The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 435: The reincarnation of the emperor, the world is vast

Even with these guarantees,

Shen Lian is still not at ease,

The cloudy sky is invincible,

But above the system settings, he can't do anything.

Even if it is invincible, it will be restrained,

One day and three hours have passed, Shen Lian thought of no less than a hundred methods, but none of them could be implemented.

The setting of the system is absolute,

I can’t change it myself,

Now the only place where the Yin Cao Jifu and the human world can be connected is the Naihe Bridge.

And in the Yin Cao Jifu,

Except for the ghasts of the eighteenth **** that can follow their own dispatches,

He also deliberately left a new force in preparation for emergencies-scale monsters,

To ensure that the world is safe,

Shen Lian must find the loopholes in the system, and then use the only remaining power in the Yin Cao Jifu to turn things around.

To talk about loopholes,

He thought hard for a long time,

I finally found an existence that was neither punished by the system nor violated any order.

That is the Naihe Bridge,

By the dead soul of reincarnation,

Shen Lian reincarnated as a soul, and then reincarnated into the human world,

Ten days,

The overcast son reincarnated, so that we can ensure the peace of the world,

But to say that there is danger,

In case, after Shen Lian reincarnated, he would still be the identity of the son of the cloudy sky.

But he has an extra mortal body,

In case the body is destroyed, Shen Lian can really become the unowned soul,

In case of being swallowed by ghosts,

Then he is really dead,


The scale monster clan became his last escort,

Naihe Bridge,

The ghast continues to help Wei Yingluo maintain the order of reincarnation,

Even if there is no difference,

Those dead souls who are waiting for rebirth also dare not make times,

Ghasts don’t tell them much,

One that doesn’t look pleasing to the eye is the treatment of delamination,

Zhang Hao xianmei guarded one end of the Naihe Bridge,

He knew that Wei Yingluo still regarded herself as unpleasant. After all, he was the enemy who killed her family, and he wished to frustrate himself.

But Zhang Hao doesn't care,

Without morals, anything is possible,

He has already been a ghost, and his face is even less important.

Silently squatted in the corner and counted the hours,

After eight days and four hours, the order of the Yin Cao Jifu returns, and he will be able to regain his freedom.


Unexpectedly, Zhang Hao would have a good life.

Hurry up to the day,

Don’t continue to stay in the eighteenth **** and suffer,


Zhang Hao and the other evil spirits felt a very ferocious breath.

Scale demon? ? ?

Zhang Hao is also fortunate to have seen the scale monster once.

That group of guys started ruthlessly, all the monsters, ghosts, gods and Buddhas are all useless.

As long as the cloudy sky gives an order,

People, ghosts, buddhas and gods, kill them all,

But now the entire Yin Cao Jifu has been banned,

The Yin Tianzi couldn't give orders directly. How could these scale monsters suddenly come towards Naihe Bridge?

"Master Zhang, many don't know what is coming towards Naihe Bridge. Are we going to teach them a lesson?"

A ghast asked,


Zhang Hao smiled.

In the entire Yin Cao descent, people who want to work with scale monsters, unless their brains are flooded,

"They come as soon as they want and let them go directly."

"What? Zhang Ye, that group of beasts just passed the Naihe Bridge like this? Can it work?"

"Listen to what I say, brother, I won't lie to you."

Zhang Hao said angrily,

There is no difference between offending the scale demon and offending the Yin Tianzi directly.

Who knows if this is what Yin Tianzi conveyed with his mind,

Didn’t he just summon the ghasts of the lower nine levels to maintain the order of the Yin Cao’s underworld?

Scale demon,

It's better not to provoke it,

Seeing that Zhang Ye spoke in person,

The other ghasts are not good at talking,

When the scale demon approached Naihe Bridge,

All the ghasts squeezed a cold sweat,

The breath released from that body is tantamount to a yin chase,

If anyone really didn't open their eyes and move their hands just now,

It's almost time to guess that this will not be frustrated.

