informed the other mentors.

Yang Kun is the behind-the-scenes investor of this idol boy group. No matter how the person he likes performs, it will just be a formality.

But now......

What made him most angry was that he didn't even inform his mentor before changing the song. It was like he was totally ignored!

《"Hero Song"?

Yang Kun recalled it in his mind and confirmed that he had never heard of this song.

After so many years in the music industry, he is familiar with any song that is a little popular. He still has this confidence.

Is it an unreleased original song?

At the last minute, he changed it to an original song that no one has heard of. Judging from the name, it is a far cry from Su Cheng's young and handsome personality.

It would be a miracle if he could sing it well!......

Center of the stage.

Su Cheng took a deep breath. The effect of the [God-level Breath Control] given by the system was very obvious.

He could feel every breath of air passing through his airway, filling his entire chest cavity, and then he controlled his breath and exhaled slowly.

His lung capacity has increased a lot!

He pulled the strap of the electric guitar with his hand and adjusted it to the right position.

This electric guitar is used by Su Cheng to show off in photos. It is an American brand called Fanta.

It is not the sub-brand of the beverage Coca-Cola, but Fanta (Fender), which is almost the same in pronunciation. It cost him 30,000 RMB at the beginning, almost emptying his wallet, which was not rich to begin with. His predecessor always brought it with him when he appeared on camera, but he never played it, which led to many black fans questioning whether he was posing for photos and showing off.

In fact, these black fans are not wrong!

This is the purpose!

Fortunately, he always carries it with him, otherwise the problem of accompaniment cannot be solved.

At this time, the spotlight on the stage lit up and hit Su Cheng.

I saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised with a confident smile.

Su Cheng stepped forward with his right foot, and stroked the strings of the electric guitar with both hands. A familiar feeling came from his fingertips.

【God-level guitar mastery not only brings an understanding of guitar, but also a muscle memory that seems to have been practiced tens of thousands of times.

Even the moment Su Cheng put his hands on the electric guitar, his temperament suddenly changed.

"Su Su looks so handsome when playing the guitar!"

"Shit, why do I feel like this young hunk has suddenly become so domineering?"

"The pose is good, don't just pretend!"

"Aren't all these young handsome guys like this now? If they pose with a guitar, they probably won't be able to make any sound."

Su Cheng leaned forward slightly, and plucked the electric guitar in his hand with his fingers.

An exciting and heroic tone instantly sounded.

Yes, the beginning of"Hero Song" is a strong rhythm.

Bold, rough heavy metal sounds came from the electric guitar.

As Su Cheng played the prelude, Naying sat up straight from the back of the chair, her eyes fixed on the figure on the stage, and she muttered to herself:

"The accompaniment is full of dynamics and tension. Is this a song that a young actor can sing?"

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