The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 228: Who can redeem at the end of heaven?

"Since you can't hold it anymore, let him fend for himself, and everyone in the underworld will follow his orders and return to the Yin Cao Netherworld."


The yin gods led their orders and evacuated from the ghost world.

King Qin Guang also recalled his Xuanming Palace,

The collapsed ghost world no longer needs its own suppression,...

The land of Qin and Jin,

The other side of the Rainbow Bridge is already full of people from Fairy Island,

The collapse of the ghost world did not have the slightest impact on this place,

And their appearance is only to accomplish the goal of Fairy Island,

The Kaiyang Wuqu made the people of Fairy Island prepare for the great spirit extinction formation, and then, with the cooperation of other Fairy Island kings,

The Rainbow Bridge shattered...

The loud sound of the sky buried huge colorful clouds on the nine heavens,

An island that never came out of the world suddenly appeared at the end of the sky,

Fairy Island, has come,

"It's finally done."

Kaiyang Wuqu stands on the top of the fairy island overlooking the vast land,

It won’t take long,

The eighth will come back to life,

At that time, the era of fairy island will come completely,

With the gradual fall of the fairy island,

A power like divine might began to continuously oppress towards the land of Qin and Jin,

Even mortals feel an unprecedented sense of suffocation,

"Oh my God, what is that!"

"How could an island fall from the sky? Will we die?"

"What did we do wrong."

Countless mortals look up to the sky,

Facing the fairy island,

They only have despair,

The bad guys patrolling the world also raised their heads.

This force that has touched the ground is exactly the existence they are tired of,

Because it is a fairy qi, which is completely opposite to their Yin qi, and it can even be said to be the power of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

"Hey, Fang Xiaoxian, come and see, an island fell from the sky."

Xiaoyaozong ruins,

Since receiving the recognition of the Yin Tianzi, Meng Gaofei also followed Fang Xiaoxian back here to prepare for the reconstruction of Xiaoyao Sect.

As a result, within two days, I encountered such a peculiar sight.

"You said that if this is smashed down, will we die?"

Meng Gaofei said to himself,

"You must not die."

Fang Xiaoxian paced out,

After experiencing too many weird things, Fang Xiaoxian saw it more openly.

The Yin Cao Difu himself has been to several times.

What's the point of an island falling from the sky?

Even if it is really smashed down, it must be the Yin Cao Jifu to fight it first.

To ask why,

It's very simple,

Unless it is the underworld that outlines human lives, who has the right to control the life and death of mortals.

Is it not clear who is the ruler in the whole world?

"Why can't I die, **** I have died twice."

"That's why you can't die. You always win the bet. It's better to bet once, whether the island fell first and killed you, or the Yin Cao Habitat first settled it."

"I'm Gan."

Meng Gaofei was also speechless.

When would Fang Xiaoxian also joke,

Just as the two of them were quarreling, Sima Lianghuan, who had also joined the Xiaoyao Sect, and the other old divisions of the God General’s Mansion surrounded them one after another.

Compared to the calmness of the two of them,

These people don't have that leisurely mind,

If the island really falls, they must be killed,

"Elder Sima don't need to panic. I believe that the Yin Cao Difu will not sit back and watch. Instead, I invite you to comfort the people in the surrounding towns first. If it causes civil unrest, I am afraid that the trouble will be far more troublesome than the above thing."

Fang Xiaoxian’s position now is very clear.

Accepted the great fruits of the cloudy sky,

From now on, he will be the agent of Yin Cao Jifu in Yangjian,

As long as you firmly believe that the Yin Cao Jifu will bring stability to the world, then what you need to do is to do everything you should do safely and steadily.

Carry forward the Daoist School and regain the glory of the past,

Stabilize the mortal heart, no longer afraid of ghosts,

Let the world know that mortals can become immortals by cultivating the Tao, and they can hold the power of life and death in the underworld.

The falling speed of Fairy Island is very slow,

Even if it is visible to the naked eye, it is hanging above the sky.

The end is coming, people are terrified,

The city’s god’s temples in each city were immediately crowded with people who came to pray.

Whatever the reason,

Mortals are always afraid of life and death,

"Hey, monk, don't get in the way."

In the Chenghuang Temple in the Twelve Cities of the Northern Territory, a monk dressed in yellow was pushed aside.

The people in the past passed by like crazy,

I didn’t even notice that I was blocking other people’s way.

The monk staggered and bumped into the dead tree aside, said nothing, his eyes calmly looked at the almost crazy people,

"You can see the monk, these people don't have your Buddha in their eyes, let alone the faith."

