The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 556: Last stand, defend Xiangyang

Back to the palace,

The old man Wei finally couldn't stretch anymore, he collapsed on the chair, sweating again and again.

"Erlang, you are making a lot of trouble, what shall we do now."

"There is no turning back in the bow, old man Wei, we can only bite the bullet."

"But Xiangyang City is an ogre, we are all mortals."

"That's why it is necessary to gather more people to Xifeng City, and then win with absolute numbers."

"But mortals are mortals after all."

"I don't believe that among the hundreds of thousands of people, there are few phoenixes and feathers out there, in case there is a monk or something coming to help."

Jiro said with the last glimmer of fantasy.

Old man Wei shook his head repeatedly.

These tricks of theirs can be done by fooling ordinary people.

If you want to fool those who have been cultivating since childhood, I'm afraid it's harder than going to the sky.

at this point,

He didn't have a second choice, he could only accompany Erlang to hold on the matter together, after all, Jinshan Yinshan himself was ready, and he waited for An Ran to retreat and sit back and enjoy the glory.

the other side,

Xiangyang City,

Two days' journey, one day to siege the city,

Xiao Tiance’s thinking was correct, but he still underestimated the ghost and chaos situation in Xiangyang.

When he led an army of 100,000 into the city of Xiangyang, Wang Chen had already led the remaining troops of his army to surrender.

But it also brings a very bad news,

The ghosts in Xiangyang City are extraordinary,

They didn’t have any thoughts, and even their actions were clumsy. Even so, they were able to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people in Xiangyang City.

After the slaughtered people die, their bodies will undergo abnormal changes, and then they will become the same existence as ghosts, and continue to use ghosts to eat people and transform their kind.

One turn to ten, ten turns to a hundred, a hundred turns to tens of millions,

Today’s Xiangyang City has become a base for millions of ghosts,

Xiao Tiance did not advance, nor did he retreat.

He only has more than a hundred thousand soldiers and horses in his hand, and he is joking to attack the city of a million ghosts. Even if the ghosts are torn apart, it will not be long before the broken limbs and arms will be reconnected to the resurrected ghosts.

As a Taoist,

Xiao Tiance was also powerless.

He and Luo Hu once rushed into the city of Xiangyang and wiped out more than a hundred thousand ghosts, but all the ghosts appeared unscathed overnight.

Choose to retreat,

It's impossible,

Although Xiangyang City is a natural danger,

Surrounded by water on the left and right, there are thousands of miles of mountains behind,

The only way to get in and out is the official road where he is stationed.

Once they retreat, millions of ghosts will rush out unscrupulously, and then slaughter the creatures in the world,

By the time,

The world will become a purgatory existence.

There is no way,

Xiao Tiance could only camp on the spot, sticking to the temporarily formed pass, blocking the invading ghosts, and ensuring peace on earth.

Can be done,

After too long a delay, the news that King Yi and King Qi were fighting at the border has been brought back.

Do not know why,

King Qi’s army has repeatedly used strange tricks to defeat hundreds of thousands of Yi King’s elite.

Now Yiwang is retreating steadily,

In a short while, Yi Wang will be defeated across the board, causing the entire battle to be reversed.

"Why didn't the Yin Cao Jifu do anything, do they want to give up the world."

Sitting in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army,

Xiao Tiance couldn't understand how the emergence of millions of ghosts had already posed a great threat to the world, and the Yin Cao Difu was actually taken in a daze, and there was no movement at all.

Could it be that there is something unstable inside the Yin Cao Jifu?

Luo Hui wanted to return to the Yin Cao Jifu several times to inquire about the situation.

But the passage that he could open up to the Netherworld Palace was blocked,

Can't contact the Yin Cao Jifu at all,

This made Xiao Tiance even more panic.

"If this continues, you can only choose one goal."

Luo Hui said very clearly,

It has become an extremely difficult reality to help Yiwang ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor.

Delaying the ghosts in Xiangyang and waiting for an opportunity to destroy them all will miss the opportunity. As a human Taoist, Xiao Tiance can't abandon thousands of creatures and ignore them, just for the appearance of an emperor.

Even then,

The reconstructed Shengtang Jiangshan is also hypocritical.

Xiao Tiance wanted to seek help from other Taoists, but he never got any reply.

It seems that all the people are disconnected from him.

"You have to make up your mind as soon as possible."

Luo Hui said gloomily.

"What do you want me to do!"

Xiao Tiance raged extremely rarely, and he was extremely sensitive to Luo Hu's urging.

"you know what I mean!"

"I know what you mean, but I won't forget the promise I once made. I want it for a human being, and I want it for the whole world."

"Even if the Yin Cao Jifu doesn't pay attention to the world, I alone must try to turn the tide."

"I am Xiao Tiance, and I want to make the Xiao family's wise man live forever. There are millions of ghosts, and they can't stop me from moving forward."

Xiao Tiance roared,

"Come on!"

"Subordinates are here."

Two generals walked in outside the Chinese army's big tent.

"How many people are on standby for reinforcements in the rear?"

"Return to the general, according to your instructions, two hundred and fifty thousand troops are still waiting for assistance in the rear."

"Give General Zhou an order to immediately pick 200,000 back to save Yi Wang, and bring back the battle map I drew. No matter what happens, tell Yi Wang, as long as she is using the 200,000 army to support the king for a month. , I will be able to return to the court to help her fight back against the army of King Qi!"

"General, are you leaving only fifty thousand for help."



The general led away,

At present, on the front line, including the army brought by King Chen, there are still 110,000 in his own hand. It is enough to leave an army of 50,000 in the rear for emergencies.

160,000 living people to millions of ghosts,

Xiao Tiance wanted to create a pinnacle that his ancestors had never touched before.

"Two hundred thousand reinforcements. Those soldiers are from the territory of King Chen. They are not familiar with the battle on the plains. Can King Yi be able to hold it."

"Even 200,000 pigs, it will take ten days for King Qi to catch all of them, not to mention that King Yi will never be willing to be the leading pig!"

Xiao Tiance said firmly.


Xiao Tiance left the Chinese army's large account and went to the discussion camp, where all the generals and King Chen were waiting for his dispatch.

Yin Cao Jifu,

Palace of the Son of Heaven.

Po Meng could not remember how many times she had come to the Palace of Heaven to inquire about Yin Tianzi.

Letting go of the chaos in the world, the daily workload of her Naiheqiao has increased by a hundredfold.

Is it possible that your Majesty wants to abandon the world?

In this case, it would be better to close the Naihe Bridge directly.


Po Meng got the answer from Yin Tianzi, but her stunned eyes were full of shock.

"Your Majesty, have you just let go of the affairs of the world just to sharpen those eight people?"

"I didn't care."

"Your Majesty, even if you say this, I still know the situation in the world. There are millions of eater ghosts in Xiangyang City. The ghosts that came in from the filthy layer of Xiaoyao Sect directly destroyed the mortal you personally gave. Evidence Tablet."

"Are these all tolerated by you."


"His Majesty!"

"Mengpo, do your own thing, your majesty has your own plan, you are committing the following crimes like this."

Among the four judges, Wei Zheng stepped forward and stopped in front of Meng Po.

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