The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 222: Putting paper into a soldier, turning the tide

If we can’t preserve the peace and tranquility of the human world,

I'm afraid this Yin Cao Netherworld has really become a decoration.

The four major judges took the order, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, and they all dispersed.

And Shen Lian then led the black and white impermanence into the realm of Da Qin.

Like locusts, the overwhelming ghosts ransacked all the creatures that appeared in front of them, and the land they passed through was barren and no life.

"Your Majesty, leave it to us to deal with it."

The black and white impermanence is just about to stop the ghosts from running in the sky,

But was stopped by Shen Lian,

Now that the ghost chaos has just happened, no one is sure that there will be any changes, so it is necessary to retain the existing combat power.

In this case, all unconventional means must be used to stop the ghosts.

Tie the paper into a soldier,

Shen Lian hasn’t used this skill since the Yin Cao Jifu absorbed the Qiang’s 80,000 people and the tens of thousands of Yin soldiers promoted.


It’s also time for it to play,

"Activate Skill: Tie Paper into a Soldier!"

Yin envelops Shen Lian's left and right,

Thousands of people come out,

Tie the paper into a soldier,

The combat power is one percent of the Yin soldiers, and the number that can be summoned is also one hundred times the number of Yin soldiers controlled by the current underworld.

"One hundred steps, don't let ghosts come close to the land of Qin and Jin!"

Tie the paper into soldiers and lead them all,

Recklessly rushed into the camp of ghosts,

For a while, it really stopped the momentum of the ghosts coming down.

‘Ding, congratulations to the host for killing five billion ghosts, the yin Cao’s dungeon has been upgraded, and the second hall of the ten halls of Yama has been successfully opened, the King Chujiang of the Puming Palace! ’

It actually killed five billion ghosts!

Shen Lian was stunned.

How many ghosts are there,

It’s a bit too much to start with 100 million.

But at last it did not kill in vain, and the second Yama was successfully opened.

King of Chujiang (The sixth rank of Yinsi Zhengshen, the same as King Qin Guang.)

Li masters the bottom of the sea, the living **** under the Wojiao stone just south. The **** controlled by the king of Chujiang is eight thousand li (500 yuzun); there are also sixteen small hells.

Master "Living Hell".

Most of the criminals are villains who violate the rules and regulations, do countless karma, and do not regret until death. For example, in the sun, deceive the public to play with the law and cause disasters, or use power to take advantage of the people and anoint the people; or spells to deceive people and seek property; or abduct young people to force good people into prostitution; or form bad-looking gangs, smuggle drugs, and fish and meat towns. People; or fraudulent gambling, illegal marriage fraud, forging securities, selling counterfeit drugs, disrupting order, endangering health, etc.

The verdicts in this temple are strict, and the prisons are distributed according to the criminals' upper, middle, and lower prisons, and each is reported by him, or one or more reports, or even as many as sixteen.

King Chu Jiang is in charge of the living hell,

Set up another sixteen small hells: one small black cloud and sand hell; two small **** hells; three small five-pointed hells; four small hells of hunger; five small hells of anxiety and thirst; six small hells of pus and blood; seven small hells Copper axe small hell; eight copper axe small hells; nine iron armor small hells; ten small hells with a small amount; eleven chicken small hells; twelve gray river small hells; thirteen small cut hells; Fourteen sword leaf hells; fifteen jackal hells; sixteen ice hells.

There were hundreds of thousands of Yin Soldiers, all ferocious and decisive.

"Chen, King Chu Jiang sees His Majesty the Yin Tianzi."

"Very well, the ghosts here will be handed over to Zhazhi to become a soldier immediately. The king of Chujiang, I order you to go to the Palace of Qin to reinforce King Qin Guang immediately, and be sure to stop the ghosts from rampant."

"King Chujiang takes the lead."

A gust of wind blows away,

King Chujiang immediately rushed to the Qin Palace with his 100,000 people.

