The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 225: The fruit of the avenue, the tree of eternal life

. . .

Killing Ghost Yan took a sip of water

What a severe task it must be,

Compared with a million-year sentence,

If you don’t want to die, he has to work hard, too.

"You are from the ghost world, so you must be very clear about the location of the Monster Sea. I will ask King Qin Guang to accompany you on a trip to the Monster Sea to suppress it."

"Your Majesty, is it the only one of His Royal Highness King Qin Guang."

Killing ghost words can’t believe my ears,

The monsters in the sea of ​​monsters are all measured in billions, so just send one person, is that enough?

"Do you not believe in the strength of King Qin Guang?"

"No, no, your Majesty, there are many monsters, monsters and ghosts, in case King Qin Guang is too busy to come."

"He is enough by himself."

With King Qin Guang’s Xuanming Palace, what if the sea of ​​monsters is in chaos?

It’s just the grasshoppers jumping for two days after autumn.

Forcibly squeezing King Qin Guang into the ghost world to suppress the sea of ​​demons, Shen Lian was ready to focus on the Dao Fruit that became a ghost.

As long as you don’t get rid of him for a day,

The ghost world may be making troubles,

And the ghost invasion also disrupted his original plan to deal with Fairy Island,

"Your Majesty, there is a new situation in the ghost world."

While Shen Lian was figuring out how to deal with Xiandao, Cui Pan suddenly stepped onto the hall.

"There are eight hundred ghosts in the ghost world coming to surrender."


What's the situation?

"Your Majesty, those ghosts say that the ghost world is already flooded with ghosts, and they eat them when they see them. Even the ghosts of the ghost emperor realm can't stop the horror of the ghosts, so they want to surrender to the underworld, even if they suffer. The suffering of eighteen layers of **** is also willing."

"Why, is Dao Guoguo ready to abandon the **** and protect the car? I don't want the army of ghosts I cultivated by myself, so I value the monster sea of ​​ghosts?"

"The minister didn't ask, now all the ghosts are placed on the first floor of the eighteenth floor, and they are going to be punished as appropriate after the approval of your majesty."

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon,

The time for these ghosts to surrender is a bit too coincidental, right?

They came to surrender as soon as they were about to take action against the ghost world?

It seems that there must be some conspiracy inside,

"Finished bullhead horse face to take these eight hundred ghosts to the eighteenth level of hell, to see if they really come to surrender."


Willing to come to the underworld to be tortured,

If ghosts had such a high level of consciousness, they should have come long ago.

Drag until now,

I think there is a problem after using the heel.

Shen Lian thought for a moment, but decided to let Killing Guiyan immediately take King Qin Guang to the sea of ​​monsters.

Later, I took action to deal with Dao Fruit...

Rainbow bridge,

The other side of the galaxy ladder,

Yaoguang Pojun closed his eyes and said nothing.

The person standing in front of her is known as the strongest Kaiyang Wuqu among the Seven Kings.

Had it not been him, I would have died in the hands of King Qin Guang a long time ago.

Now the palace of the Qin Palace that was finally occupied has also been destroyed, and the accumulated authority of the fairy island in the land of the Qin and Jin Dynasties has also been deprived of by the Ghost Rebellion.

For a while,

Xiandao’s plan to occupy the land of the Qin and Jin dynasties was broken.

"Drink, so that you won't be so embarrassed next time."

Kaiyang Wuqu handed a bottle of immortal liquid to Yaoguang’s Pojun.

Immortal Island can be invincible, relying on the support of immortal liquid in front of me,

Now faced with a strong enemy,

As the Seven Kings of Immortal Island, I cannot do without Immortal Liquid.

"Yin Cao Jifu, really terrible."

Yaoguang Pojun glanced at Kaiyang Wuqu and said, "To deal with the person before, even you have to help."

"Hmph, what's so terrible about a fallen god? After you get well, I want you to see with your own eyes how I wiped out the Yin Cao Netherworld."

"Too arrogant, but you will suffer a lot."

"You are too incompetent."

"No one can stop our plan, and the Yin Cao Jifu is no exception."

"Then what are you going to do."

Kaiyang Wuqu immediately made a slashing gesture,

"Blow up the Rainbow Bridge, let the fairy island descend on the earth, and fight the Yin Cao Jifu head-on."

"Are you crazy? If the Rainbow Bridge is gone, the human world may not be able to withstand the breath of the fairy island. Not only will the ghosts be wiped out, even some mortals will die because they can't bear the majestic fairy qi."

"So what? People are the survival of the fittest. Since they can't be assimilated by Xiandao, they are all rubbish, and they die."

"It's not reasonable to tell you."

Yao Guang broke the army no longer arguing with him, "Are the other people also agreed."



Commander Yaoguang sighed.

