Su Cheng left the stage.

The next singer had already started performing.

But in the audience and the live broadcast room, no one seemed to care about what the show was.

They were still discussing Su Cheng's"Yellow Man"》

"This song aroused my desire to learn the flute!"

"Apart from Su Cheng's near-perfect singing, the flute sound in the accompaniment is the most touching and exciting part!"

"This flute can be deified!"

"The West has dominated the world's discourse for long enough, now it's 'my turn'!"

"Su Cheng's singing is totally unmatched by those singers wearing heavy makeup nowadays."

"Putting Su Cheng together with them is an insult to him! My husband is always without makeup, he is so handsome!"

"If anyone has a screen recording just now, please post it. Su Su’s cool and wild look is so cool! I want to use it as my screen saver!"

"The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established!"


After Su Cheng stepped off the stage, he wanted to leave.

But he was stopped by the stage director.

""Su Su! I'm your fan. Can you sign an autograph for me?"

Su Cheng's face twitched when he heard the name.

He just called him"Mr. Su Cheng", but now he's calling him the same name as a die-hard female fan?

But, you're a grown man, why are you learning from female fans?

Without saying anything, he took the paper handed over by the other party.

After taking a look at it, he couldn't help but look up and look at the stage director with a fiery face in confusion.

This paper, isn't it the one where he copied the lyrics himself!

"What about this lyrics?......"

Su Cheng was interrupted by the other party just as he opened his mouth

"Mine!" the stage director said with certainty.

"I know!"

"Just sign it for me under the lyrics."

Faced with such a"persistent" fan, Su Cheng fulfilled his little wish. He signed his name on the lyrics paper with the edges not torn neatly.

The font was consistent with the style of the lyrics.

The stage director carefully took back the lyrics paper, folded it, and put it in the inner pocket of his suit.......

Su Cheng once again occupied the hot search list on Weibo

#《Yellow Man" is freshly released#

#"The more turbulent, the braver" The tenacious background of the Chinese nation#

#A flute song, instantly became a god! #There are also enthusiastic comments from netizens below

"Every stroke of our great China is its backbone!"

"What the heart desires is the faith, and what the eyes shine on is China!"

"Use my waves to forge the country's waves!"

"I have no regrets about coming to China in this life, and I will still be a flower grower in the next life!"

"I hope that Xiaoshi will recognize the reality and return to the ancient territory as soon as possible!"

Not only these hot searches, but another one has also quietly risen in the hot list.

#The Chinese nation is a great fusion of races. Is it racial discrimination to praise the yellow race? #Discussion is not rare

"Look at the beautiful country, it is because it encourages outstanding immigrants that it is able to maintain its dominant position!"

"What era is this? Still touting racism!"

"We have been shouting for freedom and democracy for so many years. This song is a step backward in history and should be banned!"

"China’s immigration policy is about to be announced, but we are still praising skin color?"

"Free democracy, that is an excuse used by the West to cover up the truth. Which of the powers shouting this slogan has less blood on their hands?"

"The beautiful country is about to be occupied by black people, those guys are so fertile!"

"Without experiencing the suffering of my people, you still dream of the happiness of my people. Kunlun slaves want to destroy our Chinese bloodline. I will follow the footsteps of the martyrs, not afraid of dying together, follow the teachings of Ai Gong, and would rather bear the infamy of this life than let my descendants enjoy the happiness for generations!"

As if capital smelled the bite, the discussion heat rose rapidly.

Su Cheng made several remarks that were not conducive to capital. He has already been blacklisted.

If there is a chance to severely damage or even ban him, he will obviously not let it go.

Not only this one, but several other hot searches have been quietly pushed up.

#Can China tolerate racial discrimination?#

#The world is one family, regardless of skin color or race#

#The great integration of ethnic groups led to the Chinese civilization. Do we really want to reverse history? #These hot searches are very"clever". They all accuse from a moral high ground.

Packaged with"correct rectification", the comments that agree with these remarks are pushed to the top by the water army.

They are trying to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion.

This is not just to defeat Su Cheng, the catfish who does not obey the arrangements of capital.

It is more like a battle of cultural invasion.

There is a reason why"correct rectification" is popular in the United States.

Because it is more conducive to the harvest of capital, even if it tears the society apart, they will not hesitate.

Originally, the audience was just watching, and after seeing too many of these views, their thoughts would be slightly shaken.

In the eyes of capital, this kind of invasion campaign is deadly simple.

After all, they have already attacked countless small countries in the same way.

For example, Xiaori and Bangziguo, who also have black eyes and yellow skin. For example, Sawadee Ka, where transsexuals are everywhere.

Have they been like this since ancient times?

No, they once had countless bloody men, but later they were stationed and invaded by culture.

Slowly broke their spine.

In those days, people who said seppuku were true, but now there are no people with pure Bushido spirit.

However, this time, capital underestimated the profound heritage of Chinese civilization and the bloodiness and tenacity of the Chinese people!

In the overwhelming rectification of correct speech, there are also many clear-minded people who are also expressing their own views

"I fuck******Let’s not talk about history, let’s just talk about the present. How many evils have those black and white people done in China? Can’t we see those in the news?"

"I don't want such a song full of Chinese elements and praising the descendants of Yan and Huang to be contaminated by the"correctness" in the future to prevent it from being French-ized!"

"99.99% of them are lazy, violent, and bully the weak and fear the strong. They also have a staggering HIV carrier rate. Do you dare to allow them in on a large scale?"

"I don't want to live in vain until old age. I take a rest in the park and look around, and all I see are black people."

"To prevent human invasion, our���!"

Whether the words are vulgar or objective and elegant.

Whether they realize that this is a war or just vent their dissatisfaction with the correctness of the rectification.

They all come from the recognition of Chinese civilization and their own identity.

As a member of China, even if there are still many pressures in real life and many problems in the environment.

As long as we live on this land, we must deeply love our country and our nation.

Because the people we want to protect need such a stable, safe, and increasingly better living environment.

However, organized invasions are always stronger than spontaneous guerrillas.

These messages with national pride were quickly drowned in the vast army of water controlled by capital.

Highly praised messages were pinned one after another.

It seems to be announcing the correct answer to the discussion.

Seeing that the situation is out of control. It seems that Su Cheng's"Yellow Man" has been banned. It seems to have become an ironclad fact.

At this time, CCTV News forwarded the live video of Su Cheng singing"Yellow Man".

The official took action!

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