The ghosts in the sky can't be killed,

The millions of iron chains released by the Triple Rashomon outside the Xuanming Palace have been burnt red, and even if they are separated by a hundred miles, they can feel the extraordinary heat.

The land of the city **** has set up an enchantment below the capital to block ghosts and the Yin Qi released by Xuan Ming Palace.

Even so, those ghosts don’t seem to be afraid of the threat of death at all.


Outside the Xuanming Palace, I saw the ghosts covering the sky and the sun, but then they were swept away by the huge void that appeared.

Then another huge palace appeared in front of the world,

Puming Palace,

Although it is called a palace, it is a huge deep depression of blood,

The three big characters of Puming Palace are brightly located in the center of the deep depression.

I saw a person sitting on it, arrogant, watching the world,

"It's you."

King Qin Guang said lightly after seeing Puming Palace, "So you are here too."

"Ten Halls of Yama, the second Hall of King Chujiang is here!"

With the cold drink of King Chujiang,

From the deep depression of the blood pool, there was a sound of crying from the sky, and countless ghosts flew out from it, some with iron hairpins, steel knives, and spears...

These are all ghosts that have been imprisoned in sixteen small hells all the year round.

Now thanks to the grace of King Chujiang,

Let them behead the ghosts and commit crimes,

"Your Triple Rashomon can't get through these ghosts, only using evil to control evil is the kingly way."

Millions of evil spirits came forward and succeeded,

I was afraid that I would increase the sentence of imprisonment after falling to them.

Hand tear, mouth bite,

Do everything,

The scene was once bloody,

Fight evil with evil,

This is the style of King Chu Jiang,

"Hmph, if you want to kill, then kill, where is so much nonsense."

King Qin Guang disdain,

With King Chu Jiang standing in front, his own Xuanming Palace didn’t have much effect.

It's better to solve the gang of Xiandao guys first,

Xuanming Palace moved from the sky to the palace of Qin,

The original two fairy island kings no longer knew where they were going, leaving only an empty palace and some dispensable fairy island believers.


King Qin Guang said with a cry,

On the Xuanming Palace, the triple Rashomon smashed straight down, and the people on the fairy island were also burned to pieces by the fiery red iron chain in Rashomon’s ghost mouth.

Don't tell right from wrong,


Although Fairy Island has its name, it is flashy and not real.

Leaving them can only cause endless misfortunes,

Even though Yin Tianzi has not ordered the annihilation of Fairy Island,

King Qin Guang will also use this action to let the so-called Seven Kings of Xiandao see the strength of the Yin Cao Difu.

The world is in the sky, the underworld and the sun, only the Yin and Cao Jifu dominate.

The huge army of ghost ghosts was temporarily hindered by the underworld mansion,

But there is still a small part of it living in the land of Qin and Jin,

Not many,

Over a million,

But the human world has gone through many winds and frosts, and there are really not a few monks who can afford a world.

Wanli Border Town,

"His grandma, I just came back from the ghost world, how come I run into you again."

A large group of scattered ghosts surrounded Lijia Village in Wanli Border Town.

It happened that Meng Gaofei had bet for three days and three nights, and was exhausted.

I just wanted to find a place to rest, but I ran into an enemy in the ghost world.

The three dice slammed left and right,

Meng Gaofei took a mouthful of spitting stars, barely blocking the attack of the ghosts.

By his side,

More than a dozen Baojiaxians have died from exhaustion. The villagers of Lijia Village have temporarily saved their lives, but the number of ghosts is still increasing. If this continues, let alone save people, see if you can live. The sun is a problem the next day,


Take back the three dice,

Meng Gaofei couldn't help but scolded his mother.

Everyone says that the road in life is bumpy, and the casino must be proud of it.

But despite the hardships of his life, the gambling luck is still a bad batch.

For three days in a row, all the family members have lost,

Only these three dice are left to accompany myself,

If he really died here today, then the dice would have to accompany his Huangquan,

after all,

That's his confidante,

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