For the long-term plan of Xiandao, the seven kings have joined forces. I don’t know how many years they have fought side by side. They conquered outward while using Xiandao’s special existence to forcibly assimilate different existences and make them become citizens of Xiandao. The ultimate goal is just for that person,

It’s a pity that after hundreds of years of hard work, it’s not even close to the step of success.

Assimilate the ideas of the world, eradicate all evil, and purify the world, only then can the true fairy come and make the fairy island a permanent existence.

Order the common people,

But right now, there is actually a block from the Yin Cao Netherworld, and it is inevitable to adopt some extreme methods.

"Since you all agree, I have no objection."

"When are you going to do it."

"When you are well wounded, the Rainbow Bridge will be blown up, and the fairy island will appear in the human world. No matter how many ghosts there are, they will all be purified. As for the guys in the Yin Cao Jifu, the end will be the same."

"Don't forget, they are different from ours. We are immortals and they are ghosts."

Yaoguang broke the army and drank the fairy liquid.

The chaotic aura in the body started to calm down,

As for the original trauma, it has begun to heal,...

In the ghost world,

Hundreds of miles in the wilderness, bleak and dull,

Under the rampage of ghosts, even other ghosts were also attacked.

Now returning to the ghost world,

Killing Ghost Yan turned out to be angry with a trace of sadness,

Fortunately, I surrendered to the Yin Cao Netherworld in advance.

King Qin Guang, who was behind Killing Guiyan, felt that there was no difference between this place and the human world.

Just can't see the figure,

The strong ghost spirit has also dimmed a lot,

Not as disgusting at first,

"Let's go to the sea of ​​monsters."

Since Yin Tianzi has issued the edict, King Qin Guang must execute it.

But this time the itinerary is double standard.

King Qin Guang went to the Demon Sea to suppress the ghosts, and then the Yin Tianzi led the Yin soldiers into the ghost world to eradicate the fruits of the Great Dao forever.

Although every time I get any useful information from those ghosts who surrender,

But it is inevitable to send troops to the ghost world,

The killing ghost said helplessly,

Can only lead King Qin Guang to move in the direction of the sea of ​​monsters,

Along the way, not to mention that the shadows of other ghosts have not been seen, and even the ghosts have disappeared.

The killing ghost is a little strange,

Didn’t it mean that the ghost world is already full of ghosts, but how can I not even see a shadow along the way?

Could it be that the intelligence brought by the group of surrendered ghosts was wrong?

But I didn’t delay my efforts,

Seeing that when the sea of ​​monsters is approaching,

Looking around, a towering tree stood on the other side of the sea of ​​monsters.

The lush foliage covers almost half of the world,

King Qin Guang stopped first.

From that huge and weird tree, he actually felt the aura of the fruit of the great road, and it was mixed with even stranger power.

"Get out."

King Qin Guang shouted,

The whereabouts of the other party has been exposed on the ancient tree, there is no need to hide it.

"Unexpectedly, it wasn't the Yin Tianzi who came to the ghost world in person, tusk tusk, it disappointed me somewhat."

On the old tree appeared a guy who looked like a seven or eight year old child,

A pair of weird horns grow on his head, and silver lines are spread all over his face,

There is a mixture of Dao fruit and ghost spirit all over the body,

"To deal with you, you don't need your Majesty to do it yourself."

King Qin Guang stared at the child a few times.

no doubt,

This is the demonized fruit of the great road,

"Then you want to die for him."

Dao Guoguo stared at King Qin Guang with a smile,

Now that the entire ghost world is under his control, what can the Ten Temple Yama of a mere Yin Cao Jifu do with him?

"It's useless to pretend to be a ghost in front of me. Since you take the initiative to show up, it will save you time and waste."

Qin Palace shook one hand into the air,

A huge palace resolutely emerged above his head,

Xuan Ming Palace,

Jingle, jingle,

The iron block on the triple Rashomon kept knocking on the door,

There was a loud noise,

In front of the shock, the ghost world is full of waves,

"According to the edict of the emperor of Yin, King Qin Guang, Yama of Ten Halls, come to suppress the sea of ​​monsters."

"Dao Guo Guo, now I give you two choices, the first is to surrender obediently, and I will return to the Yin Cao Jifu to be tortured; the second will be destroyed by me."

"Tsk tusk, kill me, have you seen my true face, you little Yan Luo."

Dao Guoguo's expression became gloomy,

Immediately, many enchanting flower buds bloomed on the old tree where he was.

As the flower buds grow and fade, they eventually reproduced a blood-red fruit,

Countless ghosts struggling from the ground, instantly surrounded King Qin Guang and the killing ghost words.

"You are looking for death."

King Qin Guang said in a deep voice,

"King Qin Guang, do you know the eternal life tree."

Dao Guo had a weird laugh,

Everlasting tree,

That is the old tree behind me,

As for why it is called eternal life, he will know it soon.

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