The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 409: The evil of jealousy, annihilation of nature


The sky of Xiaoyao Sect showed the power of Yinsi, and then opened the channel of Yin Cao’s dungeon.

The figure of a woman slowly appeared in front of everyone,

"According to the edict of the emperor of the cloudy sky, this battle ends here. If you continue to entangle the Lord Wu Lian, the Yin Cao Difu will intervene."

Wei Yingluo said, holding the edict of the cloudy emperor,

"Who are you, dare to stop me."

"Is the Yin Cao Netherworld afraid of the fall of the Taoist cultivated by his own hands, hahaha."

Wei Yingluo sighed.

I don’t know much about this kind of lunatic,

I saw that she threw the edict in her hand forward,

A line of big golden characters appeared in mid-air for an instant,

‘The world is proving the Tao, free and easy to fight. ’

"what do you mean."

Mr. Wu Lian asked,

"The edict of the emperor of the cloudy sky, since ancient times, there are more than thousands of Taoists in the world, and there are also three thousand gods in evil ways. Therefore, I hereby use Xiaoyao Sect as a place to prove the way and invite the world's Taoists to compete."

"The monument of the path of proof, leaving the name of the ancients."

"From now on, the world's Taoists can come here to show their power if they have a passion for high and low."

Following Wei Yingluo’s explanation, a black stone tablet fell from the sky in the void.

The black iron chain is entwined on the stone monument, reflecting the boundless and feeble power of terror,

At the top of the stele, the way to stand on landing impressively,

"This stele was originally a stele of the sins and souls of the eighteenth-tier hell, and now the son of the cloudy sky descends on grace. Take this stele as an example, and the wind and clouds compete for the road."

"Mortal people can come here to leave a name for themselves, and then once every ten years, only the names of the ten strongest people are saved each time. As for the first opening, it will be a hundred days later in the world."

Although Lu Pan’s voice was not loud, it was more like thunder in the ears of Xiaoyao Sect and Wu Lianjun.

"Mortal boy, do you want to do it with me."

Lu Pan stood high on the black stele, and he penetrated Wu Lianjun’s mind.

The human struggle is not within his jurisdiction, even if he really kills the Taoist, it doesn’t matter.

But if he dares to act on the Yinsi Zhengshen, the nature of the whole thing will change.

"What a yin Cao Netherworld, do you want to shield them."

Lord Wu Lian asked,

"Yin Cao Jifu will not shelter anyone. If you dare not go to the 100-day covenant, mortal boy, you can do it now."

"The preacher is not immortal, if there is a catastrophe, it is a fixed number."


Hearing what Lu Pan said, Jun Wu Lian reduced his breath.

Since Yin Cao Difu is proving Dao in the world, then he must be in front of the world to prove that he is the number one Dao in the world.

The six people of Dedao are just a joke.

After the edict was issued, Lu Pan ordered an ancient scroll to burn, and in an instant, the light smoke scattered.

He immediately took Wei Yingluo back to the Yincao Difu,

that moment,

The phantom of the Xiaoyao Sect Fengyun Stele appeared in the minds of all Taoists in the world.

Without any words,

The eight characters of ‘the world witnesses the Dao, Xiaoyao contends for the front’ are deeply engraved in their memory and can no longer be erased.

"If that woman wakes up, let her wait for her death in a hundred days."

Jun Wu Lian pointed to Qi Yudao, who was still fainted in Sima Lianghuan’s arms,

"When the Wind and Cloud Monument opens, I will defeat you."

Fang Xiaoxian stepped forward and said,


Jun Wu Lian burst into laughter, as if Fang Xiaoxian’s words were a joke to him.

The figure turned into flames and dissipated in Xiaoyao Sect,

This riot was regarded as a temporary calm,

"Come here, restrain the dead, and take the injured back to heal the wounds."

Fang Xiaoxian immediately ordered,

If it weren’t for the sudden intervention of the Yin Cao Difu, I’m afraid Xiaoyao Sect would be **** today.

This guy can hurt Qi Yu, and his strength is comparable to that of the Dedao Six, so you can’t underestimate it...

A hundred miles away from Xiaoyao Zong,

The figure of Jun Wu Lian fell to the ground, and the overflowing power made all the creatures within three feet extinct.

"So jealous, why are they so strong, why are they so strong."

A strange voice echoed in Wu Lianjun’s mind,

Like a temptation, he kept stirring his nerves,

"Should you kill them together? I'm so jealous. Why don't I have that power."

The strange voice kept lingering in Wu Lianjun’s mind,

Just like a long time ago, the strange voice hit him for the first time, making him unhappy and full of jealousy.

Why did Master give everything he had to Qi Yu,

Why can’t the master acknowledge his efforts?

Why is I so lonely without a companion? All the blessings fall on Qi Yu.

I'm so jealous...

"I'm so jealous!"

Jun Wu Lian began to repeat the words in his mind.


