The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 491: Colorful Xiaguang, the Dynasty of Xuanxian

There seems to be a force that is repelling their arrival,


The breeze is coming,

Everyone avoided a passage, and saw a monk descending from the mini-golden bowl, dressed in a simple cassock, with a stick beside him, and a brilliant golden light on his chest.

The monk landed,

Immediately connected with the consciousness of all the people,

All the people’s perceptions and perceptions just passed on to themselves,


The monk didn’t know what restless factors existed on the other side of the land of confusion.

A preacher who prevents the crossing of the common people is a rebel.

If it is verbal persuasion, it is naturally a first-class choice.

If he doesn't listen to advice, he can only be sent to the Western Heavenly Paradise.

The golden bowl slowly landed in his palm. The monk held the wooden fish and gently knocked on the side of the golden bowl.

In an instant,

The light of the Buddha enveloped all directions, and the stronger rhythm rushed towards the blurred place. The invisible force actually competed with the golden bowl.

Not waiting for the monks to react,

The sound of the Buddha that had shocked the past appeared again from behind him,

Powerful tempo impact,

Let all the people cover their ears involuntarily,

Even so, many mortals who could not bear it fell to the ground and convulsed.

Um? !

The monk was shocked,

The rhythm of the golden bowl can't penetrate the invisible wall in front of it, and the contents inside seem to be not as simple as I imagined.

The remaining people were enlightened by the monks,

They stretched out their hands to praise the Buddha's name,

The magnificent power hovered in the sky, and then rejoined the golden bowl,

The original mini version of the golden bowl instantly became more than ten times bigger. The monk lifted the golden bowl with one hand and then banged heavily with the wooden fish.

This blow,

The earth cracked,

The wind is surging,

The tornadoes on the calm land echoed each other, rising to a height of hundreds of feet,

When the increased power approaches the blurred place again,

The strength of the strengthening golden bowl was still unable to break through the front barrier, but it did not swept from behind like the previous one.

At this moment,

Xiaguang came from the barrier frequently,

A silver-clad Taoist appeared slowly from the torn wind,

With colorful celebrities on his back,

Eyes are like stars, sun and moon,

Just one look, penetrates the vitality of all things.

"Monk, you are here where you shouldn't be."

The Taoist calmly said to the monk below,

This is the illusory barrier that they have built, which can isolate three ways. Even the Yin Cao Hell has never discovered the existence here, but now it has been discovered by a demon monk, and it has been attacked more than once.

It doesn't seem to get rid of him,

The people inside cannot get peace of mind.

"Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, there is no end to the sea of ​​suffering.

"Ha, it's a good time to look back. I have a sword in my hand. I will kill for thousands of years. Why don't you persuade me to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha."

Taoists look down proudly,

The monk’s words seemed like a great joke to him.

The barrier counteracts the power of the golden bowl, and at the same time it becomes more dazzling,

The Taoist looked back at the strange thing behind him and said,

"I see, kill him and go back."

The voice fell,

Behind him, the colorful celebrities came out categorically,

The sky became very radiant as if it had been rendered. When the mortal people saw it, they also looked at it.

The golden bowl flies away in the sky,

Turned into a dazzling light, shrouded all the people in it,

Although it is extremely dazzling in this changing sky, there is also a boundless killing intent hidden in it.

The monks brought tens of thousands of people to the other side, but they didn't want to run into a river of blood.

"Monk, you are too overestimating your own abilities."

Taoist said,

I saw that he flicked his sword with his index finger lightly,

The Yangtze River landed immediately,

Huge cracks appeared, forming a sharp contrast with the colorful sky,

The power of the golden bowl has also been raised to its limit. Although it is not a real golden bowl, as an incarnation, it has a power that no one can match.


The colorful thunder breaks the ground,

The cracks in the earth continued to fly out countless flying swords in the sky,

They attacked frantically,

But the target is not the innocent people, but the monks who hold the golden bowl.

There was a loud noise after another,

The people in the huge roaring golden bowl completely lost consciousness. The monks struggled to resist but it was difficult to prevent the baptism from the sky and the world at the same time. Accompanied by the cracking of the golden bowl,

The monk's figure was immediately submerged in the boundless sword rain.


Break the golden bowl,

Colorful celebrities fell on the dusty ground,

The Taoist slowly walked into the area originally controlled by the golden bowl,

Looking around, they are all controlled people.


The Taoist snorted coldly, picked up his sword and headed towards the barrier, ignoring the life and death of the people...

Yin Cao Jifu,

Judge Hall.

Cui Yu had just compiled the list of ghosts detained from the ruins of Xuanwu Island.

Never thought that at this time,

There was a commotion on the life and death book,

Without waiting for Cui Yu to open the book of life and death, it actually opened it on its own initiative, and it still stayed on a brand new page.

‘Fang Xuantong. ’

The unfamiliar name appeared in front of Cui Yu,

He was pleasantly surprised,

He was stunned,

Finally, there is such a clue to what I have been pursuing,

The appearance of this name means that Xuan Chao has already revealed clues in the world.

"You will stay in the judge's hall, and I will rush to the palace of the emperor to meet your majesty."

Tell me about certain issues around me,

Cui Yu hurriedly rushed to the direction of the Palace of Heaven.

At this time, Shen Lian was also relieved a lot. He withdrew all the Yin Soldiers and the City God Immortal Gods back to the Yin Cao Nether Mansion. Although some people were overcrowded, they did not have so many official duties.


Is his best weapon now,

As long as you silently wait for the changes in the human world to occur, the Yin Cao Netherworld will reappear.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Cui Yu staggered to the Palace of the Son of Heaven, holding the Life and Death Book in his hands and shouting,

"Your Majesty, Xuan Chao has fallen."

"Have you tracked down their existence?"

"Return to your Majesty, a new name appeared in the book of life and death, look at it."

Cui Yu showed the page with the words "Fang Xuan Tong" to Shen Lian.

Shen Lian took a look and understood everything.


The Xuan Dynasty had already arrived, but it had used a special method to isolate them from the Underworld Mansion, otherwise, with the power of the Underworld Mansion, it would be impossible to track down any clues.

"Your Majesty, we will send Yin Soldiers to investigate in the world!"

Cui Yu said excitedly.

"No need."

"Your Majesty, don't you want to track it down?"

"Hey, Cui Pan, as long as they come out, don't you understand."

Shen Lian could not conceal the joy in his heart,

When Hyun Chao came out,

The world is about to be disrupted,

My own three-legged plan will also be formed,

Then the power of the **** monks and the brainwashing mortals of the golden bowl will be checked and balanced.

Kill the monk and destroy the Buddha,

The Yin Cao Netherworld was afraid that it could not bear such a powerful loss of merit, but if resistance occurred from the human world, everything would be different.

People punish Buddha,

The Yin Division controls the Yin and Yang.

This is the situation I want.

"Your Majesty, then we..."


Shen Lian replied to Cui Yu,

Just this one word,

This is the best time to break the pattern of the world.

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