"Nan Feng, can you teach our cooks?" The Mrs. Shang asked with a smile.

"Sure, but don't leak it out. This technique is a treasure, when the Restaurant opens, it can be used." Nan Feng said with a smile.

"It's done, once Restaurant opens it, that huge amount of money will run towards our pockets, haha!" Duke Hua Shang laughed.

Nan Feng did not look down on the Duke Hua Shang because when he was investigating the military and political official residence's information, he saw in the information that the Duke Hua Shang had spent all his years supporting the military, and that the person who donated the most was a noble.

The four of them chatted around the fire, talking about their daily life.

"Madam, in fact, this is what it feels like to be at home. There are so many aristocrats in Capital City, which one of them isn't ice-cold? "It lacks flavor." Duke Hua Shang was on fire as he rubbed his hands together.

"That's right!" Before even entering the Southern Prefecture, you would hear the laughter of maids and the chirping of birds. Mrs. Shang looked at the magpie on a tree in the courtyard and said.

"Madam, Nan Feng doesn't have any family members in the Capital City, if you have time, come over. Nan Feng will make some tea for you, and we can chat." Nan Feng said with a smile.

"Good, good!" No wonder both Queen and Emperor like you. You are a sensible child. " Mrs. Shang smiled and agreed.

After sending off the Duke Hua Shang's family, Nan Feng drank two cups of tea and started to practice his sword skills in the middle of the snow. His practice was on the combination of the Seven Absolute Blade and the Thousand Slicing Blade's knife technique.

Duke Hua Shang's family of three sat on Cars s and rushed back to the residence.

"The food is really delicious, but the person is also a mystery." Duke Hua Shang was a little emotional.

"That's right. I don't know what he's hiding in his head, but it's a good thing he has a simple personality. If he doesn't have the right mental skills, then the world will be in chaos." The Mrs. Shang said.

"Madam, don't spout nonsense. It's easy to stir up trouble for Nan Feng." Duke Hua Shang looked at his wife very seriously, because this was not a good idea.

After cultivating for a while, when Nan Feng was resting, a guard came to report that the two guards guarding the door had been knocked unconscious, and blood had been spilled on the door.

After sitting up straight on the reclining chair, Nan Feng asked about the safety of guard.

After knowing that he was only knocked unconscious and that it wasn't a big deal, Nan Feng laid back down.

Nan Feng thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his right hand. He didn't know what kind of person he had offended, but wasn't splashing blood on the door a form of threat?

"Your Lordship, what should we do? Report it to Queen or Emperor! "The manor isn't safe." Mei Bing said.

"No need, the other party is just threatening me and has no intention of killing me. If you want to kill me, come in tonight and I'll kill you." Nan Feng laughed, but he understood, it was a crisis, the guard in the mansion was not strong, he could not handle the other party.

Mei Bing was worried in her heart, but she did not say anything, because Nan Feng's words were already an order from the Southern Prefecture.

"Don't worry everyone, just do whatever you need to do. We'll talk about it once the other party has expressed their intentions." Nan Feng told Mei Bing. He knew that threats would come first, and that the main target would appear before long.

Nan Feng should still cultivate after all. His Opponent had not appeared, so even if he guessed it, it would be useless.

In the morning of the second day, Nan Feng was brought away by the Duke Hua Shang, and of course, brought along his hotpot and seasonings.

"Nan Feng, what are you thinking about?" Duke Hua Shang saw that Nan Feng was a little distracted, so he asked.

"Young Master, the national policy that I have provided to Emperor recently, will it offend anyone?" Nan Feng asked.

"It won't, the plan you proposed didn't harm anyone's interests, so it won't offend anyone. Besides, you don't need to be afraid of offending anyone, whoever dares to touch you, I, the Young Master, will kill them all." The Duke Hua Shang said.

"If Young Master does not have any stronger guard s, lend them to me for a few days. These few days, I feel a little flustered." Nan Feng said with a smile.

