The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 245: Calm scholar, chat less crazy

Within the Tang Dynasty,

Yangzhou City,

"Hey, have you heard that something strange happened recently in Wangjiacun next door."

"Weird things? Don't we think that there have been few weird things, man these years."

In a restaurant,

Two alcoholics are boringly talking about some recent events,

"I'm telling you, this strange thing is terrible, listen to me telling you."

"The old man in Wangjiazhuang knows, remember that when he was young, he didn't work as a lay disciple in Shushan. Originally, he quit Shushan early by virtue of his ability. The life of marrying a wife and having children is not bad, but it happened just a few days ago. A big or small thing."

"Wangjiazhuang suddenly became haunted for unknown reasons. Originally, the old man Wang was planning to go back to his old business and destroy the ghost."

"I never thought that I would be posted first."

"Hahaha, did you run into a fellow Shushan?"

Another drinker laughed,

"No, it's not. According to Old Man Wang, he saw two bad guys that day. They took the ghosts away. He also said that he would take them to the Yin Cao Difu for trial."

"Yin Cao Jifu? Why does this name sound so familiar?"

"Can you not be familiar with it, the Yin Cao Netherworld, that legendary Yin Cao Netherworld is in charge of the two realms of Yin and Yang."


Most of the drinker's wine woke up, "Wang old man is also dizzy after drinking too much, right."

"Yin Cao Jifu is just a fairy tale, how can it be taken seriously."

"Hey, don't you believe it, the old man Wang saw the ghost taken away by Yin Chai with his own eyes. This is still false. It is said that he painted a portrait of Yin Chai himself after returning home, and he enshrines it with incense every day."

"No way."

The drinker was dumbfounded,

Everyone knows that the Yin Cao Jifu is just a myth. How could it exist in reality?

Even if it exists, it is impossible for them to appear in this period.

It should have existed thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago,

Is it a fake?

The speaker is vivid, the listener is frightened,

I don’t know if things are true or not,

Anyway, it’s just a post-dinner talk, and few people are willing to take it seriously.

Instead, a scholar at the table next door became interested.

"Two eldest brothers, the Wangjiazhuang you are talking about is the one twenty miles outside of Yangzhou?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Oh, Xiaosheng is offended. I just heard the two talk about it. I don't know why the old man Wang is so sure. It must be the Yin Cao Jifu, or other immortal cultivation methods are not impossible."

Seeing that someone was interested in what he said, the drinker hurriedly said,

"Old man Wang actually didn't believe it, but after the ghost arrested the ghost, he unexpectedly told him that your lifespan was less than half a month, saying that you are outstanding, go home early and get on the road, and then disappeared."

"You said, if the sect of Xiuxian sect, can you see through people's positive life?"

"What if you deliberately frightened him?"

The scholar asked,


The alcoholic laughed,

"You go to Wangjiacun now, and guess that Old Man Wang's coffin has not had time to be buried."

Old man Wang is dead? !

Other listeners and scholars were surprised,

The old man Wang’s birthday was determined with just one glance, and he was given time to prepare for his return.

Can ordinary people do this?

Even if it's not the yin Cao Jifu, it's not a waiting generation, right?

"Thank you elder brother for being so detailed."

The scholar was ready to leave after listening,

"Hey, where are you going."

The alcoholic watched the scholar preparing to leave, and asked,

"Then you need to ask, of course it is to watch the excitement."

The scholar laughed,

If it is really the Yin Cao Jifu,

That mythical existence, then he would also be interested in it,

The others were taken aback by the scholar, is this kid crazy?

It’s a pity that no one can really understand what he is thinking,


The coffin of the old man Wang is indeed the same as the drinker said, it has not been buried,

And according to the scholar’s ​​inquiry, it was exactly half a month after the old man Wang saw the bad news and died.

Seeing through Shouyuan at a glance,

Really extraordinary,

The scholar was even more sure that it was the existence of the Yin Cao Jifu,

He was originally a scholar who came to Beijing to rush for the exam but suffered the darkness of officialdom.

Lost the unsuccessful name, completely in one body, no worries,

In his eyes,

The prosperous Tang Dynasty is nothing more than a fake name. If the Yin Cao Jifu really exists,

I am not afraid that my talents will not be displayed.