Wei Yingluo stopped in amazement,

The scale demon directly obeyed the cloudy sky, no doubt,

But they mobilized almost all of the numbers, what are they going to do,

After passing the Naihe Bridge, it is the road of reincarnation in the human world.

Is the scale demon going to reincarnate collectively?

Among the tiers of scales, Wei Yingluo seemed to see a gleaming soul wandering through.

Only for a moment,

She didn’t have time to see whose soul it was,

At the end of the bridge,

One step forward is the road of reincarnation in the same world,

Surrounded by scale monsters,

Shen Lian’s thoughts turned into a state of soul and stopped at the entrance,

a step far,

Yin Tianzi went to the world under the guise of reincarnation,

It is also this step away,

He doesn’t know what the human world is like now.

After drawing a lottery, the wind was calm, and after ten days, he returned to the Yincao Netherworld.

I drew a lottery and drew a lot of bad luck. I was chased by thousands of ghosts all over the world in less than three or two days...

"Little ones, it's up to you whether I can come back alive or not."

After all,

All the scale monsters began to have a point of aura,

Then the monster scales began to peel off, leaving only a touch of soul gathered in the soul of Shen Lian.

With one's own strength,

Absorb the soul of thousands of scales demon,

Let them accompany themselves to the world of reincarnation,

In case of a three-strength and two short-term, the spirits of thousands of scale monsters can still protect themselves from disasters,

Let's go

Absorbed the spirits of all the scale monsters,

Shen Lianyi entered the road of reincarnation without hesitation.


The world is unpredictable,

The world also felt a panic,

In Hexi City in the land of the Qin and Jin Dynasties,

A baby was born,

Different from mortal reincarnation,

Under the guise of reincarnation, the cloudy sky is naturally conceived by heaven and earth, born without roots,

The aura of the sky condenses a little,

In front of the world,

A baby was born like this...

"This is!!!"

Hexi Chenghuang didn’t even dream of dreaming that Yin Tianzi would come back to the world by reincarnation.

He even visited the small Hexi City in person,

that moment,

God and man worship together,

Ask the world, who else is born more noble than others,

As soon as the baby was born and landed,

Lightly touch your feet in front of the Chenghuang Temple,

In an instant,

The phantom of the golden lotus of merit rose from under his feet,

Banned for ten days,

The Yintianzi Sword, Yintianziyin Shou, and Yintianzi Python Robe cannot be obtained and used either.

Even the initial skills of Tie Paper into Soldiers and the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" of the tin rod presented by the system,

The only exception is the Ninth Grade Merit Golden Lotus.


The Ninth-Rank Merit Golden Lotus is used to repair the ground veins, and it can no longer be fully regarded as the possession of the Yin Cao Jifu, so even if Shen Lian was born here,

He can also use the power of the Ninth Grade Merit Golden Lotus,

"Your Majesty, you..."

Hexi Chenghuang led Sifang Land and Bafang Baojiaxian to kneel to welcome him,

He didn't even dare to lift his head for half an inch,

Cloudy day,

The absolute power,

"Why is it so dark this day?"

The time that Shen Lian estimated was not wrong, it should have been a sunny day.

But right now,

Hexi City is surrounded by a gloomy tornado,

A barrier of merit was erected near the city, and there was a little ghostly energy outside. From his point of view, everything was completely different from when the Yin Cao Jifu was in charge of the human world.

The dragon soul travels through clouds and rains,

Flooded the world,

Is this to rebel? ? ?

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood."

Hexi Chenghuang said helplessly,

Ten rounds of the sun are in the sky, if it were not for the clouds and rain without the dragon soul, the world would have become hot for a long time.

Tens of thousands of dawn people may have long turned into corpses and ghosts, rampaging the world.

"Hexi City City God must not panic, you tell me everything that has happened in the past two days. With me here, you can report the peace of the world!"

Shen Liandao,

Just look at the scene after the birth,

I guess the life of the human world is not much better...

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