The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 577: The fire of the soul washes away thousands of times

Li Hanlin is not good at dealing with this kind of will-shaking karma,

If you want to survive, you can only find Monk Beihong and use his great aspiration to wash away your sins.

"How about this."

Looking at Nie Xiaowu who is getting weaker and weaker,

Li Hanlin had to come up with a more extreme idea,

"I'm attracting the attention of Evil Fruit. You take this opportunity to escape from here and find a way to contact other doors to save us."

"What dream talk are you talking about, you come to attract the fruit of evil, are you alone?"

"And me, little girl."

The sound of killing ghosts came from Li Hanlin's body.

Days of running around also made him look exhausted.

But after understanding Li Hanlin's meaning,

Killing ghosts still couldn't help but ridicule.

"Little girl, this is saving your life. Do you want to consider agreeing with your body?"

"Make your spring and autumn dreams."

Nie Xiaowu decisively rejected the other's kindness.


Then, what kind of face does she have to face other colleagues in the future,

Even if you want to die, you have to die with Li Hanlin, and you must never be the one who is afraid of death.


I'm afraid that the inheritance of the Guyue School will be ruined in my hands.

Nie Xiaowu sighed silently in her heart.

Hoo hoo hoo,

A weird voice gradually came from the mist, and the two of them instantly became alert.

Every time before the evil fruit finds them and launches an attack, there will be such a sound,

"Be careful!"

Li Hanlin yelled,

Instantly pushed Nie Xiaowu away from the original place,

Several huge pitch-black vines came out from the ground, and in an instant they smashed the huge boulders in front of them.

The scattered fragments rushed around like an arrow from the string, Li Hanlin couldn't dodge and was hit by as many pieces.

‘Killing ghost words break! ’

The ghost is all over the body,

Killing ghost words immediately broke Li Hanlin's surrounding deadlock, but more and more vines in the mist have surrounded him.


Killing Ghost Yan used ghost energy as a barrier to protect Li Hanlin from secondary damage, but the explosion just now made him and Nie Xiaowu a big distance.

Nie Xiaowu's figure is still missing.

"Can't leave her alone."

Li Hanlin was still looking around Nie Xiaowu's figure,

Severely injured, in an ambush,

Nie Xiaowu’s crisis is much more serious than herself.

If you can't get her back right away, I'm afraid that tomorrow will be Nie Xiaowu's death day.

"How do you find it? Now there are vines of the fruit of evil everywhere, and we can't even tell the most basic position."

Killing ghosts didn't want to abandon Nie Xiaowu,

But the situation is critical now,

There is no other way.

"Killing ghosts."

"I want to save her!"

Li Hanlin said firmly,


He made a promise in the Yin Cao Mansion,

I am already full of resources in the world.

Now that I have been recognized by Yin Tianzi, I have obtained Dadao qualifications,

Abandon your companions,

But not what he should do.

A golden halo bloomed from his body, and the magnificent power was released frantically from his body, blowing away the mist within three feet of him.

He is like a lamp, lighting up the darkness and illuminating the world,

"Nie Xiaowu!"

Li Hanlin yelled loudly, but did not get the slightest response.

More and more vines attacked,

Facing the blooming of Dao Power, the vines can only surround it and can't give any killer moves.

But Li Hanlin and Killing Ghost Yan are very clear in their hearts.

Doing so will only aggravate your own loss.

"It's really troublesome."

The ghost of killing ghost words appeared from Li Hanlin's body,

Under the blessing of Dao Power,

Li Hanlin’s body has undergone a fundamental change,

Whether it is a Taoist or a mortal,

The physical body's endurance always has a certain limit, so the killing ghost words must be possessed by Li Hanlin, and his power will be enhanced in the form of the ghost upper body, so that the inclination of the Dao power can be more fierce and fierce.

Dao power is like the sun,

Burned in the misty mountains,

The vine seemed to feel the desperate momentum, and actually slowed down the offensive.

Quietly waiting for Li Hanlin to be exhausted.

"Nie Xiaowu, where are you answering me quickly."

Li Hanlin is really anxious.

Every minute and every second wasted will put Nie Xiaowu’s life in danger.

For the first time in life,

Li Hanlin felt his weakness and incompetence.

"Nie Xiaowu."

With tears in his eyes,

Li Hanlin shouted her name in despair, but what he could get was a silent silence.

Boom! !

At the moment when Li Hanlin fell into grief,

A brighter light burst not far away from him,

The pure Dao power crushed all the karma around,

Nie Xiaowu, covered in blood, actually helped the old tree on the side and looked at him with a helpless smile.

"I'm not dead yet, don't be so anxious to cry for me."

Ticking, ticking,

Blood dripped continuously from the wound to the ground,

Nie Xiaowu's face looked a little pale.

Against the fruit of evil,

In terms of their abilities, they are obviously too reluctant.

Nie Xiaowu continued with a trembling finger pointing to the direction behind Li Hanlin.

"As you said to me, I will buy time for you, flee here quickly, and look for other people to continue dealing with it."

"I don't have any extra power to fight on. I hope this extra energy can open up a chance for you."

At the moment of being blown up and blown up,

Nie Xiaowu remembered many things from his childhood,

She remembered that the old man said that cultivating the Tao in the world is actually a pious heart.

Why do people fear gods,

That's because the gods are so high that all mortals feel extremely longing,

And the Three Thousand Avenue is just this truth,

When you see through the past of Hong Chen and have no distractions, your words and deeds are as detached as a god.


Nie Xiaowu could never understand the meaning of these words.

What is detachment,

What is called Three Thousand Avenue.

The gods gave him a second chance to live, and now it's time to prove himself to the gods.

Since alive can never defeat the fruit of evil,

It is better to use the soul as a sacrifice,

Let the fruit of evil feel the determination of the human beings.

"Are you crazy, hurry up and stop!"

Li Hanlin couldn't help yelling,

Nie Xiaowu’s spiritual power has long been exhausted, and now she can burst out such a powerful force because she is burning her soul.

You don’t have to be at this time if you want to sacrifice your life for righteousness.

They have to leave here alive together.

"Let's go, how are you a big man so slow."

Nie Xiaowu’s eyes were already blurred, and the consumption of soul was not something everyone could afford.

When I run out of oil and the lamp dies,

Even if Li Hanlin wanted to leave, he couldn't leave.

Cough cough cough,

After coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood,

Nie Xiaowu stretched out her hand and stroked her chest.

Then his soul seemed to have separated from the flesh, and a pair of white wings grew behind him.

The white flame broke through the shackles of the flesh,

Disperse all the surrounding fog,

The forest restored its decayed appearance,

The countless vines of the fruit of evil began to retreat, and the fire of the soul would also cause them to face death.

"Cut, it's a bunch of cowardly ghosts."

Every time Nie Xiaowu took a step forward,

The vines of the fruit of evil will take the initiative to avoid,

The flames of the soul flickered, indicating that there was not much time left for her.

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