But if mortals want to see ghosts and gods, it is so easy. Old man Wang has only had one fate in his life.

Not to mention him,

Without the qualifications of cultivating immortals, he is even more powerful and powerful,


Only conceited talent and longevity are left,


The scholar sought the consent of Wang Laohan’s family and kept the spirit together.

If the old man Wang dies, he will inevitably extradite his soul to Huangquan. At that time, chances of the scholar's life will appear.


This opportunity is only once,

In order not to let myself fall asleep,

The scholar drank a big bowl of bitter tea,

Even in the middle of the night, he was very energetic,

Waited for a long time,

The scholar hasn't waited until the bad news he wanted to see,

Isn’t it true that what the old man Wang said is false, but when I came, I also saw the image of the difference between Wang and old man.

If it's all fake,

The old man Wang wouldn't do that, right.

Can't figure it out,

The scholar decided to wait forever,

If one day doesn’t work, wait seven days,

The soul after death of the old man Wang will return home for the first seven days to visit future generations.

The scholar didn’t believe that he couldn’t wait for the bad guy he wanted to see,


A cold wind slowly blew into the mourning hall,

The scholar’s ​​originally sleepy feeling was wiped out for a while,

After the candle in the mourning hall flashed for a few times, two phantom shadows appeared in front of his eyes, and the shadows disappeared soon.

The scholar stood up alertly,

Old man Wang’s family had no idea when he fell asleep.

He is the only one left in the huge mourning hall,

The bad news is coming,

The scholar secretly determined,

If not, I won’t feel a creepy feeling.

But how can he meet a mortal person?


A word appeared in the scholar's mind,

But this word is easy to say but hard to do,

Who lives well is too long to live,

Looking back at my life, I lost my fame and fortune after ten years of hard study.

The sages who believe in are no more than a fake name,

The scholar only sighed that he was afraid that he would never do anything in his life.

A few strokes in life are rare, when not to beat at this time,

Anyway, people always die, so what's the difference between dying sooner or later?

A gritted teeth, a stomped foot,

The scholar took advantage of the swaying of the candlelight to stop, and he couldn’t think much anymore.

I just hope that Old Man Wang will not lie to himself,


The scholar slammed into the corner of the coffin,

Suddenly blood flowed across his forehead,

The whole person passed out,...

"This person hasn't arrived yet, how can he live enough?"

"I can't, maybe it's the son of Old Man Wang. I saw that I was dead, and want to be buried with him?"

"Hey, old man Wang, is this your son, so filial."

In a trance,

The scholar seemed to hear the two people talking,

And he mistakenly regarded himself as the son of the old man Wang,

"Two adults, didn't my son kneel there and burn paper for me? I have never seen this kid."

The old voice reached the scholar's ears,

The scholar woke up suddenly,

Can you tell that the person my son is burning paper for him is not the old man Wang?

The scholar didn't care about being top-heavy, and staggering to his feet, he still felt that the whole person was light and light, as if he could not stand on the ground.

ghost! !

The scholar saw clearly the appearance of the two guys standing in front of him.

It looks like a person, but a ghost is not a ghost,

There was a terrifying breath of terror all over his body,

Behind them, an old man stood next to the coffin in a formal manner, as if he was about to go on the road.


Under the astonishment of the scholar, the expression on his face was also very strange.

Obviously, people are terrified to see ghosts, but he is very happy.

If the world is full of copper and dirty,

It is bound to be that the Yin Cao Jifu will not be assimilated here.

Otherwise, the myths of the past will not be spread here,


The scholar knelt in front of the two bad guys,

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?"

Very surprised,

Is it possible to meet someone who wants to go to the Yin Cao Jifu?

No way,

The one I met last time is crazy enough, but now it’s not normal.

"Master Yin Cha, please let me go and meet Yin Tian Zi."

"Fuck, what are you talking about?"

She almost didn't drop her chin,

A mere mortal still wants to meet the cloudy sky, is it just for this to end his positive life early?

"Master Yin Chai, I am already full of resources in the world, but the officialdom is dark, and I can't get fame or ambition. It's better to leave me in the Yin Cao Jifu to break the yin and yang."

The scholar said very confidently,

At this time, the two Yin Chai completely panicked,

This kid is really crazy,

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