The wooden fish in the monk's hand came ridiculed,

He seems to disdain his so-called Buddha at all,

"The world is ignorant, so it needs to be converted into a poor monk. Whatever you ghost says can't shake my heart."

The depths of the wooden fish turned out to be a fragmented skull.

If you don’t take it seriously, maybe no one will care.

Monks and ghosts,

It was originally two opposing existences,

At this moment, he is still theorizing about the existence of Buddha,

"Hahaha, okay, I will watch you how to save the world in your mouth, as long as you don't forget our agreement."

"The Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, the poor monk is no more than a mortal body, and he has no fear of life and death."

"Then you go to save them, I will watch them obediently."

The ghost said disdainfully,

The monk stopped talking, and followed many people to the Chenghuang Temple.

The voices of the people in the Chenghuang Temple at this moment are very noisy,

There are men's sighs, women's quarrels, children's crying...

An endless stream of ears,

No matter who entered, it was a messy scene.

But the only thing they can do is to light a stick of incense and enshrine it in front of the city **** Dharma.

Just begging for your own life not to be threatened,

A few Baojiaxian came to the Chenghuang Temple not long after they appeared on Xiandao. Originally, they wanted to ask Chenghuang to go to Yincao Difu and ask what was going on, but he never thought that Master Chenghuang was not free now.

Noisy crowds can’t be ignored.

Hundreds and thousands of prayers, if you don’t care about it here,

It is estimated that the people will also go crazy,

But Lord Chenghuang listened to the prayers of the people one by one and it was difficult.

He didn’t know where the island came from,

In short,

Once a mortal really falls into despair, it’s true that he will definitely become crazy.

Stabilize people's hearts,

Is what he should do,

As for the truth about the islands in the sky,

Still waiting for the Yin Cao Difu to investigate, he will naturally know.

"What kind of a city **** are you, I come here twice a month, thinking that a sincere heart will make me live a good life, but now it's a good wife who hasn't married yet, and my life is gone."

I don’t know who yelled,

It seems that the status quo is on the verge of collapse,

The God in his heart brought him despair, how not to be angry,

"Don't speak harshly in front of Master Chenghuang, you will be condemned by heaven."

An old man beside him hurriedly persuaded,

"Fart, I'm dying, are you afraid of God's condemnation? Old man, are you blind? Can't you see anything falling from the sky?"

The man yelled,

Let the noisy crowd quiet down instantly,


Everyone knows what is falling from the sky,

No one can live if it really hits it down,

Pray for God, for nothing,

Who would believe in God,

"Old man, if you continue to worship your god, you will kneel. I will not serve you anymore. Damn, it's a death anyway, it's better to die a little easier."

The man kicked over the table used for worship,

The tribute above was scattered all over the place in an instant,

Some people were also exaggerated by the man’s words, and they went out as if they were also enchanted.

It's a death anyway,

There is another fart for believing in God,

It's better to live freely for two days,

Anyway, human life is humble like an ant before God.

"It's so presumptuous, I dared to kick over Master Chenghuang's altar, and see if I won't clean him up!"

Among the Baojiaxian, there are those who can't stand it anymore, and prepare to teach ignorant mortals.

But then he was blocked by the power of Chenghuang,

"Mortals are ignorant, not to mention that it is still unclear what happened. Don't make trouble or it will affect the reputation of Yin Tianzi."

"Master Chenghuang, your offering table is gone, shouldn't he be punished appropriately if he angers the divine might!"

Bao Jiaxian said angrily,

As small as Baojiaxian, as large as Chenghuang,

Which one is not for the protection of mortals and has been desperately persisting till now,

Although guarding the common people can gain merits, ascend into immortals, and be recognized by the Yin Cao Netherworld,

But if they hadn’t existed, those wild ghosts would have eaten up all the mortals.

Now it's just a small problem, and they turn their faces and don't recognize people. Is this kind of guy worthy of their lives?

"People who are not sages and sages can do nothing, this time I really can't blame them."

Cheng Huang said helplessly,

To blame, I can only blame the mysteriously fallen island,

This is what a big incident is going to happen again,

Things in the ghost world just calmed down,

Although Chenghuang did not personally visit the battlefield of the ghost world, he has also heard of the past,

This wave just calmed down, another wave started again,


It’s not easy to be a god,

The clamor of the Chenghuang Temple lasted for more than an hour,

The people also left one after another thoughtfully,

Only the messy temple and the incense remain,

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