In the afternoon,

Yang Mi also came to Yanjing.

This was the second time Su Cheng had met his boss.

This was really not right!

He had met him many times before, but that was only on the screen.

He had only met him once in person when they signed the contract last time.

"《"Farewell My Concubine" is really good! I cried when I heard it."

Boss Yang came up and praised.

Su Cheng said embarrassedly,"Just sing it casually, just sing it casually"

"These are just random words, how can others live?"

Yang Mi laughed and said jokingly

"You sang"Love's Offering" very well too!"

Su Cheng subconsciously praised each other in a commercial way.

"What kind of offerings?" Yang Mi asked in confusion.

She really liked singing, but after singing a few songs, none of them became popular.

It's bad!

Su Cheng thought to himself, forgetting that this parallel world lacked a lot of songs. Judging from Yang Mi's reaction, this song should not be there.

He quickly made up for it:

"I mean, I created a song called"Love Offering" before, but I feel that I can't sing it in the same style because of the style."

After swallowing, he continued,"This song is more suitable for your voice. It will definitely be good if you sing it!"

Yang Mi still looked confused. She just said"You also sing very well"!

It clearly means that someone has already sung it.

But I have never heard of this song. It seems that he is asking someone to try it out!

Humph! He wants to use a song that someone else has sung to perfunctory me!

Then I suddenly remembered that Su Cheng sang three popular songs, all of which were original. Not only was he sung well, but the lyrics and music were also top-notch.

I heard from Song Jie that Su Cheng wrote the lyrics and composed the music independently, and he never asked others for help.

I have sung several songs, but they all fell into oblivion.

Why not take this opportunity to let Su Cheng write two songs to fulfill my dream of becoming a singer!

In addition, the theme song of a palace drama she recently starred in has not been decided yet. Maybe Su Cheng can help write one.

As for this offering, she really didn't take it to heart.

But she still said:

"Then when can you give me the lyrics, I will try to sing it!"

After a pause, he added,"If it's not suitable for me to sing, you have to compose a new one for me!"

In her opinion, Su Cheng must have let it slip just now."Love Offering" has been sung by someone else, and it's very ordinary.

Otherwise, why have I never heard of it?

You want to use a mediocre song to perfunctory me? No way!

Su Cheng quickly agreed.

【This song is definitely not in the"Hard-Man Song Collection".

But now I have the ability of"God-level Music Arrangement". I can remember most of the lyrics of"Love Offering" and the general tune.

It is not difficult to restore this song.

"By the way, in addition to my own announcement, I also want to ask for your opinion on copyright authorization."

Su Cheng looked at her in confusion.

The copyrights of the first two songs have been sold, and of course, they all have corresponding historical stories.

《I don’t remember Farewell My Concubine being used as a theme song!

Could it be that a new film or TV series has been released, telling the story of the Overlord of Western Chu?

"Wujiang Town wants to purchase the copyright to promote their scenic spot, and the Overlord Temple is right there!"

Su Cheng was stunned. Wujiang Town?

The scenic spot wants to use their own songs, which can be downloaded from major music platforms.

Just use them directly, and there is no need to purchase copyrights at all!

I can't appeal just because a scenic spot plays my songs, right?

However, it can be seen from this that the person in charge of the scenic spot in Wujiang Town is an honest man.

Su Cheng still looked confused.

Yang Mi explained,"Ever since your singing of"Farewell My Concubine" became popular, the number of tourists to the Overlord Temple has increased significantly."

"But their scenic spot is not even rated 3A, and it is not well-known, so they want to take advantage of this popularity to promote it well."

"May Day is coming soon, and the scenic spot probably wants to take advantage of the traffic of this song"

"The offer was not high, only 500,000 yuan. A small scenic spot doesn't have much money, but they didn't ask for all the copyrights, they just wanted to use the song for promotion."

"Anyway, there is no other cooperation now, so I just want to ask your opinion."

Su Cheng waved his hand and said,"Forget it, don't sell it, just let them use it, let them know by phone, it's just verbal authorization."

They just use the song, although it is also a commercial behavior, but there is no need to sell the copyright for this.

The Overlord Temple is in their scenic spot, so use"Farewell My Concubine" to promote it.

It's not too much.......

Mountain city.

Wujiang Gallery Scenic Area

"Chairman, please come back soon! Our scenic spot has received 200,000 people in five days!"

A middle-aged man in a black suit looked at the tourists queuing outside the scenic spot and made an anxious phone call.

"Why are there so many people all of a sudden?"

There was a dissatisfied voice on the other end of the phone.

Anyone who was woken up so early in the morning would be inexplicably angry.

But when he heard 200,000 people, he instantly sobered up.

Sun Weiliang calmed down and asked:

"We only received 600,000 tourists last year, but 200,000 in the last five days?"

He was currently discussing overseas tourism cooperation projects.

Three days ago, he received a call from Wang Tongsheng, the person in charge of the Wujiang Gallery Scenic Area, saying that the number of visitors to the scenic area had suddenly increased dramatically. He didn't take it seriously at first. Wujiang Gallery was just a 4A scenic area. In his opinion, how popular could it be? If the project he was discussing was done well, it would make at least 500 million yuan in profit a year!

"Chairman, the scenic area has been overwhelmed by the number of visitors. Not to mention the Wujiang River Rafting, which has limited capacity, even Gongtan Ancient Town, which is usually not visited, is packed with people."

Wang Tongsheng swallowed his saliva and continued,"In the Grand Canyon, you don't even need to touch the ground when you enter. You can be squeezed from the entrance to the exit!"

"Please come back soon. We employees can't take it anymore. We have been paying triple wages these days, and I haven't slept much in the past two days."

"Tourists come to line up at three or four in the morning and are still waiting to be driven away at seven or eight in the evening!"

"There is still half a month left before the May Day Golden Week. The hotel has already been fully booked. There is not a single room within 50 kilometers!"

Listening to Wang Tongsheng's complaints, Chairman Sun fell silent.

He calculated in his mind that the Wujiang Gallery Scenic Area made a profit of just over 200 million last year, and received 600,000 tourists.

I just heard from Wang Tongsheng that it has received 200,000 people in the past five days!

Doesn't that mean there is a net profit of more than 60 million in five days?

Limited by the reception capacity, the materials may have been sold out. With a discount, there must be a profit of 40 million!

40 million in five days!

Isn't it 3 billion a year?

Then why am I still bothering to find a project with a profit of 500 million a year in a foreign country?

Thinking of this, Chairman Sun patted his thigh and said,"I will book a flight back home today!"

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he remembered something and asked,"Wait a minute! Last time I asked you to check the reason for the surge in tourists in the scenic area, did you find out?"

Wang Tongsheng said quickly,"I found out. The tourists said that they were deeply moved by Su Cheng's singing of"Farewell My Concubine" and wanted to come to the Wujiang River to take a look.

Chairman Sun was stunned.

《Farewell My Concubine?

Xiang Yu?

Isn't the King's Temple in Wujiang Town, Anshi City, Anhui Province?

Why come to a mountain city thousands of miles away!

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