The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 255: Ali Shengxian, the fox family hopes

Are all the foxes in the Happy Forest going to die here?

The foxes are sad,

Time flows bit by bit,

The foxes in the pit died one after another. The corpses had piled up like a hill, and the smell of blood even wafted more than a dozen miles away.

The other monster races were all angry when they saw it, but they were helpless in their low-level cultivation. They were not the opponents of ghosts in the ghost king realm, and they chose to forbear.

But they all know that the deadly ghosts can use this method to deal with the fox clan today, maybe they will use this method to deal with them tomorrow...

In the deep cave,

I can only hear the sound of water ticking,

Ari woke up quietly,

The sharp pain in her leg made her grin out immediately.

"It's better not to move if you hurt so badly."

A tender voice came from Ari's side,

She turned her head and looked at it. It turned out that it was a younger fox clan who was helping her deal with the wound.

"You saved me, thank you."

Ari said,

"It's not that I saved you, it's Daddy."

Said the little fox,

"Then your dad, what place is this?"


The little fox choked up in the middle of what he said, his eyes were flushed, and he couldn't speak anymore.

A trace of uncertainty filled Ari’s heart. How could he be the only little fox in such a big cave?

Except for his father, where did the other fox races go?

"Little Fox, tell the truth to my sister, if something happened, my sister will help you figure out a solution."

The little fox cried wow,

"Daddy said, when you wake up, let you take me away from Happy Forest and never come back."

"Daddy also said to make me strong not to cry, but I'm really scared."

"A large group of ghosts rushed in and took away all the same clan. If you don't hand over you to your sister, kill them all.


Ari is like five thunders,

Damn ghost! ! !

Standing up angrily, Ari seems to have forgotten his leg injury.

All because of myself,

Killed the whole family,


I want to fight with you,

Ari's eyes were blood red from killing,

In order to become an immortal, she went through a hundred years of hard work, but their group of ghosts actually wanted to swallow their golden pills to improve their realm.

They couldn't fight by themselves, they ran away like crazy, and finally hid in the happy forest.

Even so, the ghost is still unwilling to give up, and in order to force himself out, kidnapped all the fox races in Happy Forest.


You really want to stop my way,


It's so difficult for a demon to become an immortal!

"Little Fox, hide yourself and wait for me to come back."

"Sister, where are you going."

"Before daybreak, I will definitely be back, and I will take your father and other people with you."

The little fox gratefully watched Ali go away, not knowing why, he believed that what Ali said was true.

Leave the cave,

Ari never said the second half of the sentence.

If I haven’t come back after dawn, I’ll run away quickly...

Happy Forest has long been enveloped by a **** grandson, Ari doesn’t have to look for the whereabouts of ghosts such as ghosts.

Sniffing the smell of blood, it is easy to find the location of the pit,

Gaba, Gaba,

Among the piled up fox corpses, there are a few ghosts in the Ghost Soldier Realm that can't resist the temptation of flesh and blood, greedily devouring their remains.

The deadly ghosts don’t stop too much, and don’t frighten the monster race in the happy forest at one time. How can he gain a foothold in the name of deadly ghosts in the future?

From tonight, Happy Forest is his world,

He who wants to live will live, and whoever wants to die will die,


The demon power turned into a sharp blade to sweep the ghost entrenched on the corpse of the fox race, and for a while, the flesh and blood flew.

Ah Li came with anger, preferring to leave the bones of his clan dead, and never let them be defiled by ghosts.

The ghosts screamed and scattered, and some of the corpses of the fox clan that had been bombarded hit them directly.

There was no time to dodge, and he was smashed to death abruptly.

"You finally came."

The dead ghost smiled treacherously,

"How do you feel when you see the corpses of your own clan pile up in mountains? Are you very guilty? Why didn't you come earlier?"

"I want your life!"

Ari fell into madness,

The bodies scattered all over the sky are all of her clan,

Even though they have never communicated in their lives, the blood of the same race cannot be trampled on by ghosts.

The demon power leaned out.

Ari vowed to use his blood to wash away the grievances of his clan,

The dead ghost smiled coldly,

The stinky fox was hurt by him a long time ago, and now he is still thinking about being able to fight to death.

The horrible ghost aura spread around, before Ahri could react,

The slender body has already flew several feet away, hitting the boulder heavily,


The blood flowed down the corners of the mouth unstoppable, and the original shiny fur was also stained with blood and soil, and the original appearance could not be seen.

Ari wants to stand up, she hasn't avenged her family, she must not die.

Even if she wants to go to hell, she has to drag the horrible ghost together,

After dissipating the demon power, the space within three feet was dyed red with fox blood,

Several ghosts who wanted to take advantage of Fang Yi rushed into Ari’s blood sacrifice enchantment and were instantly annihilated.

"Desperate with me?"

"I haven't eaten your inner alchemy yet, who allows you to do so."

After all, ghost spirit came oncoming, and Ah Li’s blood sacrifice enchantment was suppressed and returned.

Burnout repair base,

Ari was thinking of pulling all the ghosts to death, but never thought that the ghosts of the Ghost King Realm were so powerful that they could be forced back.