"Hei Zi, in this recent period of time, you have been following Nan Feng. Whoever dares to hurt him will be killed by him. I, Young Master, will bear the consequences." Duke Hua Shang shouted to the carriage driver. It wasn't just the carriage driver, it was his personal guard.

"Yes, Young Master is at ease." Hei Zi who was driving the carriage replied. He was not worried about the safety of the Duke Hua Shang as he was an expert himself. The Crowe family was established by martial might, and every single person in the clan were all warriors. Hei Zi following the Duke Hua Shang was just passing along a message. He had been sent on some errands, and it wasn't really to protect the safety of the Duke Hua Shang.

Once they arrived at Royal palace, the Duke Hua Shang would bring Nan Feng in through the back door. The main reason was that there were a lot of people at the Royal palace and Nan Feng was not allowed to show off.

The palace maid s of the Royal palace were more familiar with the Duke Hua Shang and Nan Feng, so they directly went to the Royal palace s of the Royal palace.

"I'm waiting for Emperor and Queen to not receive anyone else, so I can tell the both of us that I'm going to sleep a bit more. It's too early for me to wake up in the morning." Duke Hua Shang said to palace maid before hugging his shoulders and lying on the chair, he started to get confused.

Nan Feng was bored too, so he pulled over an extra chair and put it on as a cushion before sleeping while leaning on the chair.

It was noon and Purple Thorn Emperor and Queen, who knew of the arrival of Nan Feng and Duke Hua Shang, had arrived at side hall.

"You two scumbags, what kind of place do you think the Royal palace is? This King is really afraid that Nan Feng will be led astray." Purple Thorn Emperor looked at Queen and laughed.

"No, absolutely not." As soon as Purple Thorn Emperor said that, the Duke Hua Shang woke up and Nan Feng woke up.

After the Duke Hua Shang and Nan Feng greeted each other, the Purple Thorn Emperor and the Queen sat down.

Purple Thorn Emperor asked Nan Feng how he had been doing and it was just a common occurrence.

Although it was just a common phrase, Nan Feng was very warm inside. He knew that as a Emperor, it was rare to be this concerned about him, so he took out the wood and iron combination plow map he designed.

"It's too much. Nan Feng doesn't know what's suitable for giving this to Emperor, but Nan Feng thinks that this should be what Emperor likes." Nan Feng walked forward and handed over the plough map to the Purple Thorn Emperor.

"When wood and iron are combined, the weight becomes lighter. It is easier to use and saves the cost of steel. This is a good item and This King accepts it." Purple Thorn Emperor smiled and nodded.

"Queen, you do not lack anything. Later, Nan Feng will play a song for Queen to express his feelings." Nan Feng said to the Queen.

"Good, good!" The Queen said with a smile.

"The royal banquet will be held in the afternoon. The two of you, find a place with no one to sit and start the banquet separately. Later, send this king's Hundred Blossom Wine to the Young Master and the Your Lordship. " Purple Thorn Emperor and Nan Feng spoke to the servants beside them after they finished talking.

After sitting for a while, Purple Thorn Emperor and Queen left.

"Hundred Blossom Wine!" Nan Feng, do you know how difficult it is to produce a Hundred Blossom Wine? The last time this duke drank it was on the birthday of the Emperor, so we didn't normally see it. If it was later when they were having the royal banquet and we ate hotpot, it would be comfortable just thinking about it. " Duke Hua Shang was about to burst into laughter.

Nan Feng could tell that Duke Hua Shang was really in a good mood.

In the afternoon, Duke Hua Shang brought Nan Feng out of the side hall, and into a corner of the pavilion.

The Duke Hua Shang arranged for people to make wood, Nan Feng started to set up the wok.

"Hei Zi, watch out for people, no one is allowed to get near. Nan Feng, busy yourself, I will go to the imperial kitchen to get some food."

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