Became the beginning of sin,

"Mother, look at that uncle with a disheveled look so strange."

"Hey, don't say that to others."

"Sorry mother, I won't be anymore."

Not far from Lord Wu Lian, a pair of mother and son who went up the mountain to gather medicine saw his weird appearance.

I'm so jealous,

Why don’t they have family affection,

Where is my mother?

I'm so jealous...

Jun Wu Lian's spirit is about to collapse,

It seems that the owner of this body is not like him,

With the surging of sound,

Wu Lianjun’s body began to move towards their mother and son step by step,

"The uncle, just now the kid was ignorant, don't blame him."

"It's okay, a kid."

Jun Wu Lian said quietly, "Just be careful in the next life."

After all,

A flash of red light,

The child was broken in an instant,

Warm blood spilled on the woman’s face,


Shocked roars resounded all around, and the consciousness of the dead woman who saw the child with her own eyes almost collapsed,

"My child, my child."

His hands are stained with blood,

The panicked eyes completely forgot how to express their pain,

Jun Wu Lian seemed satisfied with what was happening in front of him.

Why own things he doesn't have,

All the same people, why do I have to hurt myself,

He is jealous,

Jealous of their mother-child relationship,

Since I don’t have one, I’ll kill it myself.

The woman’s body fell to the ground, her dull eyes still staring at her child.

Kill the one who makes me jealous,

He who makes me jealous, seizes it,

That very tempting voice slowly appeared in Jun Wu Lian's mind.

The hideous laughter also affected his expression,

Under the distorted face is the sin called ‘jealousy’...

The world of mystery,

Meng Gaofei didn’t know how long he walked behind the unknown woman.

At this time, he recognized the true appearance of this woman.

Use words or actions to stimulate the impulsive consciousness of those ordinary people, let them commit crimes and absorb their evil thoughts in the strange ball in their hands.

Just accumulate bit by bit,


"What do you want to do, this thing is very dangerous."

Meng Gaofei looked at the lingering ball in the woman's hand and said,

Even oneself can't see through the essence of the Spirit Orb, the maliciousness accumulated in it seems endless.

I don’t know where the woman got this evil thought thing,

He wanted to stop but didn’t know how to deal with it,

"Isn't it about three chapters? Don't let me see you, don't let you hear your voice, keep your distance from me."

The woman said in annoyance,

This man is righteous and can't smell any ‘evil’ at all.

This kind of person is what she hates most,

"If you are backed by its power, you will be invincible."

Meng Gaofei has seen many people who are deceived by evil thoughts because their willpower is not strong enough.

Although I met the woman in plain water, I couldn’t help watching her step by step towards the abyss.

"This is my business, you don't need to take care of it."

"But if you are evil in the world, I have to deal with it."

Meng Gaofei gradually released the aura of his debut, wanting to use this to shock the opponent,

But the Dao power increased to a normal level and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood because of the trauma.

"Just now you want to stop me, huh, a handicapped."

The woman glanced at him disdainfully,

I knew this way I shouldn't have contact with him,

Delayed my power to collect Spirit Orbs,

"Look at it clearly, this is not the human world, and the Yin Cao Difu can't control it here. I can do whatever I want, and you can stay away from me."

Yin Cao Jifu!

Meng Gaofei's heart shrank,

This woman even knows the Yin Cao Difu,


Not easy,

After throwing away Meng Gaofei’s entanglement, she continued on her way, seeing that she was about to reach another city.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly involuntarily,

This small world is really good,

Although there are no ghosts and monks, all of them are mortals with evil thoughts.

I can collect their evil thoughts unscrupulously,

Gently stroking the Spirit Orb in his hand,

The woman’s smile became more and more weird,

Lingyuanqiu is like a child who can never eat enough to eat, yelling at her to find more evil thoughts to support.

The faint evil light came from the orb of spiritual grievances,

The woman’s gaze has also been rendered into a strange color,

Exuding a desire called ‘greed’,

Zaidu came to a strange city,

Her charming face instantly attracted everyone's attention,

Every move,

Bai Meisheng loves.

With a frown and a smile,

Endless enchanting.

"Girl, you look like you are from a different place, don't you know if you are looking for relatives or someone?"

A thin, tall, middle-aged man couldn't stand her alluring temptation, so he took the initiative to come over and start a conversation.

"Find someone?"

"That's it."

"Could it be that you came to find your husband."

The man laughed loudly,

In the troubled times, a woman wandered away alone, so many people looked jealous,

Don’t say you’re married,

What if you have a child,

The law of survival is the law of survival here.

"I came here to find my husband."

The woman said,

"Oh, Yang Dayuan, I know a lot of people, I don't know the name of the husband the girl came to look for."

Greedy desire appeared in Yang Dayuan’s eyes,

Such a beautiful woman fell into the hands of other people is simply a violent thing,

It's better to make yourself cheaper,

Since she already has a husband, she should just be a widow.

At that time, I can still let him live in myself because of her pity,

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