Is there really no way at all?

Ari is not reconciled,

Why hasn’t she done anything bad since she was born? She devotes herself to practicing so that one day she can ascend in the day. The lintel of the Everbright Fox Clan, but in the end, there is not a single evil ghost that is powerful,

Since ancient times, evil has not suppressed righteousness,

There are always people who better than you,

Are these all lie,

The so-called boundless heaven is a game made by those who have become stronger by unscrupulous means?

Ari's heart was hesitating, and his hundred years of persistence was shaken in an instant.


The sound of the ecstasy chain cuts through the darkness and is deeply engraved in the heart of every ghost and fox like a brand.

Powerful, it goes without saying,

I was already shaking when I heard the sound,

"Fox, if you should do something bad, would you still stick to your original intention?"

The two figures asked calmly in front of Ari,

"If the world is evil, do you choose to fall into it or stick to your original intention!"

Immortal, pure nature, unlimited merit,

If the will is not strong, he will eventually become a fallen immortal. If that is the case, it would be better to deprive him of the right to ascend to the immortal from the very beginning.


Can practice painstakingly for a hundred years without being moved by the world,

Good-natured in nature, strong merits,

On qualifications,

She does have the qualifications to be listed as an immortal class in the Yin Cao Difu,

It's a pity that he was shaken at that moment.


Black and white impermanence needs to confirm with her again, between fairy and ghost, who will she choose?

"who are you?"

Ari has never seen black and white impermanence, nor has he heard of their legends, only feels the breath of these two people is frightening.

Black and white impermanence...

Compared with the stupid fox Ari, the face of the deadly ghost is pale.

Who is the impermanence of black and white,

The Yinsi Zhengshen who rules the evil,

Even if he has a hundred courage, he dare not make a mistake in front of the two of them.

"Fox, didn't you hear us."

Bai Wuchang asked again.

Become a fairy in one year, turn a ghost with one thought,

There must not be the slightest ambiguity in the selection of qualified Baojiaxian.


Ari hesitated for a moment,

"I would rather die than fall into a ghostly way."

Don’t forget your original intention, don’t leave your nature,

The fox demon Ari passed the test of black and white impermanence,

The pure white fairy power enveloped the body of the fox,

Bai Wuchang held the edict of the son of the cloudy sky in his hand,


On the edict, there is already the name of Fox Ali.

"Fox, from today, you are the first Baojiaxian to accept the canonization of the Yin Cao Jifu."

"Cut off the evil spirits, try to keep one side safe, cultivate the heart, and the immortal body will live forever."

With the formation of the edict, those injuries on Ali Fox’s body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yin Cao Jifu?

Ranked Xianban?

Ari Fox hasn't figured out what's going on yet,

He has already shaped a golden body, a deadly ghost whose strength far exceeds the Ghost Emperor Realm,

"Ghosts, what fun is it to find a group of foxes who have not cultivated, I will be your opponent."

Looking at the blood sorrow in front of you,

Heiwuchang slowly came to the front of the dead ghost,

"I have ten thousand years of immortality, supreme merit, and strength is the only way to destroy me."


The dead ghost immediately knelt on the ground,

Do you think it’s too long to work with Heiwuchang?

"You look so disgusting."

Without waiting for the deadly ghost to beg for mercy, Hei Wuchang waved his mourning stick in his hand and smashed his spirit away with one blow.

Other ghosts were also burned by Bai Wuchang’s ecstasy chain,

"Listen to the surviving fox tribe and other monster tribes of the Happy Forest, you have worked hard for a hundred years, isn't it just to be able to ascend to an immortal and glorify the tribe's glory as soon as possible."

"Now the Yin Cao Jifu gives you this opportunity, the edict of the emperor of the cloudy emperor, has issued a ten thousand soaring qualification, and Ali Fox has just passed the evaluation of the Jifu to become an immortal body."

Hei Wuchang's voice is not loud, but the monster race in the happy forest can hear clearly.

As long as you accumulate merit,

Then it can ascend day by day,

This is what so many monsters dream of,

not to mention,

It is the Yin Cao Jifu that is in charge of the yin and yang order that made this request.

If you die for merit,

Under the yellow spring,

Will the underworld still embarrass them these monster races desperately trying to ascend?

Even if the cultivation base is exhausted and the lifespan ends,

In the cycle of reincarnation, the Yin Cao Jifu will also give them special care, right?

Pairs of scorching eyes penetrated the dark forest, and the flames that had been extinguished rose again in my heart.

The way of the sky, there are only great roads,

The canonization is over, and the black and white will pass the edict of the cloudy sky, and then disappear into the happy forest.

Only then did Ari Fox clearly understand what happened.

The surviving fox race struggled to crawl out of the trap,

A pair of eyes stared at the figure of Ari Fox, and then slowly leaned down and knelt down.


Became the first member of the fox clan to ascend,

From this moment on, she will be regarded as faith and exist,

Guiding all the fox races to work hard towards the ideal of ascending into a fairy, even if they are broken into pieces, they will never regret...

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